Maybe not the right forum but I figured I'd start here.
I managed to get my hands on a busted fifty-year-old "StereoZoom" microscope. (They went by a lot of brand names but were originally B&L.) It needed some TLC and a few replacement parts but is finally in pretty good shape and, optically, works great. I would like to be able to use it to look at inclusions in unmounted stones to self-educate a bit. I know I will never "be a pro" (or even "any good"!) but I do want to appreciate some of the more obvious telltales of high-temperature heating in sapphire, for example. It was also a reason to save an old tank of a 'scope from the dumpster it was headed toward ...although I think my spouse was quietly disappointed by my triumph, tbh. I'm sure many of you can relate.
I am looking for a gem holder that I can use to move a stone in three dimensions (i.e., on all three axes) and rotate around at least one. I stumbled across this on IG and it's what I am looking for, I think. (I do not know this vendor.) Anyone know where to find such a thing? Or have a better solution? I am not looking for a four-figure mechanical stage like a research microscope. Thank you!
I managed to get my hands on a busted fifty-year-old "StereoZoom" microscope. (They went by a lot of brand names but were originally B&L.) It needed some TLC and a few replacement parts but is finally in pretty good shape and, optically, works great. I would like to be able to use it to look at inclusions in unmounted stones to self-educate a bit. I know I will never "be a pro" (or even "any good"!) but I do want to appreciate some of the more obvious telltales of high-temperature heating in sapphire, for example. It was also a reason to save an old tank of a 'scope from the dumpster it was headed toward ...although I think my spouse was quietly disappointed by my triumph, tbh. I'm sure many of you can relate.
I am looking for a gem holder that I can use to move a stone in three dimensions (i.e., on all three axes) and rotate around at least one. I stumbled across this on IG and it's what I am looking for, I think. (I do not know this vendor.) Anyone know where to find such a thing? Or have a better solution? I am not looking for a four-figure mechanical stage like a research microscope. Thank you!