
How to buy a vintage OEC?

Sako posted what looked like a beautiful OEC today and I was wondering if you had seen it when you were there or it was a new acquisition
I cant wait to hear your reaction!

here's my 2 cents. There's always a compromise. We can sit here and pick EVERY diamond or gem apart, but if you love it, you love it. Judge with your eyes, as that is how you will look at it all the time, not under a macro lens. I think the information here is amazing, its incredibly informative and incredibly detailed. It also can be overwhelming and make you question what you're seeing. We're talking about like 8mm you'll be looking at from 2 feet away 99.9% of the time a diamond that was cut by hand 120+ year ago, not with laser precision. Im over 50 so i cant see anything that detailed anymore... lol.

I know my diamond has some issues, but its mine, so it's not wrong if i actually like it, i have no idea if my diamond leaks, or it's digging or painting or my pavilion is twisted, but i look at it a thousand times a day and love it every time. I dont even remember the table number that was so important to me when i was deciding. I LOVE my diamond. I feel emotion when i look at it.

I generally don't ask for opinions because i really dont care if anyone thinks its "right", I am the one wearing it and if I love it when I look at it thats all that matters. I trust what I see and feel when I look at it.

As long as you're not literally getting ripped off, if its a diamond you like and the price is reasonable for what it is, I dont think it can really be wrong, we all like different things. Thats the question i would focus on, am I getting ripped off or is it a fair price for what it is.

If you love it when you look at it, and it's a price you are willing to pay, thats truly what matters.

I am SO excited for you. I was looking for side stones for my three stone ring, so you and I were actually looking for similar size color and price point this whole time but you wanted flowery petals and i wanted a pinwheel so I had a few I wanted to share with you that were more your flavor than mine but they were all internet rather than in person.

Thank you!
I remember seeing that someone was looking for the same spec for side stones, but I didn't respond and then forgot which thread it was. I meant to ask you to send me any you find that you don't pick for youself. :mrgreen2:

Awww I'm sorry, it was a busy day yesterday and I only got one decent video and didn't really have time to post. I wanted to take some more today. Coming right up!

Sako posted what looked like a beautiful OEC today and I was wondering if you had seen it when you were there or it was a new acquisition

Yes, I did see the 1.54 live when I was there! The price was much higher and I actually preferred the facet pattern on mine. I also saw the 2.49 QR that he also posted in the past few days. It looked almost like a light yellow, it was a pretty color. I actually really liked it and it was a great price, but just not what I'm looking for right now.
My video of the 1.54 J: My video of the 2.49 QR:
Here she is finally all relaxed at home! :kiss2:

Some of the videos are indoors near a window, and some are in the backyard. I'm amazed at the beautiful rainbow colors outdoors!!!

I've been really enjoying playing with her in all different lights on my own time. My boyfriend is also smitten.

I can pick out the inclusion on the table in really good lighting. It's a non issue, I just think it's fascinating that I can even see it. I've been feeling like my eyesight is starting to weaken (I'm early 40's), but clearly it's fine. :P2
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What a stunner! The cut on this one is really beautiful and crisp. How do you like the size?
Beautiful! I feel like you found exactly what you were looking for?
What a stunner! The cut on this one is really beautiful and crisp. How do you like the size?
Thank you! The size is perfect. I wouldn't have wanted much smaller. I'm sure it will shrink quickly, but since this one was at the very low end of my price range, I won't feel too bad for wanting another one soon. :P2

Beautiful! I feel like you found exactly what you were looking for?
Yes, I think so! It has exactly the facet pattern and overall look I was going for. It's so crisp and lively and the right amount of chunky! The one thing I'm unsure about is that I do notice the center going dark at the same time, but it's only in a very specific position, and I can only "find it" sometimes. As soon as I tilt even a tiny bit, they start going on and off independently. I can't even catch it on camera - on camera, they all look like slightly different shades of dark, rather than all dark. This is the closest I could find, still shots from one of the videos. Do all OECs do this to a certain extent? Not that I'm bothered by it, just wondering.


@Dreamer_D @maryjane04 @lavenderdragonfly23 @lulu_ma @TruLuv858 @Inked @bee24 @Rfisher @Scon_ce I would like to thank all of you for taking the time to share your knowledge. I learned so much and felt so much more confident in making a final choice. This is such a wonderful community, and I'm glad it is still going strong even as so much has changed in how we interact online, with social media, reddit, etc. This feels old school in a good way and I hope it doesn't change! As you can see my sign-up was in 2011. I lurked on and off for years, and I was mostly away for the past few. I'm glad you guys were all here when I needed you. THANK YOU!
I'm so glad you love it. In terms of that darkness you're seeing, I think that's more obstruction. If there's something directly in front of the stone and if say your phone case is black that's what you're going to see.
Omg… that stone is P E R F E C T!!! :love:

I’m seriously in tears over here for you… it’s the prettiest oec I’ve seen in a looong time.

So excited for you!

Now begins the fun part… what are you thinking for the setting?

If you aren’t settled on anything particular… omg, the setting Guilded Lane posted today would be SO pretty. It has floral petals on the sides… it would look so gorgeous with the perfect flower you have in the middle of…. Do we have a name yet?


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Thank you! The size is perfect. I wouldn't have wanted much smaller. I'm sure it will shrink quickly, but since this one was at the very low end of my price range, I won't feel too bad for wanting another one soon. :P2

Yes, I think so! It has exactly the facet pattern and overall look I was going for. It's so crisp and lively and the right amount of chunky! The one thing I'm unsure about is that I do notice the center going dark at the same time, but it's only in a very specific position, and I can only "find it" sometimes. As soon as I tilt even a tiny bit, they start going on and off independently. I can't even catch it on camera - on camera, they all look like slightly different shades of dark, rather than all dark. This is the closest I could find, still shots from one of the videos. Do all OECs do this to a certain extent? Not that I'm bothered by it, just wondering.



Yes I think this is unavoidable to some extent with this flavour of old cut especially. And you saying when obstructed it is shades of dark that twinkle rather than just a black hole or a flat dark area is good. I have found there are some other combinations of features that make this less apparent, but then you don’t get that nice open petal look. I do think you found a beautiful example of this flavour of old cut! It is deserving of the setting you plan and it will make a gorgeous ring!
This is such a wonderful community, and I'm glad it is still going strong even as so much has changed in how we interact online, with social media, reddit, etc. This feels old school in a good way and I hope it doesn't change!
You are totally welcome and I feel exactly the same about the vibe of PS!
I specifically wore light grey for this photo shoot, and my phone has a light peach cover, so I didn't think there should be anything dark reflecting. I do have brown hair. But anyway, it doesn't matter, there's no way this is not a well cut diamond! I'm still in awe that it would've been cut 100 years ago! I'm so glad I went for an antique instead of a perfectly cut modern OEC.

Omg… that stone is P E R F E C T!!! :love:

I’m seriously in tears over here for you… it’s the prettiest oec I’ve seen in a looong time.

So excited for you!

Now begins the fun part… what are you thinking for the setting?

If you aren’t settled on anything particular… omg, the setting Guilded Lane posted today would be SO pretty. It has floral petals on the sides… it would look so gorgeous with the perfect flower you have in the middle of…. Do we have a name yet?
Thank you for your excitement. :appl:
She doesn't have a name yet. I have a few in mind, I will share when I decide.

I had a setting in mind from the beginning - the CvB Cora (posted in the first couple pages of the thread). I'm also considering having something custom made, but I'm being very very indecisive. I just know I don't want it to look like an engagement ring (like the one from Guilded Lane), or a typical round halo. I have some inspiration pictures, but I don't know if I'm creative enough to design one myself. Victor Canera has always been my dream, but as much as I love his work, I don't think that any of the settings on his site are exactly what I want for this, and I know he can be picky about working with outside stones. I may also have a discussion with Sako, as he offered and I think he has a good reputation too.

I think I might need a whole separate thread for the setting. :lol-2:
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Sako made many of CVBs rings. He is one of the makers she has used. Just saying.

Obstruction is not caused by wearing dark things, though that can make it worse. It is caused by light bejng blocked (obstructed) by your body or head or camera etc. It’s why it’s worse when you hold the stone close to your body, or a camera. MRBs are designed to draw light at angles that minimize this. OECs are not. Hence it being an unavoidable characteristic. The best we hope for is that it is minimal and the stone still scintillates even when obstructed, as yours does.
Omg… that stone is P E R F E C T!!! :love:

I’m seriously in tears over here for you… it’s the prettiest oec I’ve seen in a looong time.

So excited for you!

Now begins the fun part… what are you thinking for the setting?

If you aren’t settled on anything particular… omg, the setting Guilded Lane posted today would be SO pretty. It has floral petals on the sides… it would look so gorgeous with the perfect flower you have in the middle of…. Do we have a name yet?

I saw this setting on guilded Lane and immediately loved it too!! She was made by DK to boot! The crown reminded me of Coco, and I loved the shoulders!!
SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! As a lover of old cuts, she is a beauty, and I am so beyond happy you found your stone! I LOVE this community, I have been a member since 2010 myself, and have been active off and on for years, but this place is always here when I need it. Lucky for me, I have been in a jewelry aquisition mode for the last couple of years, so it's been nice to be back. Enjoy your new beauty, can't wait to see how you set her!!!
What a beauty! :kiss2:
Sako made many of CVBs rings. He is one of the makers she has used. Just saying.
Wow, good to know! I knew they have collaborated (PS search!), but didn't realize the extent. I did mention to him that I was planning on one of her settings and he responded positively. I wonder if I order from CvB, if I can ask her to have Sako make mine - it would be fitting since that's where my diamond came from.

SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! As a lover of old cuts, she is a beauty, and I am so beyond happy you found your stone! I LOVE this community, I have been a member since 2010 myself, and have been active off and on for years, but this place is always here when I need it. Lucky for me, I have been in a jewelry aquisition mode for the last couple of years, so it's been nice to be back. Enjoy your new beauty, can't wait to see how you set her!!!
Jewelry acquisition mode is so fun! I'm following your pear journey, and will be looking forward to a SMTB soon!! I'm a bit worried that PS has sucked me back in. Back in my earlier days when I lurked here extensively I couldn't really afford much. Now that I can, I need to practice self control!
Wow, good to know! I knew they have collaborated (PS search!), but didn't realize the extent. I did mention to him that I was planning on one of her settings and he responded positively. I wonder if I order from CvB, if I can ask her to have Sako make mine - it would be fitting since that's where my diamond came from.

Jewelry acquisition mode is so fun! I'm following your pear journey, and will be looking forward to a SMTB soon!! I'm a bit worried that PS has sucked me back in. Back in my earlier days when I lurked here extensively I couldn't really afford much. Now that I can, I need to practice self control!

If you can work direct with Sako, I might recommend. I worked with CVB years ago and didn't have the best experience... just poor communication would lead me to not work with her again, and it was on multiple projects, you can do your own search here and come up with your own assessment. Some people LOVE her, others, meh. I would def take the opportunity to research for your setting- you have tons of great options! I would also recommend David Klass, since you are local to southern Cali (I am originally from San Diego, btw). My original plan was to buy my Diamond and have David set it, his bench is incredible, I want to say Sako may be one of his guys too, but I am not 100%. Also in the LA area is Maytal Hannah! I have always wanted to get a piece curated by her, I was in touch with her years ago about another project and she was LOVELY! Currently my Pear is with ID Jewelry, and they have done such a wonderful job on my search, I figured I would give them a go, they are in NYC and already in possession of my stone, so logistically it made sense. If down the road I decided I want to reset, I would not hesitate to use DK. Happy Setting! This part is so fun, and thank you for following along on my Pear Journey, it's really wierd not to own an Old Cut anymore... My original was a 2.5 OMB, then 4.5 OEC, And now a 3 ct modern brilliant Pear! We tend to change our mind a lot around these parts :lol-2:. I loved my setting for Coco, feel free to check it out for inspiration!
Yes search CVB and Sako on PS and read about peoples experiences as each has their style and fit is important with custom work. Think about your own preference for communication, timeline, certainty of price/budget etc.
Here she is finally all relaxed at home! :kiss2:

Some of the videos are indoors near a window, and some are in the backyard. I'm amazed at the beautiful rainbow colors outdoors!!!

I've been really enjoying playing with her in all different lights on my own time. My boyfriend is also smitten.

I can pick out the inclusion on the table in really good lighting. It's a non issue, I just think it's fascinating that I can even see it. I've been feeling like my eyesight is starting to weaken (I'm early 40's), but clearly it's fine. :P2

OMG!!!!!!!!!! that SECOND video in your imgur... JUST WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! That is soooo beautiful!! Enjoy it!! Great pick!!!
Here she is finally all relaxed at home! :kiss2:

Some of the videos are indoors near a window, and some are in the backyard. I'm amazed at the beautiful rainbow colors outdoors!!!

I've been really enjoying playing with her in all different lights on my own time. My boyfriend is also smitten.

I can pick out the inclusion on the table in really good lighting. It's a non issue, I just think it's fascinating that I can even see it. I've been feeling like my eyesight is starting to weaken (I'm early 40's), but clearly it's fine. :P2

Oh my, this is so lovely! I truly do not have enough words to describe how beautiful your stone is!!! Such sparkle and crispness - I’m SO happy for you!!!
I specifically wore light grey for this photo shoot, and my phone has a light peach cover, so I didn't think there should be anything dark reflecting. I do have brown hair. But anyway, it doesn't matter, there's no way this is not a well cut diamond! I'm still in awe that it would've been cut 100 years ago! I'm so glad I went for an antique instead of a perfectly cut modern OEC.

Thank you for your excitement. :appl:
She doesn't have a name yet. I have a few in mind, I will share when I decide.

I had a setting in mind from the beginning - the CvB Cora (posted in the first couple pages of the thread). I'm also considering having something custom made, but I'm being very very indecisive. I just know I don't want it to look like an engagement ring (like the one from Guilded Lane), or a typical round halo. I have some inspiration pictures, but I don't know if I'm creative enough to design one myself. Victor Canera has always been my dream, but as much as I love his work, I don't think that any of the settings on his site are exactly what I want for this, and I know he can be picky about working with outside stones. I may also have a discussion with Sako, as he offered and I think he has a good reputation too.

I think I might need a whole separate thread for the setting. :lol-2:

I vote yes to a new thread for the setting!!! Lol
It’s really beautiful! What a journey to your lovely diamond. The crisp faceting, color and size are gorgeous. I can’t wait to see it set. I love the CVB Cora. With your lively and vanilla colored diamond, a romantic lacey setting would be breathtaking! Good luck with the setting process. Congratulations!
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If you can work direct with Sako, I might recommend. I worked with CVB years ago and didn't have the best experience... just poor communication would lead me to not work with her again, and it was on multiple projects, you can do your own search here and come up with your own assessment. Some people LOVE her, others, meh. I would def take the opportunity to research for your setting- you have tons of great options! I would also recommend David Klass, since you are local to southern Cali (I am originally from San Diego, btw). My original plan was to buy my Diamond and have David set it, his bench is incredible, I want to say Sako may be one of his guys too, but I am not 100%. Also in the LA area is Maytal Hannah! I have always wanted to get a piece curated by her, I was in touch with her years ago about another project and she was LOVELY! Currently my Pear is with ID Jewelry, and they have done such a wonderful job on my search, I figured I would give them a go, they are in NYC and already in possession of my stone, so logistically it made sense. If down the road I decided I want to reset, I would not hesitate to use DK. Happy Setting! This part is so fun, and thank you for following along on my Pear Journey, it's really wierd not to own an Old Cut anymore... My original was a 2.5 OMB, then 4.5 OEC, And now a 3 ct modern brilliant Pear! We tend to change our mind a lot around these parts :lol-2:. I loved my setting for Coco, feel free to check it out for inspiration!

Yes search CVB and Sako on PS and read about peoples experiences as each has their style and fit is important with custom work. Think about your own preference for communication, timeline, certainty of price/budget etc.

Yes, I thought I was decided on the Cora, but then I read some not so good things. :(2 I thought it would be ok if I just go with one of her standard designs without any customizations, that way there wouldn't be any additional details to track and incorporate. I don't believe the quality is usually in question, only her communication and timelines.
David Klass is an option, but I believe you need to provide a design, it's not like you can pick from his designs (unless I guess you're recreating an existing design).
I'm familiar with Maytal Hannah too, and her work is also stunning - but she has a very engagement-ey vibe.

OMG!!!!!!!!!! that SECOND video in your imgur... JUST WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! That is soooo beautiful!! Enjoy it!! Great pick!!!
Yes, that second video - I couldn't believe my eyes! :kiss2: This is my first live experience with an OEC and I'm truly in awe. I kind of don't want to set her, I just want to play with her all naked like this! :lol-2:

Oh my, this is so lovely! I truly do not have enough words to describe how beautiful your stone is!!! Such sparkle and crispness - I’m SO happy for you!!!
Thank you so much. I'm counting the days until your big reveal. I'm sure it will be magnificent!

I vote yes to a new thread for the setting!!! Lol
Well ok then, I will have to... :appl:
If you want one of Caysie’s designs, then yes, you really need to be working with her! I love the ring she made for me.
If you want one of Caysie’s designs, then yes, you really need to be working with her! I love the ring she made for me.
Absolutely. I wouldn't ask someone else to copy it. My one hang-up about the Cora is that I don't love the side profile.
Sako made many of CVBs rings. He is one of the makers she has used. Just saying.

Obstruction is not caused by wearing dark things, though that can make it worse. It is caused by light bejng blocked (obstructed) by your body or head or camera etc. It’s why it’s worse when you hold the stone close to your body, or a camera. MRBs are designed to draw light at angles that minimize this. OECs are not. Hence it being an unavoidable characteristic. The best we hope for is that it is minimal and the stone still scintillates even when obstructed, as yours does.

I can't believe I never knew that!
Yes search CVB and Sako on PS and read about peoples experiences as each has their style and fit is important with custom work. Think about your own preference for communication, timeline, certainty of price/budget etc.

Yes bc if one was iffy with CVB like @TruLuv858 there were plenty that had issues w Sako as well esp regarding costs for additional cads and not knowing what the final price will be etc.

OP I love your stone!