Hi All,
Need some help on shopping for a Louis Vuitton bag. FF birthday is coming up in a few months, she hinted about a specific bag from LV Neverfull. I know nothing about woman handbags, just know that LV''s are/too expensive! We saw some at a department store for (I think) about $600
. So I went online to see if there were better deals out there. The prices ranged from $150 - $800, I''m guessing the low ends are replica/fakes. However, even I''m buying something in the high end, how do I know what I''m buying is not a fake? Should I just stick to the B&M for these type items?
Need some help on shopping for a Louis Vuitton bag. FF birthday is coming up in a few months, she hinted about a specific bag from LV Neverfull. I know nothing about woman handbags, just know that LV''s are/too expensive! We saw some at a department store for (I think) about $600