Hi All,
Posted here before but unfortunately the diamond that i wanted sold. Looking at buying a diamond between 0.8 - 1 carat and starting to run out of time choosing one so I have got down to 4 choices and need your expert opinion in choosing the right one as i'm from Australia and cannot see the diamond first hand.
Posted here before but unfortunately the diamond that i wanted sold. Looking at buying a diamond between 0.8 - 1 carat and starting to run out of time choosing one so I have got down to 4 choices and need your expert opinion in choosing the right one as i'm from Australia and cannot see the diamond first hand.
- https://www.whiteflash.com/loose-diamonds/princess-cut-loose-diamond-3986316.htm . I like white flash as you can see where the inclusions are and they give you all the necessary imagines to compare.
- https://www.jamesallen.com/loose-diamonds/princess-cut/0.81-carat-d-color-vs1-clarity-sku-5133054 . At super zoom you can see the clouds inclusion on the face but its negligible in my opinion.
- https://www.bluenile.com/au/diamond...AMONDS&track=viewDiamondDetails&action=newTab , the cheapest out of the lot but unsure of where the inclusions are, they have told me its eye clean and as per usual bluenile don't really give you an ASET imagine.
- https://www.bluenile.com/au/diamond...AMONDS&track=viewDiamondDetails&action=newTab