
Help with Etsy transaction. Sent wrong stone, won't reply


Mar 7, 2013

I am quite new to Etsy, having had one successful non-gem purchase three years ago and deciding to use them again for two coloured stone purchases.

I bought a chrysoprase, and a moonstone pair. The chrysoprase that arrived was, simply, not the one in the picture. Apart from the colour being darker and the translucency 'less translucent', the dimensions are wrong (0.5mm smaller - the dimensions were given to one decimal point - and 0.58 carats smaller - weight was given to two decimal points, and was not .00).

It took 7 days for the stones to be shipped (as in, 7 days between my purchase date, and the seller handing them in to their local post office counter). I have no idea whether they were cutting a new chrysoprase in that time, or what.

The moonstones - I bought a pair - one is (sort of) like the picture, one isn't. I'm most cross about the chrysoprase - it's just so blatant.

I emailed them within an hour of the stones arriving, last Friday. Rather worryingly, when I went to write the email, the shop had closed - the link to their shop name was a 'broken' link, there were no other items in the shop, etc. When I went to look in my Convos to see whether they had replied, on Sunday and today (I was just looking in my associated email address on Saturday), the shop at least appeared to be up and running again, so that is something. However this surely means that they will have logged in and seen my messages?

They haven't replied to either of my two emails sent through the Etsy 'Convo' facility four days ago. I sent them photographs of my precision calipers measuring the chrysoprase, and the chrysoprase on my highly accurate digital scale. Not to mention the colour - I took a picture outdoors to try and come as close to their colour as possible, and it was just nowhere near. I also sent them a photo of the 'rainbow' moonstones looking rather bland, and one with pretty odd proportions and less colour. That said, the weight on the digital scales is at least correct, and as advertised for the pair.

I am so frustrated, as it will cost me around £40 to send back the stones insured. Royal Mail won't insure gems (it's in the small print) sent to the USA.

Well I tried to see what I could do about this, and it says somewhere in Etsy Help that you can open a case as it were, and if the item is found to be not as described, Etsy will rule that the seller must pay the buyer's return costs. Is this true? If so, how can they enforce it?

Secondly, there is supposed to be a link next to the item to report it. It isn't there. I think it said it should be there 10 days after international purchases, but it simply isn't there. My purchase was made on 9th January. It says I can 'Leave a review' on 29th January. The plain return policy of the shop is: 'return promptly within five days of receipt for a full refund, less shipping.' Well I mean I have had the gems for four days now.

It is more or less immaterial as the items arrived unscathed, but they were in small clear plastic bags. The moonstone pair were in the same tiny plastic bag. There were no gem boxes as in the pictures of the items on their listings. If the gems were what I ordered I wouldn't even be mentioning this, but it is just another thing that irks.

If this were ebay I would know how things work, but I really don't have a clue as it is Etsy. Can anyone give me a couple of pointers as to what I ought to do next? I feel like I have been treated as a bit of a fool, actually. That they assumed I was dumb enough not to notice they sent a different gemstone :( And it will cost me a chunk to safely send it back. £40 postage for a £60 chrysoprase. The moonstones were supposed to be rainbow and don't look all that much different to white, even on a black background under spotlighting. One is, to be fair, not too bad, and I can see that it is the same gem as pictured; as I say though, one performs rather worse than the other - it cannot be prodded into showing anything but white, and a bit of blue, which I did not expect from the picture. Are they the same moonstones as in the picture? I think one of them is, but I am really having my doubts about the other. As I say though, the weight for the pair is precisely on the button.

I paid via Paypal, and do know a bit about their buyer protection, but wondered whether there is a procedure to follow with Etsy. Also I would like to invoke my return postage being covered if this even is at all an option.

Sorry for the negative post. Hopefully someone can just walk me through what to do next.

To add - I have just noticed the chrysoprase I purchased is on sale in their shop at a higher price. The exact same pictures are being used, the exact same code number as was used for my chrysoprase is the code number of this chrysoprase in their shop, the exact same weight and dimensions as originally listed. I see this listing was created two months ago, and the listing with my chrysoprase was created three months ago?? I have no idea what is going on :(
Re: Help with Etsy transaction. Sent wrong stone, won't repl

I have more faith in a dispute lodged through PayPal than Etsy. Etsy doesn't seem to care about what the vendors do so there are both great and crappy vendors there.
Re: Help with Etsy transaction. Sent wrong stone, won't repl

Thank you Chrono.

What is a reasonable amount of time to allow them to reply? I have just found out they have more shops on Etsy with different (but related) specialisms, and more transactions in those shops than in the one I purchased from. There are a number of one star reviews in one of them, complaining about lack of communication. The overall rating is 4.5 stars though, for that shop.

I am worried about getting stung for the return fee. It is why I am very careful to manage my expectations via research, so this scenario doesn't occur. Especially when the gem cost is so out of proportion to the return cost.

I am just picking through the Etsy policies:

Note: For orders made with Direct Checkout, you can only use one method of dispute resolution against sellers on Etsy. If you have filed a chargeback with your credit card company, you cannot also file a case. If you file a chargeback after opening a case on Etsy, that Etsy case will be closed.

- does this mean I can choose either Paypal or Etsy resolution? If Etsy fails, can I then no longer invoke Paypal resolution? :

Please note: A buyer who paid via PayPal may have a limited time frame in which to file a claim for refund of purchase under PayPal's policies. PayPal’s process is separate from Etsy’s case system.

- from this I imagine if the Etsy case fails, I can use Paypal?

When a Case Can Be Closed

The buyer and seller communicate directly and reach a resolution, and the buyer closes the case.
The item(s) is delivered (for a Non-Delivery case).
The seller issues a full refund.
The seller provides proof of shipment or delivery (for a Non-Delivery case) or the transaction otherwise qualifies for the Seller Protection Program.
If Etsy determines that an item is not as described, the seller will be required to refund the original shipping and return shipping, in addition to the cost of the item.

Has anyone any experience of how the bolded above would work in practice? Specifically with respect to getting return shipping refunded.
Re: Help with Etsy transaction. Sent wrong stone, won't repl

I'm sorry about your troubles and unfortunately, my guess is as good as yours. One week is much too long to wait for a response. If the policy is charge back either CC or Etsy, I'd rather go the CC/PP route.
Re: Help with Etsy transaction. Sent wrong stone, won't repl

Many thanks Chrono.
Re: Help with Etsy transaction. Sent wrong stone, won't repl

Hi Coralfish,

I had a similar situation recently, except that there was a report button on Etsy. But absolutely nothing happened when I pressed it. There were just further instructions to communicate with the seller who stopper responding. So I made a claim through PayPal and everything went smoothly. Sorry for your troubles and good luck with whichever path you choose.
Re: Help with Etsy transaction. Sent wrong stone, won't repl

That sucks, coralfish! I would phone paypal. They are so great over the phone and will be able to go over all of your questions faster than emails. Etsy has not been helpful when I have opened up cases about items not arriving or arriving not as described. Good thing you paid with paypal!
Re: Help with Etsy transaction. Sent wrong stone, won't repl

Thanks a million mariedtiger and ilovegemstones. You have cemented what Chrono said, thank you for concreting what would be the two potential paths for me. Having reflected further on the moonstones I really am not happy that both are as per the picture; and even the one that I am satisfied is, does not in real life show enough sufficient attributes of its photograph to warrant keeping. This will soften the blow of the proportion of the return fees relative to purchase price a little, and I will put the PayPal wheels in action tomorrow.

I must thank you again, all three of you, for coming to my aid. I was dithering and would have been wobbling about what to do for potentially weeks, and feel much better now I am going to stand up for myself and take a decisive course of action.
Re: Help with Etsy transaction. Sent wrong stone, won't repl

Coralfish|1422299152|3822268 said:
Thanks a million mariedtiger and ilovegemstones. You have cemented what Chrono said, thank you for concreting what would be the two potential paths for me. Having reflected further on the moonstones I really am not happy that both are as per the picture; and even the one that I am satisfied is, does not in real life show enough sufficient attributes of its photograph to warrant keeping. This will soften the blow of the proportion of the return fees relative to purchase price a little, and I will put the PayPal wheels in action tomorrow.

I must thank you again, all three of you, for coming to my aid. I was dithering and would have been wobbling about what to do for potentially weeks, and feel much better now I am going to stand up for myself and take a decisive course of action.

That sounds good Coralfish, I can also relate to the dithering and the relief of having made a decision. So good that you're feeling better.
Re: Help with Etsy transaction. Sent wrong stone, won't repl

If you're comfortable with it, could you share the name of the vendor so that PSers and others reading know to avoid them?
Re: Help with Etsy transaction. Sent wrong stone, won't repl

If you utilized paypal or a credit card to complete the transaction, this will be your avenue for remediation. Unless it's a vendor I've worked with before, I always utilize a credit card in order to protect myself.
Re: Help with Etsy transaction. Sent wrong stone, won't repl

Hi Coralfish, does the vendor have a separate online store, Ebay store or a facebook page? If so, I suggest contacting them through one of these avenues. I find facebook to be particularly effective in resolving issues as most businesses care about their image and are therefore eager to resolve any issues posted publicly.
Re: Help with Etsy transaction. Sent wrong stone, won't repl

So sorry you have to deal with this. I'm hoping for a promising outcome, although I've never dealth with etsy dealers that much before. I typically buy from ebay. Both sites do remind me quite a bit of each other though.
Re: Help with Etsy transaction. Sent wrong stone, won't repl

Hi Coralfish :wavey: file a dispute with Paypal asap. State the stones you received are NOT as described and the vendor is ignoring your email attempts to discuss the situation.
Re: Help with Etsy transaction. Sent wrong stone, won't repl

Ugh what an unhappy situation! Sorry you are dealing with this. I agree that you should start a paypal dispute and/or call your CC company and tell them what happened so you can get your money back ASAP. I would not pursue it through Etsy at this point since they have been of no help. Hope you have a quick and successful resolution.
Re: Help with Etsy transaction. Sent wrong stone, won't repl

Yay! Good for you Coralfish! Let us know the outcome!
Re: Help with Etsy transaction. Sent wrong stone, won't repl

Oh I wonder what happend and what shop this was.
Re: Help with Etsy transaction. Sent wrong stone, won't repl

I too would like to be aware of who this vendor is. Especially since there is no way for you to leave negative feedback. How would those of us who use Etsy be able to steer clear of this vendor ? I for one certainly don't want to be taken advantage of and I think all Etsy users should be able to be aware of them as well. Or if you don't care to share the name of the vendor, could you at least inform us as to whether or not they are on the PS list of recommended Etsy sellers ?

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