
How do you stop staring at your ring??


Dec 17, 2017
okay - I know this sounds funny, but it's becoming a problem... maybe...

so I have had my ring for one week. I owe you all pictures and a back story with it. I refuse to post pictures that don't do it justice.. and I need to get my husband's macro lens camera and the time. And then figure out how to post a picture. :) So please give me time.

I have a 1.76 K AVC with a 1.06 ratio, Triple Ideal. Handmade Brilliantly Engaged platinum 5 stone setting with two tapered traps and two bullets.. . The ring has taken my breath away.

So this AVC.... it's magic.. I knew from many years on PS (had different user name years ago, took a break.. and when I finally came back fall 17 I couldn't access so I started anew.) that these stones are special. But I really had no clue until I had it on my finger. I have never seen a diamond give such light return with such variety.. it's truly wild.

So i am constantly putting my finger out while walking to the subway to see the pastels ... trying to slyly watch it on the on the Q train.... it's really the most amazing light show on the Q for any NY'ers and even on the new city buses it's fantastic .. Not so much on the B train. In my office building lobby and in my office (spotlights). Since my husband already thinks I am a bit "weird" with my love of this ring.. I sneak peaks of it in it's box before bed when he is brushing his teeth.

So is this normal? I really need to get back to focusing.
Perfectly normal around here!

And your ring sounds beautiful! I'm looking forward to you adding some pictures!
not been able to for 40 years, I don't wear it if I dont want to look at it :)
completely understandable that you would enjoy staring at your beautiful brand new ring! Enjoy this time, nothing better than being excited about a new ring. Eventually the novelty will wear off a little and you will get more used to it. In the meantime just have fun and admire your ring to your heart's content!
Uh, yeah!! I lightly bumped a lady with my grocery cart the first day I got my ring. My little girls were so embarrassed!!!:lol-2:

Totally enjoy it!!! DSS will sadly occur soon enough.
actually I really appreciate the responses... i felt silly posting this.. but I seriously think i have a condition... KristinTech.. can't believe you got Tendinitis from it.. sorry to laugh, but that's funny. I had no idea my obsession to "get" a ring would result in an obsession "after" I got it...
I am very guilty of this too. I got my reset in August 2017. However recently I’ve been starting to get, dare I say it...a bit bored. How can this happen? I see why some people want multiple rings. I refuse to get another one or make changes. It’s a problem with my brain. :rolleyes2:
I am very guilty of this too. I got my reset in August 2017. However recently I’ve been starting to get, dare I say it...a bit bored. How can this happen? I see why some people want multiple rings. I refuse to get another one or make changes. It’s a problem with my brain. :roll2:

You had me freaking out for a minute until I read the bold.
You don’t stop I’m afraid, you just get used to the light show and find new lighting conditions that make you ogle it. Also damn getting the good setup, post up some phone pix of that ring - it sounds amazing! You can always follow up with the good shots once you’ve done the shoot :lol-2:
You had me freaking out for a minute until I read the bold.
@redwood66 I told @Calliecake and @missy that it’s like the guy that cheated on Halle Barry. Who does that?!? :eek2: A complete imbecile who gets bored of perfection. Even though I may feel like that idiot sometimes I refuse to act in it. Temporary insanity will pass. :mrgreen2:
I never stop staring...ever. Every chance I get, I’m staring at it. I get constant compliments on my wedding set & my anniversary/birthday bling...all the time. That only makes me stare! My own boss stops in mid-conversation with me to look at my rings & talk jewelry; she’s a fellow jewelry freak, like me.
Gorgeous jewels make it difficult to concentrate on anything else! Get used to the distraction! Congrats on your ring! It’s gorgeous!!! :mrgreen2:
I hope I never get tired of looking at my ring. My wedding set isn’t omg spectacular like some of the ones here (or your amazing ring having seen your thread now:eek2::love: holy WOW) but something about it pleases my eyes every time I look at it and gives me a frisson of happiness.
I’ll upgrade in size at some point but I hope to always have that happy thrill whenever I look at my hand.
Umm maybe don’t wear it :lol-2: I’m joking of course! That’s the whole idea of blingies...being bewitched by their magical beauty! Keep on looking and enjoying :love:
Why should I?? I love my rings. It would be shame to not staring them!!!
Your new goddess is stareworth :love: (is this a word:lol:?). Enjoy of the pleasure a new bling gives. It won’ last forever...perhaps.
Thanks everybody.. I am doing a bit better today (why I would need to say that in this context is baffling).. but now I know this is the norm of it all.
It is normal and expected with a beautiful diamond! It is the personal enjoyment for me that makes it all worthwhile. Enjoy it in shameless staring!
I’m on the Q train too! Enjoy staring at your beautiful ring, that’s kind of the point of having one, isn’t it?
okay - I know this sounds funny, but it's becoming a problem... maybe...
How do you stop staring at your ring??

Hahaha the short answer is I don't! When I am wearing Bea I am always staring at her. Except when driving. Which might help to explain I always have my dh drive us. :lol:

After several years of having my ring, I still shameless stare as well!
I’m on the Q train too! Enjoy staring at your beautiful ring, that’s kind of the point of having one, isn’t it?
@alene Okay so now I have something else to obess about... If I find you on the train don't be freaked out... I always look at hands. so that 5 stone you have??? I hope you wear it a lot so i can find you. As a clue to you.. I usually get on the train station with the "underpass" that leads you to a rite aid. It would be very cool to meet another PS'er.. I never have.