
Help please Bron & Elizat


Feb 24, 2017
Hi ladies, I wonder if you could help me. I’ve seen a lovely Art Deco old cut brooch coming up for auction soon and I wonder whether you’d be able to give me an opinion about it’s potential for conversion to a bangle/bracelet?

I’ve sent a message to the auction house to ask more questions, specifically metal and dimensions, but before I get my hopes up, I wanted to hear your thoughts.


I think it's a candidate. I have had ones done like that before. David Klass did them. You could send him the photos and get his opinion too, before you buy! He did a beautiful job on mine!
At reading the title, I thought this was a crowd funding plea to help Bron and Elizat!

Lol! I would accept crowd funding for diamond needs, of course!
Thank you so much @elizat for taking the time to reply. I was thinking DK for the project, so fingers crossed the auction house gets back to me some the info I need. I’ll keep you posted. :D
If you can’t or don’t want to go with a bangle, a vintage watchband would work well. These two I have “clip on and off” What a Jeweller needs to do is add a small bar at each end for the watchband to clip onto. Alternatively the ends could be soldered on if the band “opens” or “stretches”
If you want to go “all out” would be a diamond band. You could convert either a diamond set watch band (usually cheaper) or use a diamond bracelet with the brooch set in the centre. The other “2 inches” of a diamond bracelet could be set into a necklace (with the diamond section in the centre). Waste not want not!
Check eBay under “Filgree watch bands”. Most are gold fill but solid gold ones exist, just harder to find. My two are actually 14kt white gold. The eg attached is more expensive because it’s actually old new stock. Preloved cost around $70
Here are some 14kt White 86B7C663-91EE-4B51-8EB4-46F7AFC81CA9.jpeg255D113C-BBCE-44DE-9AA8-BB333A9D9B9B.jpeg316B003F-2477-4F69-8FED-71F5DEE80F6E.jpegF9B350FF-399E-4044-B82E-903F29ED2539.jpeggold or Platinium watchband (attached to watches) that could be used as a bracelet. The watches themselves could be onsold by themselves or scrapped.
Thanks very much for the reply and suggestions @Bron357, I’ll let you know if/when I hear back from the auction house. I’ve bought from them before, and they’re usually very helpful.

They have had some fantastic Deco bracelets in the past, so if this doesn’t pan out, I’m going to keep looking. I’m not in any rush, not like I’ve got anywhere to go where I can wear it :lol:
Just to update you @Bron357 & @elizat.

I contacted DK who said he thought it could be a candidate, but warned that brooches are often thin and with that many diamonds there could be a problem, but he wouldn’t know until he saw it. He gave me a price that was OK if I got it for a good price, but the auction was last week, and someone reaaaaaaally wanted it, and paid 5 times the auction estimate. It wasn’t worth that much to me, so I didn’t end up bidding.

I’ve found this bracelet at an antique jewellery shop here in the UK, so no problems with shipping and duty. I need them to answers a few more questions before I commit. Any comments, pros or cons would be welcomed.


@Austina I love the overall look of this bracelet. Playing devil's advocate though, are the stones eye clean? And can you have photos of each stone so you can make sure the facet patterns are pleasing to your eye? I cannot see the quality of each stone from the photo but overall I love the bracelet.
I contacted the company earlier @missy, because they were going to confirm the colour, clarity and carat weight once they had it in their possession. They told me before that it was 1.5ct Si1 G, but said they’d look at it today and let me know. I also wanted to know if it would come with any authentication and what would be the case if I wanted to return it. They said they’d send a courier to collect it if I decided not to keep it, so I’ll see what they say about the other questions before deciding.

I will pay by CC, if they don’t take CC, I won’t buy because at least that gives me some protection.
The bracelet is a beauty. I’d snap it up in a heart beat.
As always, if it comes with a “no problem” return policy (if it doesn’t thrill in person) and is priced right, go for it.