Hello lovely ladies! I am MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got so much to fill you in on, but still have guests here and drinking lots of cocktails tonight, but just wanted to give you beautiful PSers the linky to my wedding video - wanted to share my special day with my special PS buddies. I will check in again soon with lots of pics
Click on the link, download the file to your computer and watch at your leisure (no viruses or anything, it's totally safe). Click on proceed to file download page, then follow the prompts
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Love Mrs Honey22
Got so much to fill you in on, but still have guests here and drinking lots of cocktails tonight, but just wanted to give you beautiful PSers the linky to my wedding video - wanted to share my special day with my special PS buddies. I will check in again soon with lots of pics
Click on the link, download the file to your computer and watch at your leisure (no viruses or anything, it's totally safe). Click on proceed to file download page, then follow the prompts
Link removed by Moderator No personal links/videos allowed. Please follow forum policies.
Love Mrs Honey22