
How does your SO drive you crazy?


Apr 30, 2005
I'll go first.

Both DH and I have OCD, just about different things.
He washes his hands like 40 times a day.
As a kid his parents tried psychotherapy to address this, to no avail.
I've given up mentioning it because overall he is a wonderful catch for me.

Our water heater is way out in our detached garage.
It takes time (and 2.5 Gallons of cold water that was already in the hot water pipes) for the hot water to finally reach the house.
He adjusts the faucet to draw ONLY hot water, but he never waits for the hot water to actually reach the faucet. :doh:
So he's actually washing his hands with cold water. :wall:
Oye Vey!

If it takes, say, 2 gallons to wash his hands he has sucked 2 gallons of water from the water heater, which automatically gets replaced with 2 gallons of cold water to refill the tank.
That means he wastes ga$$$ heating that cold water, unnecessarily.

I've explained a zillion times how what he's doing makes no sense ... to no avail. :blackeye:

I've given up.

How does your SO annoy you?
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Getting him out the door on time is sometimes a bit stressful. He was never late for his job, but now that he's retired, he seems to have a looser sense of time.

Most of the time it doesn't matter, but when it comes to medical appointments a few towns away, at rush hour with school buses to consider, it does. The last time was a nail biter. I was driving and we got there with only a couple of minutes to spare. I hate driving under pressure so next time he'll have to go by himself.
What annoys me is also what I admire about him. He’s ever an optimist where I’m a pessimist. We balance each other but I get annoyed occasionally at his rose colored view of life. I do not share this view. Not even a little bit. However if I married someone like me I’d probably have gone insane by now lol. I love and respect him and am in awe of the positive way he observes things. Is he often wrong? Yes. But still I admire his tenacity and the way he holds on to the optimism
No matter how your SO drives you crazy, be grateful you have a SO!

My late partner used to be VERY dogmatic about meal times, and we fell out big time when I was late coming home from work once too often when he was living with me temporarily.

He ended up in a police cell overnight. Although we made up a few days later, we did not live together after that.

DK :))
Kenny - I feel for your SO. Back when I was working, my office was right next to a break room. Watching an OCD colleague go in there multiple times each day to wash his hands was just painful.

My sweetie is a freak about letting air and light into the house. I think it’s the Scandanavian in him. The first thing he does when he gets up - and he’s always up before me - is open curtains, blinds, and windows. Neither of our houses is especially hidden and his can have people milling about. I’ve finally learned not to dash out of the bedroom without PJ’s on, but… sheesh!

But I guess that’s a small price to pay for having coffee brought to me in bed every morning!
How much time do you have?
Mine is also a real Pollyanna while I am a Debbie Downer. I get anxious very easily and have actually been ill with it a couple of times- he faces the same situations and breezes through. So unfair. However, it’s a positive for me as I’ve finally made some progress in changing my way of thinking.

That and the untidyness :lol-2:
Mine is also a real Pollyanna while I am a Debbie Downer. I get anxious very easily and have actually been ill with it a couple of times- he faces the same situations and breezes through. So unfair. However, it’s a positive for me as I’ve finally made some progress in changing my way of thinking.

That and the untidyness :lol-2:

Oh my lol. I forgot about that.
I know the question is what drives us crazy about our SO but fair's fair...

What drives my DH crazy about me?

My lack of order/clutter capabilities and lack of tidiness in the house. I am not the most organized person and it does drive my sweet husband crazy lol. I want to be organized. It's just not my forte. I wish I was. Sadly wishing does not make it so. Since the pandemic we haven't had our cleaning crew in and my hubby so desperately wants them back. It's just such a hassle. We have to clean all the clutter before they can clean so it's a time consuming task. Cleaning before they arrive. LOL
How does my SO drive me crazy??? He's an over-analyzer! I can only analyze/discuss something to a certain point then I'm done.
He can go on and on to the nth degree. The silver lining is that when he makes a decision, it's usually a good one. I've learned
to let his brain go. I have to step away and come back when he's all done. I usually do this by saying, "Let me know what you've decided." In other words...I'm out!
Kenny - I feel for your SO. Back when I was working, my office was right next to a break room. Watching an OCD colleague go in there multiple times each day to wash his hands was just painful.

My sweetie is a freak about letting air and light into the house. I think it’s the Scandanavian in him. The first thing he does when he gets up - and he’s always up before me - is open curtains, blinds, and windows. Neither of our houses is especially hidden and his can have people milling about. I’ve finally learned not to dash out of the bedroom without PJ’s on, but… sheesh!

But I guess that’s a small price to pay for having coffee brought to me in bed every morning!

That would drive me crazy if I were still in “snooze” mode. I need it to be pitch black when I sleep so that would be so disorienting!
What annoys me is also what I admire about him. He’s ever an optimist where I’m a pessimist. We balance each other but I get annoyed occasionally at his rose colored view of life. I do not share this view. Not even a little bit. However if I married someone like me I’d probably have gone insane by now lol. I love and respect him and am in awe of the positive way he observes things. Is he often wrong? Yes. But still I admire his tenacity and the way he holds on to the optimism

Me and my DH have the same dynamic.
For me it’s that he his a clean freak which is a good thing bc I’m the messy one, but he’s so particular that it’s annoying. If I load the dishwasher he will go back and reload and rearrange the dishes (even if it’s mid-cycle). We have a housekeeper come once a week (in part to address these disagreements!) and he cleans before she comes and after she leaves :confused: :lol: . He gets cranky when things are out of place, like if I leave shoes under the coffee table bc I took them off when I sat there. I hate sometimes when we have people over because he goes nuts making sure things are perfect before they get here, which is an unpleasant experience lol.
Oh my lol. I forgot about that.
I know the question is what drives us crazy about our SO but fair's fair...

What drives my DH crazy about me?

My lack of order/clutter capabilities and lack of tidiness in the house. I am not the most organized person and it does drive my sweet husband crazy lol. I want to be organized. It's just not my forte. I wish I was. Sadly wishing does not make it so. Since the pandemic we haven't had our cleaning crew in and my hubby so desperately wants them back. It's just such a hassle. We have to clean all the clutter before they can clean so it's a time consuming task. Cleaning before they arrive. LOL

Geez! I didn’t even see this part before I put mine lol. Looks like we are married to similar people. :lol:
My husband watches sports 24/7! I’m a year round football, basketball, soccer, hockey, baseball and even golf widow! He will not not watch any TV shows with me, u less it is related to sports. So we are in different areas of the house watching on different TV sets all the time! Ugh, and forget about date nights, he only wants to go to places where there are TV screens showing sports….aka sports bars!
Mine apparently doesn’t see things - he’ll spill coffee on the worktop and just leave it there. He washes up, but there’ll still be stuff stuck to things. He’ll also mishear things, then is adamant I said something I didn’t. I’m stuck with him now, no one else will take him :lol:
my hubby is obsessed with his clue what he does on it..he is retired but I am not I work from home and I come downstairs for whatever reason he is on his phone, I will try and say something to him but he doesn't answer or listen because he is on the stupid phone drives me freaking batty
My husband watches sports 24/7! I’m a year round football, basketball, soccer, hockey, baseball and even golf widow! He will not not watch any TV shows with me, u less it is related to sports. So we are in different areas of the house watching on different TV sets all the time! Ugh, and forget about date nights, he only wants to go to places where there are TV screens showing sports….aka sports bars!

Ugghh, this brought back memories.
I *was* married to a rabid football freak (the local professional team), so I feel your pain. We lived in a city where everyone lived and breathed that team.
Needless to say, I hate all sports to this day.
He has unmedicated, totally uncontrolled ADHD. I'm going to leave it at that, because if I don't I'll go on for two pages. :wall: