
Help! My husband is turning into Bill Murray from CaddyShack! (aka mole control)

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Dec 9, 2002
We have moles.....9 to 12 new molehills a day....we''ll clean ''em up and turn around and BAM 6 more!

We''ve smoke bombed ''em
Gassed em with car exhaust & a special hose attachment.
Put cat pee litter down them.
Flooded the holes with water

My husband is now starting to resemble Bill Murray when he''s losing it in CaddyShack. I fear for his sanity.
He love for his lawn is deep and this is killing him. We called a mole guy & its $30 a hole!! We have a bajillion holes a day! That''s RIDICULOUS!

Anyone have any mole killing/eradicating suggestions?

You can buy little windmills on sticks from garden centres ( well you can here in the UK), stick them into the holes, as the wind blows and the windmills vibrate, this is said to drive the moles away, I have seen it work actually!

Also I just read putting castor oil on the mounds or holes helps drive them away, and there are things available such as ultrasonic mole repellers which helps make them feel unwelcome too!
hahaha...sorry this is happening to you, but the visuals of your dh fighting the moles is hilarious. hope they leave soon.
Date: 9/14/2007 11:36:58 AM
We have moles.....9 to 12 new molehills a day....we''ll clean ''em up and turn around and BAM 6 more!

We''ve smoke bombed ''em
Gassed em with car exhaust & a special hose attachment.
Put cat pee litter down them.
Flooded the holes with water

My husband is now starting to resemble Bill Murray when he''s losing it in CaddyShack. I fear for his sanity.
He love for his lawn is deep and this is killing him. We called a mole guy & its $30 a hole!! We have a bajillion holes a day! That''s RIDICULOUS!

Anyone have any mole killing/eradicating suggestions?



lol Diver, we had them a few years back, but I forget how hubby got rid of them. I''ll ask.

Maybe you should get him the hat?

My neighbor mentioned using little windmills too. Before that, she hired a mole guy and even after quoting only around $15 per hole, the total added up to either $500 or $700 (I forget which she said)!
I love moles! You could get (humane) traps, catch them, and send them to meeeeee. I could make a terrarium for them on the deck and snuggle them daily.

We had success with mole traps. The manufacturer was Nash. It works kind of like a mouse trap, with the trigger just above the ground and a choke loop that you sink down into the tunnel. It does, however, quite effectively kill the cute little mole.

ETA - Here is a link with a picture of the trap. Link
Date: 9/14/2007 2:13:30 PM
Author: Fly Girl
We had success with mole traps. The manufacturer was Nash. It works kind of like a mouse trap, with the trigger just above the ground and a choke loop that you sink down into the tunnel. It does, however, quite effectively kill the cute little mole.

ETA - Here is a link with a picture of the trap. Link

eeeeh Nooo!!

I found a mole once. I found it lounging around on the boggie board in the pool.. an adorable suprise. I thought about making him some board shorts and wee little mole sunglasses so I could take a picture.

Instead I set him free behind our house, and he never returned.
Ha! Mine too!! Yes the windmills do work! Harbor Fright has really great quality ones. If you have a chain link fence, install the windmill on the fence and the vibration will form a perimeter barrier. This will stop all others from coming in.

Unfortunately our new property of too much for the windmills.

Mine is poking holes and adding moth balls, ammonia and something he found at Lowe''s. Everything is just going to relocate them. The only way to rid yourself is to trap or bait with poison. I beg you not to do the later. There are too many domestic pets that can be killed.

I hear the Caddy Shack theme now ...just so glad mine is not wearing plaid Bermuda''s and socks with sandals!!

i have researched this for myself in the past and it seems that traps is the only real solution. i did read that if you water your lawn frequently it does attract them so you might want to cut back on that if you do it. i got this from a university website. i have just learned to live with them. don''t like it but can''t fight them constantly.
Now I will be thinking of the Caddyshack Movie all day.

Thanks everyone! I showed my dh the Bill Murray pic...he walked out of here groaning. LOL.

I like the windmill idea, I hate the thought of killing them, I just want them to live somewhere else.

Also, this year I took special care to water my lawn & keep it emerald green. Hmmm.....bit me in the behind I see.

Indiegal...look for a package...moles comin'' to ya.
I''ll ask my hubby tonight what he uses for them, he''s a Golf Course Superintendent, i.e. Bill Murray in Caddyshack...
Another thing to try would be blood powder. You can get it at TSC and other "farming" or "gardening" places. It''s basically a sack of brown powder. You spread it over the lawn (you don''t even see it once is it''s on the grass), gardens, etc. and it drives away most herbivores. A lot of people use it around here to keep deer out of the gardens.

I know it sounds gross, but it just looks like brown flour.

I love that movie!!
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