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- Jun 23, 2005
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What a Cinderella story! I had been looking for about a year to upgrade my ACA 2.19 stone to something just a smidge larger. I loved my stone but found myself wanting something just a bit larger. I had been looking at diamonds on WF for a year or more - looking in the 2.35 or so range. My sweet consultant, Becca, said that it wasn't a big enough upgrade to make a difference. My husband, who always encourages something bigger so you can see something for your money, agreed. I was hesitant. Lo and behold, this 2.53, G, VS1 stone was coming into WF. The stone went live and while interested, I was still skeptical about the size. As luck would have it, I was going to the PS/WF get together in about a week. I decided I would just wait and see it for myself. After a few days, I decided I had better reserve the stone - just in case it sold - you understand!
So I flew into Houston on a Thursday and met up with several PSers for dinner. What a warm, wonderful, fun evening we had! So much fun to swap jewelry around and get to know each other in real life a bit. It was like being able to reach into the computer screen that we all look at every day and touch these members - a truly priceless experience!
There was a breakfast scheduled for Friday morning before the AGS presentation and visit to WF. I had an appointment scheduled there before the presentation to view this stone so I had to skip the breakfast. I was first met by Vera - and for those of you have dealt with her - she is just as warm and friendly in person as she is online. What an asset to that company she is! Then I finally met Becca - after all the email conversations we had shared. I was finally looking at the stone in real time and while it was beautiful, I was still uncertain about the size. I poked my head around the corner as the others were arriving in the reception area and motioned for someone to come look. Suddenly, I had 10-12 seasoned PSers with me to give their opinions! How wonderful is that? When would you ever get to see a stone in real life and have all of these wonderful ladies to bounce it off of? It really was the perfect storm! They collectively liked the stone and assured me it wouldn't be too big. AC117 took pictures for me and I trusted her young eyes even more than my own. Making these kinds of decisions is always so nerve wracking for me but they made it so much easier. Pictures sent to my husband who really liked it too and it was a done deal! I was able to talk to Leon about reusing my three stone setting. My husband and I both liked the setting and while I considered going back to a solitaire I wasn't sold on the idea. I did not want to have to make a decision about another setting at that point either - I was already on overload! I told him my idea which was to cut out the band a bit underneath where the baskets sit, insert a new head for the center stone there creating a small donut so that my rings would not set completely flush. I wanted a bit of separation between the ering and the band and he liked the idea and thought it would work. For all of my angst about the whole thing, this deal was moving quickly and working out well - like a dream come true!
The hardest part was waiting for the arrival of my new ring. Your mind tends to wander and you can think up the most awful of outcomes. However, I need not have worried. Turns out Becca, my husband and my diamond friends were all correct - the stone was not too big. It is bigger of course but really gives the look that I was hoping for!**edited, no marked photos allowed in SMTB**
Pro pictures and quick snap I took today - I just haven't had time to take more pictures. I will work on this though and add as they become available. Many, many thanks to all my PS diamond buddies who helped me think this through and make a decision. I love you all and if I can ever return the favor, you know where to find me!
Lastly, a huge shout out to the entirety of Whiteflash for making this possible. Their friendship has certainly left a lasting impression on me. Saying thank you just doesn't seem to be enough to let them know how much I appreciated and enjoyed the weekend, meeting my new/old friends and their hospitality. PS was a gracious host as well and meeting Andrey and his wife was icing on the cake. Color me grateful!
So I flew into Houston on a Thursday and met up with several PSers for dinner. What a warm, wonderful, fun evening we had! So much fun to swap jewelry around and get to know each other in real life a bit. It was like being able to reach into the computer screen that we all look at every day and touch these members - a truly priceless experience!
There was a breakfast scheduled for Friday morning before the AGS presentation and visit to WF. I had an appointment scheduled there before the presentation to view this stone so I had to skip the breakfast. I was first met by Vera - and for those of you have dealt with her - she is just as warm and friendly in person as she is online. What an asset to that company she is! Then I finally met Becca - after all the email conversations we had shared. I was finally looking at the stone in real time and while it was beautiful, I was still uncertain about the size. I poked my head around the corner as the others were arriving in the reception area and motioned for someone to come look. Suddenly, I had 10-12 seasoned PSers with me to give their opinions! How wonderful is that? When would you ever get to see a stone in real life and have all of these wonderful ladies to bounce it off of? It really was the perfect storm! They collectively liked the stone and assured me it wouldn't be too big. AC117 took pictures for me and I trusted her young eyes even more than my own. Making these kinds of decisions is always so nerve wracking for me but they made it so much easier. Pictures sent to my husband who really liked it too and it was a done deal! I was able to talk to Leon about reusing my three stone setting. My husband and I both liked the setting and while I considered going back to a solitaire I wasn't sold on the idea. I did not want to have to make a decision about another setting at that point either - I was already on overload! I told him my idea which was to cut out the band a bit underneath where the baskets sit, insert a new head for the center stone there creating a small donut so that my rings would not set completely flush. I wanted a bit of separation between the ering and the band and he liked the idea and thought it would work. For all of my angst about the whole thing, this deal was moving quickly and working out well - like a dream come true!
The hardest part was waiting for the arrival of my new ring. Your mind tends to wander and you can think up the most awful of outcomes. However, I need not have worried. Turns out Becca, my husband and my diamond friends were all correct - the stone was not too big. It is bigger of course but really gives the look that I was hoping for!**edited, no marked photos allowed in SMTB**

Pro pictures and quick snap I took today - I just haven't had time to take more pictures. I will work on this though and add as they become available. Many, many thanks to all my PS diamond buddies who helped me think this through and make a decision. I love you all and if I can ever return the favor, you know where to find me!
Lastly, a huge shout out to the entirety of Whiteflash for making this possible. Their friendship has certainly left a lasting impression on me. Saying thank you just doesn't seem to be enough to let them know how much I appreciated and enjoyed the weekend, meeting my new/old friends and their hospitality. PS was a gracious host as well and meeting Andrey and his wife was icing on the cake. Color me grateful!
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