
How is your screen name pronounced?


Apr 30, 2005
I wonder how to pronounce some screen names here.
Go ahead and ask about any names YOU wonder about.

I'm not picking on anyone, and please don't laugh at my stupidity.
I don't know todays rules about phonetic symbols or if that is even the right term, and I'm too old to learn.
I'm just sincerely curious about pronunciation and don't know how else to ask.

There are many I will ask about, but the following few came off the top of my head.

Ame, same as Amy?
Zoe, Zoh or Zoey?

FrekeChild, the child is obvious but is it freak or freakie?
Circe, Sirk or Sirkey?

Madelise, Mad A lice? or Mad A lies?
Jimmianne, Jimmy Annie? or Jimmy Ann?

Kaleigh is the g silent? What does it rhyme with? Ka Lee? Ka Lay? Ka League?
Madam Bijoux ... Bee Jew? or Bee Joe? Is the J a soft sound like Bijoux theater?

Arkieb1 Are Keeb or Are Key Ebb?
Matata Muh tah tuh?

Maccers, May Sirs? or Makers?
Minous bijoux, Me No Bee Jew? or Me No Bee Joe?
A-pril bay bee

:lol: :lol: :lol:
kenny|1399441047|3667707 said:
FrekeChild, the child is obvious but is it freak or freakie?
Circe, Sirk or Sirkey?

Minous bijoux, Me No Bee Jew? or Me No Bee Joe?
Freak Child. The name has a long history. Summary: Someone already had FreakChild when I first wanted it. Freekchild looked bizarre to me, so I went with FrekeChild. To piss me off, my husband likes to call me "Freck-EE Child". The jerk.

Circe has always been "Sir-see" to me.

Minousbijoux to me is "Mee-new S Bee-joo"
kenny|1399441047|3667707 said:
Madelise, Mad A lice? or Mad A lies?

Mad Elise.
Ha! Good thread, as it looks like I've been pronouncing a couple of these incorrectly in my head!

Mine is pretty easy - sonnyjane = sunnyjane. I've had the same screenname for everything since 1997 if you can believe that lol - 17 years! I'm not sure why I first picked it - just my feminine take on "sonny jim". My name is nothing close to Jane lol.
madelise|1399443196|3667718 said:
kenny|1399441047|3667707 said:
Madelise, Mad A lice? or Mad A lies?

Mad Elise.

So that rhymes with Natalie as in Natalie Wood, so the s is silent?
AprilBaby|1399441822|3667712 said:
A-pril bay bee

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, the pronunciation of your name (and most actually) are obvious, at least to me.
Ark- eee - B (as in letter B) - 1 (as in the number one). Which was the name of a now dead tonkinese that I owned... (not the one in my avatar).
Mine's pronounced Zo-ee with a long o and a long e sound.

Sorry couldn't resist.
Jim E N.

and yours?

Ken A?
Ken N A?
Yes how do you say Kenny with what sort of US accent, clipped, Southern drawl???
I can say it Modern Aussie - Kenni :sun: , Outback Aussie - Kenneeee ;) , Aussie Bogan - Kenahye :shock: , Aussie Chic - Kenae :lol: :lol: :lol:
Mine's pretty easy:

Lay-la. Not my real name, just a pretty name I liked.
Vee-Are-Beauty. :wink2:

Beauty is my 2003 Velvet Red MINI Cooper.
Kay lee
Amy or Aim. Whichever. Hey you would be fine too.
Mine is pronounced cricket, like the bug. :bigsmile:
Pronounced with a hard 'c': Mac-ers

It's a play off my Irish last name.
erhs-beh-ree. Emphasis on the first syllable. Three syllables only, because the first e is silent.
lil-(slang for little)-miss-fit

Pretty self explanatory. LOL :lol:

It was the name I used on a mmorpg. Then it was shortened Kel because I couldnt stand how people pronounced it in voice chat
kenny|1399446275|3667725 said:
madelise|1399443196|3667718 said:
kenny|1399441047|3667707 said:
Madelise, Mad A lice? or Mad A lies?

Mad Elise.

So that rhymes with Natalie as in Natalie Wood, so the s is silent?

mad-uh-lease. elise is pronounced uh-lease.
Thanks. :wavey:

Hey, did you feel that earthquake 50 minutes ago … two minutes after your post?

Magnitude 3.3 centered near Bell CA.
kenny|1399534021|3668346 said:
Thanks. :wavey:

Hey, did you feel that earthquake 50 minutes ago … two minutes after your post?

Magnitude 3.3 centered near Bell CA.

Not at all. I was obviously awake, but I did not feel a thing. My sister did in the other room.
strmrdr = storm rider
I like that better than my real name that I have to use now!
Karl_K|1399587839|3668651 said:
strmrdr = storm rider
I like that better than my real name that I have to use now!

I always read this as Storm Door. :lol:
WOOF-Like what a dog says
MAAA-MAAA- Like what my sons say
Mare-ee Pop-inz - emphasis on first syllable of each word. :) :) :)
Gypsy|1399456379|3667743 said:

Sorry couldn't resist.

Oh, but what about the hidden Ks and Ls and Zs?
I always pronounce it with a K, an L, and a Z in my head - all the cool kids' names have Ks, Ls, and Zs too, after all :halo: