
How long did it take you to find your diamond?

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Nov 29, 2008
I posted only a topic sentence just now and not the body of the msg. Sorry for the newbie mistake.

Summertime''s post about how you found your diamond got me thinking-how long does the process take? I am sure there is a lot of variation but am wondering how far in advance to plan. I''ll be looking for a RB, pretty big (3-4 carats) and, of course, I want an I-J color and SI "eye clean" for best value. I want a good cut but don''t want to pay up for H&A or ACA. I would love to find a White Flash Expert Cut or something else that is an excellent cut but not ideal.

What do you guys think?
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I'd say a stone that size could be immediate or could take a few months depending on when the stock came in.

It took us a couple of months of looking, but our budget was very different than yours. I was trying to find the biggest stone and nicest setting I could for $1,500 total.
Three days for me (once I rolled up my sleeves). But, like Addy, my shopping requirements were different...and more modest.

I do suggest the one two punch of shopping with a plan B in mind, reviewed below my signature.

For example, while this one is a shot in the dark, until more info is gathered...this one could be a safety.

Did you say what your budget was?
Thanks, Regular Guy, for the info and the great links. I have bookmarked them for future reference!

I''m going to be doing this big upgrade sometime late next year-a combination of 20th anniversary present, upgrade to my lost ering and 45th birthday present. I don''t yet have a set budget although I am currently thinking around $40-$50k (I can hardly believe we''re even thinking about spending so much money on jewelry). I''m speculating that the size of the stone might mean it will take longer to find just what I want and that most shoppers want something along the lines of an I or J color and SI? What do you think? Am I taking away the right info here: that cut is the most important and it is worth going down the color and clarity scale to get max cut and size for the $ ??

Thanks for your input.
I think it''s reasonable to be clinical, but you have to decide how clinical you want to get.

Garry H on this board cautions about going over H for anything with size...other users say J is fine.

I was happy to target G VS2.

In your case...however...the differential is some serious cash. This is a respected H, for example (though I''ll note...still in your projected budget).

I think I''d want to spend more time in a jewelery store seeing what difference D - J would make to me. much research do you want to do. Some CZ''s may look swell.
Take your time.
This pricing chart tells the story...
In the size range you''re looking for, it may take a bit of time to find a 3-4ct ey eclean SI since the inclusions become more visible in larger stones. That said, i know you''re not looking for an H&A with super tight numbers, but the stone that Regular Guy posted from GOG, is gorgeous and in your budget.

I''d call them tomorrow to find out if it is eye clean. If so, I''d snap that baby up!
Date: 12/7/2008 9:01:47 PM
Author: strmrdr
Take your time.
This pricing chart tells the story...
How long do you think it''s going to take before consumers see the drop?
Diamond price drops with a dollar that is worth less..... How are you getting a better deal if you wait??? The fed can only print so much money with their bailout and make people think that things are okay.... The dolllar is gonna go down ALOT and so will diamond prices.... The ratio will be the same and you will pay the same...
Date: 12/7/2008 9:10:24 PM
Author: beach
Diamond price drops with a dollar that is worth less..... How are you getting a better deal if you wait??? The fed can only print so much money with their bailout and make people think that things are okay.... The dolllar is gonna go down ALOT and so will diamond prices.... The ratio will be the same and you will pay the same...
Yes and no, larger diamonds were driven up by unfounded speculations the same as oil prices were for while.
They are up in some cases 3-4 times what they were 3 years ago for no reason.
Larger diamonds have shown a steady increase over the years as well. Smaller diamonds show greater flucuation. People often say that diamond prices are dropping when in fact there are some corrections but the 15-20 Year average has been steadily increasing. Especially for larger stones....

And even if the price were to drop as it has been suggested, that is why people should go with a company that has an upgrade policy...... It is a way to HOLD value and trade for a bargain later on... You can't go wrong...
This shows the start of the insanity.
Your chart is not showing the rise in the dollar..... 2003 it was taking off!! The constructs overlap and this "price increase" is not true and is keeping other economic variables out... Go to the grocery stores and check prices for milk and bread... They have gone up...Why because the dollar has dropped!
Date: 12/7/2008 9:24:35 PM
Author: beach
Your chart is not showing the rise in the dollar..... 2003 it was taking off!! The constructs overlap and this ''price increase'' is not true and is keeping other economic variables out... Go to the grocery stores and check prices for milk and bread... They have gone up...Why because the dollar has dropped!
Actually depending on what you compare it to the dollar is only down about 20% since 2003.

How about other world economies in comparison to the dollar :) How about the stock market performance?? So many variables.... I will not even attempt a chart lol.. We are way off the rockytalky criteria :) In summary, whoever is right, just make sure you have an upgrade policy ... It saves you from worrying and you can trade at any time.
Date: 12/7/2008 9:40:36 PM
Author: beach
How about other world economies in comparison to the dollar :) How about the stock market performance?? So many variables.... I will not even attempt a chart lol.. We are way off the rockytalky criteria :) In summary, whoever is right, just make sure you have an upgrade policy ... It saves you from worrying and you can trade at any time.
Basic fact remains that against 3ct diamonds the dollar rose aprox 6% in a little over a month and more than that over 4ct.
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