
Help reviewing VS2 Whiteflash ACA for an engagement ring


Aug 2, 2016
Hi PSers,

I've been a long time lurker and have learned so much over the years from your expertise on this forum. I'm excited to reach out to get your thoughts on a diamond I have on hold. I have prioritized my C's as the Cut, Color, Carat and Clarity.

I feel great about the Cut as this is a Whiteflash ACA diamond (can't help it but the nerd in me is curious what you all think of the proportions??). The color and carat are also a match to my exact and ideal preferences. This diamond falls around the same pricing as smaller diamonds at a VS1 or higher so it really caught my attention (I love the idea of getting a larger stone because DSS is real). It is a bit more elevated on the 5th and silent C (Cost) than we originally planned, but in this case I feel we would be willing to pay the difference given it collectively hits my ideal specs and I don't plan on upgrading in the future. I am well aware that this particular diamond is closer within our reach because of the VS2 clarity. Going a clarity grade higher would mean compromising on the carat size, which I don't think I'd be as happy with the trade off for a more "mind clean" diamond (unless the inclusions are problematic), since we are pretty set on color.

While a VS2 grade is something I'm very open to, I just want to make sure inclusions are not at the point where it has barely making the VS2 grade and won't be an issue. I have noticed that the report says there are additional clouds and pinpoints. Are there any concerns about the number or position of the clouds, or the position other inclusions? Are there black crystals? Is there a chance that these inclusions in particular would be more apparent in person than other VS2 grades? Whiteflash has graded this diamond as eye clean, but should I push for a closer inspection? I've minimized the size of the videos on screen, taken a step back, and don't feel I have notice the inclusions much that way, but we are worried there is some insight we are missing that someone else might be able to catch given the price is seems to sit much lower. We are out of state so going to see the diamond in person would require travel, but also paying in full to have the diamond shipped to us feels out of reach at this time.

I received a video and photo from the WF team of the diamond in daylight balanced office light. I plan on emailing the team back so it would be hugely helpful if anyone has ideas on any additional questions, requests or inquiries we can send at the same time.


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Let me know if there is any additional information that I can include that could be helpful while reviewing this diamond. Thanks in advance for your time, expertise, thoughts and opinions!

Also, just wanted to say I am grateful for this community, I can't imagine making such a big purchase without the guidance and experience from you all. Shout out to the Beyond 4 Cs blog, too!


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It would be easier to put the stone on hold and provide the link. Most of us like to see the stone in motion especially
to look at clarity.
@tyty333 thanks for your feedback! See the diamond here
The diamond looks beautiful, and I personally wouldn't be worried about these inclusions. Like you, I love the color and carat weight.
Ditto @Kim N ...I see no reason to be concerned about the clarity.

This is a Branded Super Ideal stone that falls within very strict parameters. Color and size :love:

What setting are you going with?
Thank you @Kim N and @tyty333 for weighing in! It definitely helps to have third party perspectives.

I think we are trying to determine if the whole package is worth the stretch in cost. Is this particular one is unique / worth the splurge / comparable to a VS1 grade? I haven't seen many VS2s, let alone this combination of color and carat, come through WF in the last year. I saw plenty of VVS2 and above which seems to be much more expensive per carat, and less visible bang for our buck.

I've been keeping an eye on the inventory and thought a similar diamond would normally be priced over $30K and this came in juuust under. There is a 1.91 E VS1 in inventory for $34K so naturally my boyfriend was worried that the position, types, or number of inclusions might have played a large factor in the pricing of the diamond we have on hold, therefore its desirability/value, especially since it was priced similarly among the 1.7s in inventory at the time. I know he would be a little more comfortable with a stone with a VS1 for the peace of mind that it isn't bordering VS2 and SI1.

We'd happily hear any one's point of view on clarity. We both come from an understanding that it really is just personal preference but we are curious minds and love to see other points of views.

As for the setting, I have my heart set on a 6 prong setting with micropave on the band.
Looks like a very clean VS2! Odds are very good that it’s eye clean and you’ll need a loupe to locate the inclusions. I have seen a few VS2 in this size range with more visible inclusions in the images/videos and are still eye clean. An eye clean 1.9 ct VS2 branded H&A is pretty rare and I don’t see the point of paying extra for VS1 if you are not going to see the difference. The price difference is enough to cover the cost of the setting!
Thank you @0-0-0! It’s reassuring to hear that you can confirm it is still difficult to detect larger or more apparent inclusions in real life and that a H&A VS2 at this weight is hard to come by.
Thank you @Kim N and @tyty333 for weighing in! It definitely helps to have third party perspectives.

I think we are trying to determine if the whole package is worth the stretch in cost. Is this particular one is unique / worth the splurge / comparable to a VS1 grade? I haven't seen many VS2s, let alone this combination of color and carat, come through WF in the last year. I saw plenty of VVS2 and above which seems to be much more expensive per carat, and less visible bang for our buck.

I've been keeping an eye on the inventory and thought a similar diamond would normally be priced over $30K and this came in juuust under. There is a 1.91 E VS1 in inventory for $34K so naturally my boyfriend was worried that the position, types, or number of inclusions might have played a large factor in the pricing of the diamond we have on hold, therefore its desirability/value, especially since it was priced similarly among the 1.7s in inventory at the time. I know he would be a little more comfortable with a stone with a VS1 for the peace of mind that it isn't bordering VS2 and SI1.

We'd happily hear any one's point of view on clarity. We both come from an understanding that it really is just personal preference but we are curious minds and love to see other points of views.

As for the setting, I have my heart set on a 6 prong setting with micropave on the band.

Have you talked to anyone at Whiteflash about the clarity? They should be able to give you a good assessment of the diamond's eye cleanliness. I too think it should be fine!
@MissGotRocks thank you for taking a look! I just emailed my rep and got a response.

She reassured me that it is eye clean and that the inclusions were even difficult to pinpoint inclusions with a 10x loupe. There is one inclusion that falls in front of a facet junction so it reflects a little but she reassured that was difficult to find under magnification.
Looks like you purchased it? You will love the color! I have an E and it excites me everyday!
@headlight We have it on hold and think we will move forward with it! At this point, the other alternatives (1.7 E VS1s) are sold now so we’re kind of locked in. :lol:

We decided to go to a local commercial jeweler as an experiment/learning experience and they allowed us to look at a VS2 through a large magnifier. To our surprise, it was harder to pinpoint inclusions even magnified and it seemed eye clean without so we feel much better about VS2 clarity.

Also interestingly enough, we didn’t feel like we were paying that big of a premium for our stone. They showed us a 2.02 E VS2 with medium blue fluorescence that measured the same as our 1.9 E VS2 no fluorescence, our stone was priced just 1-2K higher.

I’m so excited to hear you love your E color. I was wondering if we should come down in color but I fear I might be color sensitive. An E is ideal and I love the idea of an icy white stone!
I asked my rep to compare a 1.937 E VS2 that became available and thought it would be interesting to share her analysis on here. Ultimately, we have decided to follow her recommendation and stick with our original diamond, the 1.9.

The measurements were nearly identical, with the 1.937 measuring slightly larger compared to our 1.9.

1.937 E VS2
8.03 x 8.05 x 4.93
1.9 E VS2
8.02 x 8.00 x 4.89

Compare_1.937_1.90ct E VS2.jpg

Looking at the inclusion map on the report, the 1.937 had more clouds than crystals and they didn't seem visible by their magnified videos online. This made it appealing in comparison to mine which has more crystals that were visible in magnified videos.

Screenshot 2023-11-08 at 10.53.50 AM.png

Our rep said that both diamonds are beauties but she thought ours looked just slightly brighter white. While our crystals seemed like they might be more visible, she felt like the inclusions on the 1.937 were a little easier to detect under magnification and even appeared a little darker. Both VS2 diamonds are eye clean.

I also was curious about the fluorescence grade of the 1.937 as it was graded by AGS and I had read that an AGS Negligible can sometimes can receive an equivalent GIA Faint grade. Our rep confirmed that the 1.937 AGS grade of Negligible would still fall under the GIA None grade.


I was super excited to see the photograph of the fluorescence under black light. This photo along with the notes about the inclusions really sealed the deal for me. I got such a kick out of seeing the results for the 1.9 under black light :lol:, I am thrilled.

I can't wait to see ours in person!
@DejaWiz we haven't put this in a setting yet in case something else popped up that we would like more and are finalizing the jeweler we want to work with. The nerd in me is really curious what your thoughts on the proportions / numbers are for the diamond we bought? I know you can't really go wrong with an ACA but would love to hear some analysis on the specs if you have some time to take a look. TIA!
@DejaWiz we haven't put this in a setting yet in case something else popped up that we would like more and are finalizing the jeweler we want to work with. The nerd in me is really curious what your thoughts on the proportions / numbers are for the diamond we bought? I know you can't really go wrong with an ACA but would love to hear some analysis on the specs if you have some time to take a look. TIA!

*diamond geek mode ON*

The specs are right about Tolkowsky perfect...
40.8/34.5 PA/CA pairing, table isn't overly large, material quality looks fine (the crystals/pinpoints are tiny and light colored), the plotted cloud is also tiny and tucked under the crown, performance Ideal-Scope and ASET results - all in all, looks like a dream come true of a clean VS2!

*diamond geek mode OFF*
(just's always ON)
Thanks, you rock @DejaWiz . I always love seeing your feedback on these forums! Hope to gain as much diamond knowledge as you have one day :read:
I recognize Becca’s hand! You are in great hands with her. That stone looks beautiful.
Thanks @Tonks ! Feels like high praises from you too, love your ring and wedding band sets! :kiss2:

Appreciate everyone's weigh in truly. I've been a long time lurker and have learned so much from everyone, now it feels a little bit like talking to some PS royalty :lol:. Love all the passion and support this community shares.
VS2 from GIA is a really safe clarity grade, I feel quite confident you will be pleased. It’s actually quite hard to see inclusions in well cut diamonds with the naked eye I find. I had an SI2 once about 10 years ago where if I held the stone at a certain angle and about six inches from my eye I could see the grade making inclusion. Why I insisted on looking at the diamond like that I will never know lol. But I’ve never been able to see inclusions in any other diamond I have owned. My antique diamond in an SI2 and has a large dark inclusion on the perimeter I can easily see in macro photography. Can’t see it with my eyes for the life of me. And I don’t go looking anyway.

My point being that in high quality diamonds like this inclusions are usually very hard to see even at SI2, so I’m sure VS2 will be very clean and to your liking! This one looks super clean even in super macro photography.

That is a really gorgeous diamond… big, colorless, VS2! What a treasure.
@Dreamer_D Thanks for sharing such kind words!

I think that is so relatable! When I first received diamond studs, I tried to see if I could tell one from the other via inclusions or light performance but realized I wouldn't be able to.

I promised my boyfriend I wouldn't look at our actual engagement ring diamond until it's set, and I've stayed true to my word. I haven't taken a peek yet, (even though it's been hard and so tempting!) and I'm hoping to keep it that way until the proposal. I'm glad you shared your story though because, like a crazy person, I probably would try at least once to find the inclusions but it sounds like I'm better off not trying at all :lol:.

I recently saw Dolly's (xothebijouxbox on instagram) stories/posts about her own engagement ring diamond and absolutely LOVED how she referred to inclusions as "freckles". It was life-altering. For the average eager buyer, there always feels like there is a negative connotation to "inclusions" as we vaguely know them.

But "FRECKLES"? WOW. Game changer. I think that perspective perfectly encapsulates what inclusions truly are for those that aren't close to the diamond industry as something that is not something to be scared of and makes it more approachable. It really is just natural characteristics that are unique to each diamond. :angel:

I think people worry about inclusions since the average person knows the lack of inclusions is much more valuable, thus the presence of them means it's less desirable and less valuable (I know I had that mindset when I first started my search, and see the same thing happen with friends and my boyfriend starting out too). Moving forward I am trying to remember that ALL natural diamonds are still highly, highly valuable, regardless of their inclusions.

Thanks everyone for helping me shift my mindset! I was worried this diamond wasn't going to be mind clean but I feel more confident after your reassurances and shared experiences. :D
@Dreamer_D I'm afraid the hold up now is ME!!! I've narrowed it down to two jewelers but have to compromise for an element or detail I want with each of them. I think I have my decision now and should be putting a deposit in this week. Both jewelers said they will require 4 weeks for production.
Hi friends! I ended up dropping off the diamond to be set at the end of February. The jeweler finished the piece in 3 weeks and it took another for it to arrive. My partner hasn't had the chance to proposed yet so I haven't seen our ring in person but I may or may not have gotten clever and found photos from the jeweler online of our engagement ring. :twisted2::P2

I had requested arrow orientation to be set East/West if the setter didn't feel the inclusions should dictate how it's set. I have a few of questions I was hoping this community could help provide clarity on:
  • Did the inclusions win the battle on orientation for setting given where they sit on the plot map and that its set slightly off centered?

  • Is arrow orientation noticeable in real life (will this drive me crazy since it is an ACA set North/South and slightly off centered)?

  • Would it be worth it to have them adjust the orientation or should I trust their expertise?

  • If I were to have them fix the orientation, is that something that would affect the durability of the prongs?

Thanks in advance! Hopefully I can share a better photo soon-ish once he pops the question!
I can’t say if it would drive you crazy or if you’d notice it in person. But I do so a slight misalignment. I don’t think it affects the integrity of the prongs to make a small adjustment.
Wait to see it before doing anything. If you are talking about the E/W arrows not being centered on the band I think that is
just the photo setup. If you are talking about the N/S arrows I'm not sure if its off enough to made a big difference in
the real-world. In other words...I dont think it would bother me...but it may* bother you.

I wouldn't have them change anything until you receive it and live with it for a week or so and see how you feel/what you think.
Wait to see it before doing anything. If you are talking about the E/W arrows not being centered on the band I think that is
just the photo setup. If you are talking about the N/S arrows I'm not sure if its off enough to made a big difference in
the real-world. In other words...I dont think it would bother me...but it may* bother you.

I wouldn't have them change anything until you receive it and live with it for a week or so and see how you feel/what you think.

Thanks! I am not bothered about actual prongs placement but where the arrows are set and are covered by them. I have a preference for the bottom right, just wondering how obvious or subtle this is in real life and if those who have a preference would be bothered by this over time if it wasn't set the way they preferred.

Hi PSers,

I've been a long time lurker and have learned so much over the years from your expertise on this forum. I'm excited to reach out to get your thoughts on a diamond I have on hold. I have prioritized my C's as the Cut, Color, Carat and Clarity.

I feel great about the Cut as this is a Whiteflash ACA diamond (can't help it but the nerd in me is curious what you all think of the proportions??). The color and carat are also a match to my exact and ideal preferences. This diamond falls around the same pricing as smaller diamonds at a VS1 or higher so it really caught my attention (I love the idea of getting a larger stone because DSS is real). It is a bit more elevated on the 5th and silent C (Cost) than we originally planned, but in this case I feel we would be willing to pay the difference given it collectively hits my ideal specs and I don't plan on upgrading in the future. I am well aware that this particular diamond is closer within our reach because of the VS2 clarity. Going a clarity grade higher would mean compromising on the carat size, which I don't think I'd be as happy with the trade off for a more "mind clean" diamond (unless the inclusions are problematic), since we are pretty set on color.

While a VS2 grade is something I'm very open to, I just want to make sure inclusions are not at the point where it has barely making the VS2 grade and won't be an issue. I have noticed that the report says there are additional clouds and pinpoints. Are there any concerns about the number or position of the clouds, or the position other inclusions? Are there black crystals? Is there a chance that these inclusions in particular would be more apparent in person than other VS2 grades? Whiteflash has graded this diamond as eye clean, but should I push for a closer inspection? I've minimized the size of the videos on screen, taken a step back, and don't feel I have notice the inclusions much that way, but we are worried there is some insight we are missing that someone else might be able to catch given the price is seems to sit much lower. We are out of state so going to see the diamond in person would require travel, but also paying in full to have the diamond shipped to us feels out of reach at this time.

I received a video and photo from the WF team of the diamond in daylight balanced office light. I plan on emailing the team back so it would be hugely helpful if anyone has ideas on any additional questions, requests or inquiries we can send at the same time.


Screen Shot 2023-09-28 at 12.07.24 PM.png


Let me know if there is any additional information that I can include that could be helpful while reviewing this diamond. Thanks in advance for your time, expertise, thoughts and opinions!

Also, just wanted to say I am grateful for this community, I can't imagine making such a big purchase without the guidance and experience from you all. Shout out to the Beyond 4 Cs blog, too!

Hey, you should check out this new site, It’s got this cool AI that scans for inclusions and weeds out the bad ones, so you only see the best diamonds with nice imperfections. Plus, there’s tons of info on there to help you out.