I am looking for a 3 carat+ main stone for a ring.
1) What do you think of the idealscope/ASET images of the 3 stone below? How do I analyze them and which looks to be the best?
2) All these stones fall within the recommended PS dimensions. Will there be a perceptible difference to the untrained eye between these stones and a super ideal? A super ideal is within reach but I don't see the point in paying more and going down on color/clarity if there is no real difference to the average observer.
Stone 1:
Stone 2:
1) What do you think of the idealscope/ASET images of the 3 stone below? How do I analyze them and which looks to be the best?
2) All these stones fall within the recommended PS dimensions. Will there be a perceptible difference to the untrained eye between these stones and a super ideal? A super ideal is within reach but I don't see the point in paying more and going down on color/clarity if there is no real difference to the average observer.
Stone 1:
Stone 2: