
Hi fellow LIW. I'm new!


Jan 8, 2012
Hi there
Just wanted to quickly introduce myself and give you the back story :)
I have been with my bf for just over 4 years and I love him to bits but yes, this waiting can drive one a little crazy at times!
I have been ready for the last 2 years or so but he has been warming up to it. We also had a year long distance so the timing wasn't quite right.
Anyway, now he is ready! And the timing is good for both of us. We have been to a local jeweler to talk about rings as I'd like to get one custom made... my bf knew nothing about diamonds so it was a very entertaining appointment watching him look at these tiny little rocks (I'm sure he was trying to understand how something so little could cost so much:) and take in all the info :tongue: He's been really lovely though, he knows I am a jewelry lover and would like something really nice and so is taking the time to learn about it all and happy to spend more for quality. Which is great, but I would happilly marry him with a $2 ring anyway.
Anyway, I am really enjoying this whole process thus far and am beaming with excitement BUT boy oh boy, it's easy to get wrapped up in the ring, the proposal and the when, when, when?! He's happy for me to be involved in the ring building process but once that's done, I've been told that I must let go and hand it over. He hasn't decided how he's going to ask, but says he wants it to be a big surprise as he hasn't been able to surprise me with the ring.
He says he loves that I'm excited but I know I'm turning into a bit of a crazy person at times... I've even been driving myself crazy so I can't imagine how he feels! Sooo, I've come here to try and vent some of my excitement rather than overwhelm my bf.
Can't wait to hear everyones stories. :twirl:
welcome!! that is very exiciting that you get to be a part of the ring design process! my BF is the same in that he allowed me to pick the setting but nothing else and i know nothing else about when/where/etc. it has been several months since the coversation/decision to get engaged and i believe he has had the actual ring for about a month or so. let me warn you, the waiting seems to be SO MUCH HARDER the closer you know you are to the proposal, especially if you know he actually HAS the ring :naughty:

hopefully he won't make you wait too long!!!

It is really nice to be able to choose the ring! I am picky with jewelry and he knows it so I think he is quite relieved actually.
I bet it gets harder! I'm glad there are others out there going through the same :roll:
Welcome! :wavey:
welcome :D
It sounds like we are in the same boat. Do you have an idea of what kind of ring you want?
Welcome!'s hoping for a short stay! :wavey: