
Help Stop the Chinese Arms Shipment to Zimbabwe

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Apr 5, 2007
Friends, I know that the topic of African issues doesn''t come up here very often if at all, however, having just returned from Uganda, I''d like to bring your collective attention to the mounting crisis in Zimbabwe. For many years, Robert Mugabe has dictated his reign over his country, taking it from a wonderful, vibrant country that was managing to build on the legacy that their British colonizers had left them, and plunging it into the depths of human disaster. Most people have no access to food, and they''re lucky if they can scrape together a mouthful of maize meal each day. It''s population are living in a nightmare that sadly, and perhaps more tragic, it''s African neighbors dont seem willing to help at all. The one person that could make a difference - Thabo Mbeki of South Africa - refuses to lay the hammer down, probably because he doesn''t want his neighbors forcing him to do something one day. The entire situation is pathetic and if Zimbabwe had oil, we''d be doing a lot more to help them.

Last week, the world learned that China hadn''t done enough to abuse human rights in Tibet and Darfur, and now, they have sent a cargo ship filled with arms, destination: Zimbabwe. Yeah, China is helping Mugabe re-fuel his crazy regime and clamp down on the opposition movement, who won last month''s Presidential election. Morgan Tsvangiri likely won in a landslide and since the election, in which Zimbabweans turned out in record numbers, defying crack downs and threats of personal violence if they voted for the opposition. Since Mugabe runs every aspect of the "government" there, the Election Results have not been released yet because he claims that it will start riots, etc. Of course it will, as he lost yet will not abdicate. It is widely believed that Mugabe is waiting until this Chinese arms shipment arrives in country, before releasing any election results because with renewed arms (we''re talking not just bullets, but rocket launchers, missles, etc.) he''ll be able to have his thugs terrorize the people into submission yet again (this has been going on for decades now).

Enough is enough. Right now, Morgan Tsvangiri - the "newly elected" President of Zimbabwe, is in Botswana, and Mugabe has said he should not come back or he wont be "safe". In addition, political pressure from the UK and US and others, has apparently forced South Africa to refuse to allow the arms ship to doc on South African soil. The Chinese ship has tried to dock in Mozambique and East Africa but those countries are remaining united in their refusal to allow this ship to doc anywhere in Africa to unload it''s deadly shipment. Now, the ship is headed around Cape Town, and up to Namibia and Angola. Namibian organizations are trying to force their government to also stand united and refuse to allow this ship to offload in Namibia as well.

To that end, and for those who want to do something concrete to help, my friend who lives/works in Namibia sent the below to me this morning. I would urge you to participate by signing this petition and passing it along to anyone who would be interested in helping, including any other forums you might frequent. PSers, there are just no words to describe the horrors that have been festering in Zimbabwe for years. People that were once vibrant and animated, have been beaten into submission with violence and poverty that is beyond your imagination. The fact that most Americans dont even know what''s going on there is a travesty in itself. We talk here about expensive baubles and luxury purchases that none of us really "needs"...Perhaps we can take a moment to think of those who literally have nothing, and take action to make a change... Thanks for reading this diatribe and making it this far! If you have any more questions on this, feel free to ask.

A ship carrying arms, including 3 million rounds of ammunition, bound
for Zimbabwe is currently trying to find a way of delivering its deadly
cargo. It is highly likely that these weapons will be used to fuel
violence, killings and intimidation in Zimbabwe''s growing political

Please help stop these arms getting through to Zimbabwe.

Sign the petition:

Find out more about this action:
signed and sent on.

Thanks for posting that, Surf.
Coati, thank you so much for participating. Every signature, every individual helps...
Date: 4/22/2008 1:42:27 PM
Author: coatimundi
signed and sent on.
plus one!

movie zombie
Signed and passing along. ETA I hope you don't mind but I copied your post here in my email when passing it along because I thought it was very informative.
I'm actually surprised too see this here.
Someone I know is from there and got out about 15 years ago and too the US and talks about it all the time.

China is the worlds largest arms dealer taking over from the the Former Soviet Union when they fell.
The are also arming both sides in the drug wars in South America.
The sales where at the lowest when US sportsman were buying up all the ammunition at prices higher than the other countries could pay for it.
Of course our .gov had too ban the importation of it because they fear the American people.
movie zombie, thanks!

Moon, thanks and feel free to forward in its entirety. Most appreciated!
Signed and sent on. Disappointed that since both of us use the same e-mail address, can only sign once.

Considering setting up an alternate e-mail asap
My heart has been breaking for the people of Zimbabwe for many years now. We all live in such a comfortable bubble...signing was the very least I could do. I really do hope it helps.
Date: 4/22/2008 6:09:22 PM
Author: strmrdr
I''m actually surprised too see this here.
Someone I know is from there and got out about 15 years ago and too the US and talks about it all the time.

China is the worlds largest arms dealer taking over from the the Former Soviet Union when they fell.
The are also arming both sides in the drug wars in South America.
The sales where at the lowest when US sportsman were buying up all the ammunition at prices higher than the other countries could pay for it.
Of course our .gov had too ban the importation of it because they fear the American people.
OK Storm, you''d better be trotting out some SERIOUS stats, because all the ones I''ve every read on every site from Wikipedia (I know...) to and just about everything in between has the US far and away as the country with the largest overall military expenditures AND exports. WE are the biggest arms dealer by far. ( ) Now, China HAS, according to Globalissues, increased their expenditures 165% in the last 10 years...

I''ve been reading for a long time now and anytime I''ve seen fit to check a link and verify sources, I''ve seen they are researched and sourced out the wazoo. It was the first place I ever saw reference to the Project for a New American Century site.

Your sources please.
Date: 4/22/2008 9:46:48 PM
Author: ksinger
OK Storm, you'd better be trotting out some SERIOUS stats, because all the ones I've every read on every site from Wikipedia (I know...) to and just about everything in between has the US far and away as the country with the largest overall military expenditures AND exports. WE are the biggest arms dealer by far. ( ) Now, China HAS, according to Globalissues, increased their expenditures 165% in the last 10 years...

I've been reading for a long time now and anytime I've seen fit to check a link and verify sources, I've seen they are researched and sourced out the wazoo. It was the first place I ever saw reference to the Project for a New American Century site.

Your sources please.
US exports very little in the way of small arms and ammo, the US imports most of its ammo.
US exports are mostly technology and big ticket items.

China mostly supplies man portable equipment small arms and ammo.

In $$ the US is ahead but in raw tonnage of goods on the market far behind.

I dont have time right now too hunt links but if I find time will do so.
Date: 4/22/2008 6:09:22 PM
Author: strmrdr
I'm actually surprised too see this here.

Someone I know is from there and got out about 15 years ago and too the US and talks about it all the time.

China is the worlds largest arms dealer taking over from the the Former Soviet Union when they fell.

The are also arming both sides in the drug wars in South America.

The sales where at the lowest when US sportsman were buying up all the ammunition at prices higher than the other countries could pay for it.

Of course our .gov had too ban the importation of it because they fear the American people.

Strmrdr, not even close. The Center for Defense Information also offers a wealth of information.

Surf, my apologies for the threadjack! Thanks again for alerting me to this issue.
coati, karen, no worries..and thanks ladies for supporting this important humanitarian crisis...It warms my heart that you guys took the time to check out that petition/site. Thanks.
Date: 4/22/2008 10:28:56 PM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 4/22/2008 9:46:48 PM
Author: ksinger
OK Storm, you''d better be trotting out some SERIOUS stats, because all the ones I''ve every read on every site from Wikipedia (I know...) to and just about everything in between has the US far and away as the country with the largest overall military expenditures AND exports. WE are the biggest arms dealer by far. ( ) Now, China HAS, according to Globalissues, increased their expenditures 165% in the last 10 years...

I''ve been reading for a long time now and anytime I''ve seen fit to check a link and verify sources, I''ve seen they are researched and sourced out the wazoo. It was the first place I ever saw reference to the Project for a New American Century site.

Your sources please.
US exports very little in the way of small arms and ammo, the US imports most of its ammo.
US exports are mostly technology and big ticket items.

China mostly supplies man portable equipment small arms and ammo.

In $$ the US is ahead but in raw tonnage of goods on the market far behind.

I dont have time right now too hunt links but if I find time will do so.
Well, I''ll certainly not argue that certain categories of weapons, or sales to certain countries/regions are larger by suppliers such as Russia. But you weren''t terribly precise, hence the objection. I''ve been reading the "CRS Report for Congress" aka "The Grimmett Report". That and talking with my FI, who was in the gun trade - sales, smithing, and running a gun range - for about 15 years, before dropping all that for the glamour of being a history teacher. (Ah those early years of shooting anything that blew a bullet out one end, gun shows, black powder shoots at the crack of dawn, gun shows, re-priming casings, the gun shop with the autos in the area fondly known as "Paranoid Corner"..... and the gun shows. Did I mention the gun shows..?
Lord how I DON''T miss all that. The things we girls do for our men! Must have been crazy. Or in love.
Siged - signatory number 4056.

The Zimbabwe situation is huge news over here, I''m really shocked it''s not making headlines in the States
So apparently FF already knew about this situation (although I''m not certain if he knew about the petition as I didn''t ask). He responded to my email with a link to a recent article one of our favorite writers wrote on the situation: Found Here and he said this (he''s a reggae fan, and I adore Bob Marley):

"An interesting side note to all this, and kinda depressing: after Mugabe''s ZANU won a landslide victory in the national elections directly preceding independence, the first words after the official declaration of independence at the ceremony in April were purportedly "Ladies and gentlemen, Bob Marley and the Wailers!" What followed was thousands of black Zimbabweans trying to force their way into a concert meant only for ZANU and ZAPU cadres and international luminaries like Prince Charles and Indira Ghandi, a mob scene that was broken up with batons and tear gas. Marley and crew took the stage again the next night for over 100,000 people in a soccer stadium, but word is he was so put off by the heavy handed repression that his performance was pretty weak....."
Done and done
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