
Here comes the sargassum! EWW!


Apr 30, 2005
This is going to harm tourism.


NYT snip:

A Giant Blob of Seaweed is Heading to Florida​

The mass, known as the great Atlantic Sargassum belt, is drifting toward the Gulf of Mexico. Scientists say seaweed is likely to come ashore by summer to create a rotting, stinking, scourge.

By Livia Albeck-Ripka and Emily Schmall
March 14, 2023Updated 4:26 p.m. ET

For much of the year, an enormous brown blob floats, relatively harmlessly, across the Atlantic Ocean. Its tendrils provide shelter and breeding grounds for fish, crabs and sea turtles. Spanning thousands of miles, it is so large that it can be seen from outer space.

But scientists say that in the coming months, the blob — a tangled, buoyant, mass of a type of seaweed called sargassum — is expected to come ashore in Florida and elsewhere along the Gulf of Mexico. No longer will the blob be gentle; scientists say it will then begin to rot, emitting toxic fumes and fouling the region’s beaches over the busiest summer months.

The seaweed, which can also cause pollution and threaten human health as it decays, has already begun to creep onto the shores of Key West, Fla. In Mexico, “excessive” levels of the seaweed were recorded last month choking beaches south of Cancún. Photos and videos from the region show beachgoers wading through the brown muck along usually glistening beaches.

“You can’t get in the water,” Leonard Shea, a travel YouTuber, said in a recent video from the resort town of Playa del Carmen that showed waves lapping beneath a thick blanket of the seaweed. “It’s not an enjoyable experience.”

Sargassum — a type of macroalgae that is naturally abundant in the Sargasso Sea — has long been seen floating in mats across the North Atlantic. But in 2011, scientists began to observe extraordinary accumulations of the seaweed extending in a belt from West Africa to the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, according to a 2019 study.

The immense bloom has continued to grow almost every year.

While scientists are still trying to understand exactly why and how the mass, known as the great Atlantic Sargassum belt, is expanding, it appears to be seasonal — coinciding with the discharge of major waterways, including the Congo, Amazon and Mississippi rivers.

The runoff from these sources helps to feed the bloom with nitrogen and phosphorus, said Brian Lapointe, a research professor at Florida Atlantic University, who has spent most of his career studying sargassum. Fossil fuel emissions and the burning of biomass — such as trees after deforestation — also produce nutrients, he added, that could be helping the sargassum to grow.

“These blooms are getting bigger and bigger and this year looks like it’s going to be the biggest year yet on record,” Dr. Lapointe said. In January, scientists measured the largest bloom for that month on record. “This is quite early to see this much, this soon,” he added. “It just doesn’t bode well for a clean beach summer in 2023.”

According to the National Oceanography and Atmospheric Administration, the sargassum blooms will continue to disrupt Caribbean waters into mid-October.
While floating sargassum can benefit marine animals by providing shade and shelter, the problems begin once it comes ashore. As the sargassum begins to die, it degrades the water quality and pollutes beaches, scientists say. It can also choke vital mangrove habitats and suck oxygen out of the water. The decaying algae also releases hydrogen sulfide, a colorless gas that smells like rotten eggs, and can cause respiratory problems in humans.
Last summer, the U.S. Virgin Islands declared a state of emergency, after “unusually high amounts” of sargassum piled up on its shores, affecting a desalination plant on the island of St. Croix. And in 2018, after a mass bloom that sprawled across about 5,500 miles in the Atlantic Ocean, doctors on the Caribbean islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique reported thousands of cases of “acute” exposure to hydrogen sulfide, according to a study published that year.
In the past, besieged beach towns have turned to various measures to rid themselves of sargassum: In Mexico, the navy has been recruited to scoop the seaweed from the ocean, and rake the country’s beaches. Meanwhile, some entrepreneurs have proposed transforming the seaweed into animal feed, fuel or construction materials.
But Dr. Lapointe, the research professor, warned that anyone experimenting with new uses for the seaweed should exercise extreme caution: sargassum contains arsenic, which, if used in fertilizer, could potentially make its way up the food chain.
The most immediate threat, however, is to tourism. “It’s having catastrophic effects,” he said.
This stuff is a seriously invasive weed that's taking over Southern California shores as well. It grows rapidly and can overtake the beautiful kelp forests. I have joined a citizen scientist group lead by a team of marine biologists to help get this invasive crap out of our waters!
I remember seeing much smaller amounts of this on the beach in Miami when growing up. Boy has it grown.
I hope the entire rotting putrid mass lands on a certain Floria beach ...

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Jelly fish are another crazy-invasive problem around the world.

I remember stepping on a jellyfish back in the eighties while vacationing in Mexico. I remember practically crawling into the pharmacy to get medicine to counter the pain when the toxins settled into a particularly tender area.

The pharmacist told me if it happened again to get a lady to pee on the "wound" as it would neutralize the venom. My wife told me if it happened again, I should get back to the pharmacist rapidly, as she was, "Not in this lifetime going to pee on my foot."

I remember stepping on a jellyfish back in the eighties while vacationing in Mexico. I remember practically crawling into the pharmacy to get medicine to counter the pain when the toxins settled into a particularly tender area.

The pharmacist told me if it happened again to get a lady to pee on the "wound" as it would neutralize the venom. My wife told me if it happened again, I should get back to the pharmacist rapidly, as she was, "Not in this lifetime going to pee on my foot."


A friend of mine had a similar experience while in Mexico, decades ago. He only spoke English, and from what a bystander told him, he thought he was going to die. Haha! The fellow then told him that he would be okay, and if it happened again, to ask someone to put urine on the injury. He had a similar response to your wife..."Nope, not gonna happen." :lol:
Oh man that makes me so sad. I lived in the Keys for years :( I hope they can figure out what to do


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I hope the entire rotting putrid mass lands on a certain Floria beach ...


:shock::lol:Wrong coast. And you'd have to send it ONLY there because the rest of us really don't want it. Gulf coast is unfortunately experiencing quite a nasty red tide this year already as well, so this will add to the misery.
i bet it would make good compost for the garden
just get down to the beach when its still fresh and before it starts to rot
Have a trip booked to Destin the first week of June; it's allegedly not supposed to get that far north until July or so. I'm staying on the beach again but there are several pools on the property so I'm guessing we will be making use of those since red tide is already an issue according to @Arcadian . You just can't win as a tourist some years.

I saw one solution discussed was harvesting the sargassum and making it into soap. It's really dicey to deal with once it gets onto the beaches because as it decomposes it emits some toxic stuff. Weird how we're killing the planet and the planet's trying to kill us.