Hello All,
This is kind of an Emergency due to time but
This is my first post here. I just found this website today and wish i would have found it along time ago. There seems to be alot of useful information on here. I really like the set up of this site alot.
Here is what i was searching for.
I am intending on getting engaged around thanksgiving. My g/f saw a ring in a Book (Magazine) called Platinum i think it is put out by the Platinum Guild. It was the Platnium Edition VII. She liked a ring on Page 15 and 165 of this book. One was made by Jack Kelege and the other by Fusaro. I can not find the book anymore. The guy who had it has loaned it out and can not get in touch with the guy. Would anyone happen to know where i can get one? Does anyone know someone who has these and can scan these pages for me?
Thanks alot in advance for the help and i will definatly post a pic of the ring im having made here when i get it.
Thanks again for the help.
This is kind of an Emergency due to time but
This is my first post here. I just found this website today and wish i would have found it along time ago. There seems to be alot of useful information on here. I really like the set up of this site alot.
Here is what i was searching for.
I am intending on getting engaged around thanksgiving. My g/f saw a ring in a Book (Magazine) called Platinum i think it is put out by the Platinum Guild. It was the Platnium Edition VII. She liked a ring on Page 15 and 165 of this book. One was made by Jack Kelege and the other by Fusaro. I can not find the book anymore. The guy who had it has loaned it out and can not get in touch with the guy. Would anyone happen to know where i can get one? Does anyone know someone who has these and can scan these pages for me?
Thanks alot in advance for the help and i will definatly post a pic of the ring im having made here when i get it.
Thanks again for the help.