B.E.G.|1351277452|3293029 said:Is my over-attachment to "Ms." weird?? :p
Ms. all the way!

B.E.G.|1351277452|3293029 said:Is my over-attachment to "Ms." weird?? :p
You never know, you could change your mind.B.E.G.|1351277452|3293029 said:Is my over-attachment to "Ms." weird?? :p
FrekeChild|1351309860|3293362 said:Part of this probably has to do with the fact that I've looked young my entire life, and the day after my 29th birthday I got carded AT THE MOVIE THEATRE. I DO NOT look 16 people!
FrekeChild|1351275180|3292989 said:Not to mention the alphabetical thing, although that's less important in adulthood!
FrekeChild|1351311849|3293370 said:Almost 3 years into it. Looking forward to many many more.
FrekeChild|1351311849|3293370 said:Madelise,
Thanks for writing such an explanation! I tend to be a big on the longwinded side, so no worries on the length. I may end up writing you an essay back!
What marriage means to me:
To me, marriage is:
Having someone to snuggle with under the covers when you get cold.
Having someone to share all of your secrets with, even the ones you never thought you'd tell anyone.
It's blurting out the silly things you're thinking, even though everyone else would judge you for them.
It's planning for months for birthday/Christmas presents, and giving them before.
It's discussing buying a tv, a bed, a car and coming to a decision together.
It's trusting someone so completely that you forget what it was like before they were there.
It's knowing that you have someone on your side no matter what.
It's doing silly things.
It's making traditions together.
It's planning for the future.
It's making jokes about not wearing your wedding ring, and saying that you're currently single.
It's counting the time until he comes home or I go home.
It's dropping by his work just to say hello.
It's intimacy.
It's knowing that when you get tired of dealing with an upset kiddo, there is someone to help and they have a shoulder to cry on.
It's knowing that he is there for the worst of times and will be there to help get you through it.
It's having your best friend with you, and knowing that they won't betray you.
It's having gone through major surgeries and doing everything for them, and them for you.
It's knowing that he doesn't judge you.
It's not longer being self-conscious around him - him witnessing childbirth will do this to you.
It's sacrificing your time/money/self to make them happy.
It's knowing that they love you unconditionally.
It's not sweating the small stuff.
It's a kiss there and a hug here.
It's making decisions together.
It's raising a kiddo together.
It's flowers at your work for no particular reason.
It's him stopping at your favorite bakery on the way home to pick up your favorite treats, for no reason.
It's giving everything you can to him and not expecting anything back.
It's a simple caress here, massage there.
It's making a home together, whether it's a tiny condo, a huge house or a townhome.
It's him knowing me better than I know myself.
It's making the hard decisions, together.
It's wanting the best for him and him wanting the best for me.
It's friendship, it's romantic, it's heartache, it's nothing like what I could have guessed before I was in it.
And more...so much more.
Almost 3 years into it. Looking forward to many many more.