
HELP! Need info on this vintage find! Black Star Sapphire?


Oct 28, 2009
Hi all, went to the trading post this weekend and found this really lovely set. Brought it home and realized the brooch was stamped "14K". There is something stamped on the earrings too, but it's too small and I can't read it. I bought about 10 different pieces for a total of $65, so when you average it out, I'd say I paid a little more than 6 bucks for it.. actually I traded a few things which made my total $22 for all 10 pieces.

Anyway, just looking to find a little more information on it. It looks like a really nice set. I see little stars in the brownish-black stones, so I was wondering if it could be black-star sapphires? The green stones are also held in by 4 prongs on each individual stone, kind of like you'd hold a diamond into a ring. Only thing is, the backs of the brownish stones are a little broken up, but it doesn't show in the front. You can kind of see what I mean in the photos.


Re: HELP! Need info on this vintage find! Black Star Sapphir

There's no way to be 100% certain by looking at a picture. By the looks of them they could be Black Star Sapphire or Black Star Diopside.

Re: HELP! Need info on this vintage find! Black Star Sapphir

The stones do look like Black Star sapphires. I think I see three rays of the six that ought to show toward the poinbt of one of the stones in the brooch. If there were only four rays, then you would be looking at diopside, not sapphire. Put a stong light on them and see if you have 6 or 4 rays and you'll know.

If the 14K stamp is not followed by HGE or GF you might have gotten a 14 karat item and the $22 was a good deal. If these are silver with just gold plating, then it was a trade that won't bring you a profit, but you still have some stones that you find of interest. You might find a metal dealer locally who will acid test the metal for you so you'll know how well you did.
Re: HELP! Need info on this vintage find! Black Star Sapphir

I shined a flashlight onto the stones, and there are 6 very distinctive rays coming from each star-shape. The 14K is not followed by anything. I believe I'm going to bring it to a jeweler tomorrow and have it checked out/tested and all. I actually paid $22 for about 10 different pieces, so in total I really only paid about 2 bucks for this set. Either way, I think it's really lovely and will probably hang onto it. I'll let you guys know what I find out at the jeweler. Thanks for the info. :)
Re: HELP! Need info on this vintage find! Black Star Sapphir

I would say those are very likely Star Sapphires mined in Thailand near the Cambodian border. They are worth more than what you paid all by themselves. Nevermind about the backs, the front is far more important.
Stamps only mean that somebody stamped them, have the metal checked out by a jeweler.
It was a lucky day for you, good work! Best regards, Lee
Re: HELP! Need info on this vintage find! Black Star Sapphir

What interesting info! And a neat find for you.
Re: HELP! Need info on this vintage find! Black Star Sapphir

I would give it a soak in plain, warm water and a gentle rub to shine up the green stones some too. No soap in case they are emeralds and have been treated with oil. It is likely not possible to identify them, but they look dirty. They could be glass, synthetic, or some sort of green gemstone.
Re: HELP! Need info on this vintage find! Black Star Sapphir

I can almost make out the 6 rays on the top left stone in your first picture. The design is very pretty and if the metal checks out, then you’ve definitely snagged a great deal on those pieces.
Re: HELP! Need info on this vintage find! Black Star Sapphir

Yeah I'm curious about the green stones as well. They have an emerald quality about them.
Re: HELP! Need info on this vintage find! Black Star Sapphir

What a cool set!
Re: HELP! Need info on this vintage find! Black Star Sapphir

What a brilliant find!

I'd agree with everybody else that the brownish/black stones are star sapphires and I'd also hazard a guess that the green stones are Emeralds. The piece looks vintage and is either a good replica or the real deal! Either way, for what you've paid, even if the stones were all paste you've certainly got your money in the gold weight alone!

Just a FYI, the stars in a star sapphire can be put there by diffusion (believe it or not)! So unfortunately there's no way to tell if they're natural or man made (if you see what I mean). However if this is a vintage piece (Victorian????) then it's likely they'll be natural.

Just in case the green stones are Emeralds please please please don't use any chemicals to clean your piece. Simply use room temperature water and a soft baby toothbrush. If you have a friendly jeweller nearby it may be worth asking them to do a quick check with a gemstone tester to see how the stones register. This is by no means a failsafe test but it gets you nearer to identifying them!
Re: HELP! Need info on this vintage find! Black Star Sapphir

Thank you guys for all the wonderful advice. I have definitely spent enough time on here to know not to touch it with any type of cleaner.. especially since I have no idea what the stones are. The green stones are definitely a little dirty, not to mention the picture really isn't the best. They look better IRL. I've had people say they could be fake, they could be emeralds, and I've even heard someone else mention that they could even be tsavs, but I'd probably have to have them tested to know for sure. Heading to the jewelers this weekend because I also found a vintage coral set that I'd like to have checked out. Do you guys know if I can have this tested in store, or would I have to have the pieces sent off to be appraised?

I'm super excited to find out more info. I'll keep you guys posted! :)
Re: HELP! Need info on this vintage find! Black Star Sapphir

Nice find! Add another on the list that would love to know what you've got, please keep us posted! :appl:
Re: HELP! Need info on this vintage find! Black Star Sapphir

Just to reinforce, those are extremely likely to be Black Sapphires from the village of BanKaChat in Thailand near Cambodia. The stars are colored by hematite so they are yellowish. I see lots of these. If indeed that is what they are and I would bet a big wad of cash on it even though I rarely gamble, the stars are natural and not diffused. Pictures are 'impossible' to ID stones by but this is pretty obvious.
I would also guess emeralds for green stones but those are nowhere near as easy to ID in a pic. Could be several different possibilities.
The veins of the leaves look like the piece was hand carved/engraved. Could be a Thai piece but 14k is not common here. Best regards, Lee

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