
How did you meet your man (or woman-for the guys)??

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Jul 15, 2004
2.5 years ago Derrick and I met in the exit row of Southwest Airlines flight (you know, where the seats face each other). Each of us was on our way out of town for the Thanksgiving Holidays.
I was SO done with boys at the time, so I was reading and had not paid attention to the fact that he was looking at me. Well I looked up to check him out (just for a second)and caught him staring at me, and I squeaked, blushed and looked down. At this point we both knew we had caught the other looking, so we laughed and end up talking the remainder of the flight. We exchanged cards and the rest is history. The funny part is he was going to meet his OTHER girlfriend named JANA who had convinced him to fly out one day early. We owe our encounter to her. He broke things off with her as soon as he knew I was interested.

I would love to hear how the rest of you met the loves of your lives.

At work.
He knew another guy at my company, who coincidentally had the desk next to me, because they had gone to the same college. They had also decided to share an apartment (they are still roommates together). I really didn't pay attention to how frequently my now b/f came to my desk since he knew the guy next to me so well. A lot of times he was talking to both of us at once. We also ended up working on some projects together. Long story short, we cliqued, and had lots in common, and he eventually asked me out (months later). Later, he told me that on Day 1 he was interested
and as he got to know me better he just knew he had to ask me out!

ETA: We've been together just over 3 years.
I met my husband at a new year's eve party of a friend of two other friends. I knew the friend for several years but we would only see eachother with my other two friends. That friend's husband had a circle of friends that I would see from time to time.

I didn't want to go.

At midnight, I went outside to be by myself. I was having a tough year having broken up with my b-friend of 6 years about 6 months earlier. I made a wish for a better year.

I went back inside one of those people from the circle of friends yelled my name (drunk) was I LOL...and said that I'd be perfect for this guy..then I spent the rest of the night getting sick. Well, two years later we were married!

Funny thing is, I met my husband's best friend before I met my husband. Husband's best friend was part of that circle of friends. Also, my husband's best friend is married to a girl I went to elementary school with! Too funn! I remember seeing her at a wedding (that first friend) and asking if I went to school with her. She said yes and introduced me to her husband's best friend!

Sorry this is confusing!

BTW- I owe it all to a lazy cab driver! After I was introduced to my husband, he was getting ready to leave the party....and I went to pass out LOL They were all loaded so they called a cab. It never came. So husband came back to the party.....that's when I got sick all night LOL...

Funny thing is- I don't drink ever!
In the parking lot of my apartment complex. He was moving into the complex and it looked like he was having trouble unpacking his car. I went down to offer help and he dropped Q-Tips all over the concrete! It was funny!

What we didn''t know was I had been exposed to Chicken Pox that day. Two weeks later (to the day), I came down with CP!! (Never had them as a child). My family lived 6,000 miles away and couldn''t help. None of my friends would help. This guy was willing to come over every day with food, videos, comic books, puzzle books, etc. He was even willing to put Calamine Lotion on my back!! I knew this guy was a keeper!!!
I met my husband at work but I can''t actually remember "meeting" him. He started 2 weeks after I did, and although we sat next to each other in cubes, we worked in different divisions so we barely talked to each other. I can''t remember being introduced to him at all, although he claims I stuck out my hand to shake his and welcomed him aboard.

He then left the Labor Dept. after 11 months, and we started dating probably 5 months after that.
I met my husband sophmore year in college. I had just broken up with my boyfriend and was happy to be single. One of my best friends was telling me about a party I should go to because there was this guy that had a crush on me. I went out of curiosity and met the guy that had the crush on me. We clicked immediatley and the rest is history. Been married for 19 years and have two kids.
I love telling this story!

I wanted to stay home and sleep last May longweekend. Overworked and know. A girl at work kept begging me to go with her to the annual Bike Rally/Pig Roast just outside of town. My DAP, Karl (Dial-A-Piece...get it?) wanted to go so bad so I caved. I wasn''t into anything but the benefits of his friendship, if you know what I mean!

We show up and all proceed to get shmammered. At about 8pm I convince this girl to walk with me to the firepit to mingle. I walked right up to this guy in a longrider jacket and stuck my hand out and said, "I''m Karen...nice to meet you!" He looked up at me and stuck his hand out saying, "Hi...I''m Pion Dark, nice to meet you". Not realizing what he had said until I started laughing, he corrected himself (his name is Dion Park)and started howling. Then he said..."Wow..what a smile, I''m gonna marry this woman!!" He ended up back at my campsite that night. The next morning Karl was outside making everyone breakfast and he asked one of my friends..."So i wonder if Karen hooked up with that guy?"

Dion piped up from the tent and said, "I''M STILL HERE!!!"

He moved in three days later and this weekend we are celebrating our anniversary at the same Pig Roast:)
What a fun story, soulsis! I love whirl wind love stories! They are so romantic...
We actually met at a bar! I had just graduated from college, and was out with my girlfriends at this really cool club named, "My apartment!", in Canada. It had a giant dancefloor in the middle and then 7-8 different theme bars connected to the main room. There was a Cheers bar, a country bar, a jazz bar, a blues bar, etc....absolutely something for everyone! Then this huge group of about 100 drunk American sailors arrived, and they were all all excited because the drinking age was only 19 so they were legal. They were so obnoxious and just wouldn''t leave us alone, and we were trying to leave to get away from them and were going to go home...and my husband came up and introduced himself and said that he would keep his shipmates away from us if we would let him sit with us.

I was incredibly rude to him at first assuming he was like the other sailors, but he was so sweet and he kept his word and kept all the drunks away from our table! He also told me that first night that he was going to marry me, and he actually sent me plane tickets to go visit him in Boston 3 weeks later! I went and the rest is history!

That was almost 14 years ago, and we just had our 11th anniversary!
Blind Date.
Sometimes they work out. We are still on that date 23 years later.
On the bike (are you surprised?).

It was the first of November. In the winter I bundle up and ride outside on the weekends, but it gets dark (and cold!) too early to ride outside during the week. So I go to indoor spin classes at the local bike shop (which also happens to be the main sponsor for my team).

DH was at the bike shop for a different reason (wasn''t working out that night) and saw me in spin class. That was on Thursday. Next spin class wasn''t until Monday. So he came back Monday and actually saw me up close...and was appalled that he thought I was cute from across the room!

What he didn''t know was I had been involved in a cycling accident on Saturday.
After spin class was over, I had a group of people around me asking what had happened. He walked by just about the time I was explaining that three of my teeth had been shattered, but the swelling was starting to go down and my dentist had me on pain medication so I was feeling better.

Of course, then he realized that I didn''t *always* look that awful.... The first words he ever spoke to me were "Hey Jo, can you eat?" Way to win a lady''s heart, right?

So I went to dinner with him and a group of my friends. We went on our first "official" date a week later, and have been together since! That was over three years ago, and we were married in Oct 2004.

Now the biggest problem in our relationship is not letting him know that I can keep up with him on a bike....that would be very bad for his ego.
In 1994, I was a first year vet student and I brought my cat in to the teaching hospital for vaccines and a dental cleaning. When I went to pick the cat up later that day, he was still hooked up to an IV and not ready to go. This senior student on anesthesiology rotation came over and asked, "Do you need any help?" and proceeded to get my kitty ready to go home.

The next week, I was in the school snack bar getting some lunch and this guy came up to me and asked, "How's your cat doing?" I had absolutely no idea who he was and it showed because he then said, "You have NO idea who I am, do you? I'm James and I am the guy who took your cat's IV out last week."

We talked some more but I was not interested. He asked me out several times and I said no (because I was seeing someone else and I didn't like his long hair either!
). After about a month of occasional chats during lunch, I relented and said yes when I saw that James had cut his hair and looked really cute to me all of a sudden.

We were engaged 10 months later.
I was his waitress. At the time I was engaged to someone else and he to another. I moved about an hour away and 2 years later broke up with then bf/monster and moved back. Started working as a server at the same restaurant and three weeks after I was back he walked in. He hadn''t been in since I had left and didn''t even know that I had been back. He just felt like stopping in. We''ve been together ever since.
Sophomore year at college, I was just prepared to have fun and not date because I was heading to Italy for the second half of the year. Then my friend pointed out his "little" to me...I was like hmm...he''s cute. Then I realized he was friends with some people I knew and we all went out to dinner together in a group, sorta flirty, then back to the dorms for a drunken game of catchphrase, I believe, and then he asked me to his formal after that
But after he asked me to his formal, we started dating a couple weeks earlier, just to go out to dinner and get to know each other, and that was over 3 and a half years ago!

Oddly enough, once we started talking we realized all of these weird coincidences and places we should''ve i was supposed to go to a concert, backed out last minute, he was in the same group, we were in the same orientations where we made the same friends, but just not each other, and a few other things.
We met in high school. If anyone wants details, look it up - it''s all over the LIW threads and Brides World Wide!
Don''t laugh. We met online thorugh AOL instant messenger.

He was looking for one of his friends but couldn''t remember the guy''s screenname so he did a search of everyone currently online in the city we live in. He didn''t find his friend so he though he would see if I wanted to chat. The rest is history...
I married the boy (man) next door. He got out of the Air Force and moved in next door to me at the beach in LA. I was in my twenties, he was early 40''s. I wasn''t interested due to his age, even tho we definitely clicked the first time we met. His persistance paid off. We finally went out to dinner 20 years ago next week
, and the rest is history.
I met my husband at work. He''s a doctor, I''m a nurse. I was working in the ER at the time, and he was a resident covering weekend call for the ER. For the first 4 months after we met, we only saw each other occasionally if we happened to be working the same weekend. But we did get kind of chummy, and we usually took our coffee breaks and dinner breaks together when we were on duty at the same time. One day, he asked me if I''d like to go out with him on the first weekend when we were both off duty. I said yes. We saw each other every weekend after that, either at work or on a date. A year later, we were engaged. Six months after that, we were married.
I was fresh off a broken engagement that ended just 3 months shy of the wedding! I had a male friend in the same boat and we were spending many nights going out. One Friday night a girfriend of mine and I were meeting up with the male friend at his condo and some of his friends were gathering there too. We all spent a big night clubbing in Hotlanta! Two of the guys there were identical twins and quite fun, smart and cute. I soon began dating one of the twins and became friends with the other. Life is funny sometimes, and the "friend" twin would always joke with me that I should go out with him....."hey I look just like my brother" he''d say. We would just laugh it off. Needless to say, it didn''t work out with twin one and I ended up marrying his brother my so called "friend". We''ve been married for 15 and 1/2 years
Mine is a little odd. I intially saw SO in a physics class my junior year, first day of school thought he was really cute. Well looking at him tripped down the stairs and broke my foot my toes and pulled the muscles off the bone, why yes I am spastic. For the next few weeks I was too concerned about getting around that I didnt even notice he was in my American Legal class as well. In that time a guy friend of my BFF asked me out and I figured why not. A year later my now SO is on the wrestling team and they all go out every weekend and my then current BF knows one of them and we get asked along. I walk in and there he is acting like the goof he is, he was acutally licking his nipple at the time and I burst out laughing and pulled his shirt back down. He was pretty surprised and we ended up being buddies, he alwasy called me to let me know when everyone was going to get there. Eventually the guys I had been dating stopped going and my new buddy, my now SO, would pick me up or catcha ride with someone else so we could leave together.
My mother was preggers and I was having to do alot of stuff at home and it was my senior year so I was doing the whole applying to schools things and he just was always around to help out. My sister is born in Jan and I am working on my pilots license and he is over there helping out with her or picking up my brother from school or studying with me. But still hadnt asked me out....eventually he did but I was hesistent becuase I was going to Emory (GA) and he was going to RIT (NY). He won. Four and half years later we are talking about marriage and he is still one of the sweetest most thoughtful people I have ever met.
I met my DH after he'd been thrown out of the apartment of the girl he had been living with. She wanted an engagement ring and had given him an ultimatum date on giving it to her. The date came and went and no ring. To shake him up and get his butt in gear to give her the ring, she told him she'd found another roommate and he had to go. He could come back, she said, when he had a ring for her. He said he knew she wasn't the one and really never wanted to marry her and wondered why she'd want to marry him, so out he went without looking back.

He found an ad in the newspaper placed by my friend's boyfriend looking for a roomie. My DH answered it and moved in. A few weeks later, my friend and her boyfriend were getting some people together to go to a night club to hang out and go dancing. They asked me to meet at my friend's apartment and also invited my DH to join the group. Funny thing is that none of the other people they'd asked to go clubbing could make it so it just ended up being the 4 of us. I had to laugh because he's a terrible dancer but we hit it off and the 4 of us went out again the next night to a comedy club. The next night I invited him over for dinner at my place. After 2 weeks I knew he was the one. Fifteen years and three kids later, he's still the one.

He's still a terrible dancer, but a great husband and loving father.
That''s a great story!!
I moved to Chicago after college and lived there for 4 years without meeting ''him.'' One Friday night my girlfriend forced me out of the house to cheer me up after my latest breakup. She took me to a bar in the suburbs (I wasn''t thrilled) to meet this guy she had a crush on (now her husband.) That same night, ''HE'' had one too many arguments with his then live-in girlfriend and decided to go out by himself to shoot darts (with her face in the bullseye?) He said he thought I had natural ability for the game and taught me how to correctly throw darts. I still remember how nice he smelled, how the lump in my throat would not allow me to breathe, and how fast my heart was beating as he stood against me holding my elbow up

I told my mom two weeks later that I would marry him.
Still an LIW but together almost four years.
Another twin story
My twin sister and my guy both went to the Art Institute. My sister her first year used to ride the train into Chicago from the suburbs along with this other art institute student (my guy). He thought she was striking, but knew she was involved (or rather obsessed) with her current boyfriend and would always talk about him (she didn''t even mention she was a twin!). After I graduated I go back to Chicago and and move in with my sister. He was friends of friends, I actually noticed him at a couple parties but never spoke. I was waiting for the el one time (to go on a blind date) and I hear someone yelling "Anna". I roll my eyes to say the oft repeated phrase "I''m so and so, Anna''s twin sister" and realize it''s that cute guy! He is surprised to say the least because he didn''t know Anna had a twin (Insert cartoon double take). We have a good conversation until we part ways, and I think to myself, even if this date goes badly, this was still a good day. The conversation also sticks in his mind and he tells his roomates about it when he gets home. About a year later I see him in a bar where his friend''s band is playing. Though I feel rather foolish, I approach him and say, do you remember meeting waiting for the train? And he does, and a little while later literally sweeps me off my feet to go dancing to the music. Anyways there are other funny parts to the story - my sister''s boyfriend at the time (different person) and my guy happened to intensely dislike each other (they actually would point out the other and say "that''s my nemesis" which made for some interesting group dates. But it was a strange thing, although we didn''t go out immediately after seeing each other at the train stop, we both felt the meeting was somehow significant.
Poor boy, I picked him up at the gym!

I worked as a front desk assistant at Gold''s Gym my Junior/Senior summer in college and in walks a very cute boy on my second day of training! Two weeks later after seeing him, signing him in, chatting him up, AND giving him free smoothies (come on now, what''s a girl to do?!!!), I finally got sick of waiting and asked him what he was doing over the weekend! When he mentioned going to a friend''s party, I said something like "So, are other people going other than friends?" And he said "Yes, I think so." So I said "How about I go with you?"

No clue, the boy had NO CLUE! But said "Sure, I''ll call you and let you know when" and ACTUALLY DID (In college, that is a VERY big deal if a boy calls when he says he will, LOL!)...We have been together ever since and moved in together 6 months later much to our parents dismay

Its our 4 year Anniversary on June 2 and I couldn''t have asked for a better way to celebrate then being excited together about being engaged!
What a fun thread! I loved reading all of your stories! Here''s mine:

My Freshman year of high school I had a crush on my now FH, a corner back on the football team. He was two years ahead of me in school, and although I was dating a Senior I always thought my Michael was gorgeous. Over the years we ended up spending time together in groups as friends, and then eventually became really close friends. I always had a crush on him, but he never seemed interested. There were a few times over the years when our friends would hit it off and we would end up on a double-date, but Mike never seemed excited so I figured he preferred to just be friends. One night about two years ago I was out with a colleague who got a little tipsy and decided he was in love with me (or so he thought at the time). I was really uncomfortable and didn''t know what to do as my colleague had been the one driving, and my purse was in his car. Fortunately, I happened to see my Michael and ran up to him to tell him the situation. He called a cab for my colleague, went with me to get my purse, and promised to take me home. But first, he had to tell his brother. So, we went back to the restaurant where his brother was sitting. When his brother saw me he asked Mike if we were dating. I "jokingly" responded that I just wasn''t good enough for Mike, and his brother Dan responded by saying Mike was crazy for not dating me. Dan then berated his brother, and said that Mike was an idiot. Mike just shrugged. I then gave Dan a big hug, and Mike and I were off. As we headed to the car, Mike asked if I was serious when I''d said I thought I wasn''t good enough for him. I blushed, and told him I''d always had a crush on him. He started laughing, and then said he''d never made a move on me because he''d always figured he didn''t have a chance with me because of the guys I usually date (pro football and baseball players, models/actors, etc.). I then told him he was crazy, that I''d had a crush on him for over 10 years. He kissed me then, and we moved in together about 3 months later (and were engaged 3 months after that).
Is it sad if neither one of us can remember the details exactly? These stories are great and I tried to type my own up (for our wedding website too), but neither one of us seems to remember the details.
I went to Las Vegas with my sister and my friend for spring break last year. My friend and I always went to this little bar outside of Studio 54 in the MGM Grand for some beers before we went out. Well, the third night we were there, my now fiance and his friend were at the same little bar and came over and started talking to us. I really wasn''t that interested at first because I thought he and my friend were hitting it off since they are both accountants. We all hung the rest of the weekend, and he even tried to get me to marry him there in Vegas! I told him no way, and this was close to the time Brittney Spears married her man for like 50 hours. When we left Vegas he thought he would never see me again, and my sister told him "See you at the wedding!" I ended up calling him that night and we talked every night after that on the phone. See, he lives in Phoenix and I am in Albuquerque. He came out to visit me a month after we came back from Vegas. I went out to Phoenix to visit him about 6 weeks after we met in Vegas, and he took me to dinner and proposed! I said yes, and we get married in about 2 months. Its going to be a fun story to tell the grandkids!
What a whirlwind!! When the right one comes along you just know it!! Congrats mellyjm!

So are you moving to Phoenix or is he moving to Albuquerque?
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