Last week I went by myself at my boyfriends request to pick out a diamond and a setting. I know a great jeweler who go me a terrific price. So I went in there and picked everything out and tried it on to see what it would look like and I''m in love. It was painful leaving that store empty handed let me tell you. Well, my boyfriend went to put a deposit on the ring (he doesn''t want to put it on a credit card, he wants to make payment until it''s paid off) and I''ve been obsessing about it ever since! I keep looking at my hand imagining it there and lurking on these forums and bascially going nuts. I also have a feeling he won''t be able to finish paying if off for at least a couple of months. How do I chill and not think about the ring so much! I feel like going to the store to "visit" it once a week! I feel like a littlel kid waiting for Christmas the day after Halloween!