I don''t post often on these boards because I try to stay off my "diamond website" so that I don''t do too must dreaming. However, my quick story is that I have a wonderful husband and a beautiful wedding set, but have always dreamed of a larger stone. I started with a small family stone due to lack of funds, then DH purchased an upgrade before we got married. It is under a carat and faces up probably just over about 3/4 carat size. I don''t have lofty goals, probably somewhere between 1.10 and 1.25. Anyway, this was an issue for some time because my husband just didn''t understand my obsession, but recently he surprised me by saying that I could have the upgrade because he knows that it''s the one thing that I really want, and he wants me to be happy. Now the question is, how do I prioritize this? I am a very frugal lady, and have a hard time buying myself anything, let alone something that will be so much. We have a modest home, I drive an old car, we have a decent amount of money in the bank, no ''bad'' debt, and no children. We do have an upgrade plan with our jeweler so it will only be a few grand more. There are times when I think, well, it doesn''t really take us that long to make a few grand, and then other times when I think about how many other things we could with that much money. So my question is, if you upgraded or are planning to, how did you prioritize it?
Thanks for your input!
Thanks for your input!