
How's the cut on this spinel?


Apr 22, 2010
So I've apparently caught the gem bug but really have no business spending money on them at the moment. But I found this one online and I like it. I like the shape and the color (I realize it's not the most desireable color but I like it nonetheless). So my main question is on the cut. What do you guys think of it? It seems to have a small window in the hand picture, does it? How bad do you think it is? It's a very inexpensive stone, do you think it's worth buying?


the window is really just a small bow tie affecting 4 or so small facets, not a big deal. The color is very grey, really a grey primary with a slight blue modifier. And that's fine if it works for you. I would be inclined to play that up rather than try to minimize it if I were buying it. Perhaps setting it in pure silver, blackened silver or brushed stainless steel
Is there a side view. I think a high crown would give it some dispersion. If there's one thing I can't stand when it comes to cutting (native or precision), it's stones with flat crowns.
I saw this stone where it is offered earlier today and there was no side view, but the numbers were there and the depth is a whopping .839 so there is plenty of stone there for a proper crown. I too do not care for under-developed crowns.
I love the platinum blue color, and the facet patterning from the top look lovely! That's my opinion.
i'm liking it. unusual color. as long as its not overly dark. i've certainly seen worse windows in stones posted. i don't think this one would bother me. are you keeping it?

It looks nice in picture, but the pincers look very bright so it may be darker in real life. I know it looks unusual, but unless it has a return policy, I'd pass on it.
From the top view, the cut isn’t that bad for a native cut (for my personal taste). It would be better to have a sideview because like TL, I will not tolerate a flat topped stone. Especially in a variety with high luster and RI, no matter the colour, a spinel with a high crown is catches the eye better. Unfortunately, having a lot of depth doesn’t necessary mean it has a high crown as I’ve seen very deep stones with all the weight in the pavilion and practically no crown.

Is this a gray spinel?
Thanks everyone! I went ahead and ordered the stone. There's a 10-day return policy so I thought I'd take my chances. There's no side view picture so I'll just have to wait and see. I'll post pictures, including the side view when I get the stone.
As its one of litnon's gems, I tend to always ask Michael what his thoughts are on the gems before I make a purchase. I think the gem is very nice.

I suspect the bow tie will be more apparent when you've got it in your hand. It's showing quite clearly in the photos and since the gem is a steely colour I would think that the bow tie will be very dark in comparison so evident when set.
Well, the stone arrived this weekend and I'm really not crazy about it. The window is small but definitely noticeable and it seems to reflect light on one side only. I think I got completely spoiled by precision cut stones even though I owe just one. I think I'll just have to wait until I can afford another one of those. Here are a couple of pictures, as promised.

Two more, including the side view.


I am sorry about your disappointment in the stone's performance. What you are seeing is commonly known here as the half and half extinction where half the stone is dark and the other half is bright. It stays that way no matter which way it is turned. Unfortunately, this will also happen to precision cut stones, not just native cut stones. I believe I've read that a keel culet rather than a pointed culet will help eliminate this sort of extinction is certain type of gemstones. This half dark/bright effect is more commonly seen in rectangular shaped stones than any other shapes.
Thanks Chrono, I didn't know about extinction! Is there any way to avoid it other than just avoiding rectangular shapes?
Sometimes, one is able to see the extinction clearly in the pictures beforehand. Also, certain cuts on rectangular shapes do not seem to show this extinction, so it could be a factor using an incorrect design for this particular spinel.
its really too bad it didn't work out for you. I actually dig the color quite a bit. the half extinction is something that can drive me a little nutty tho.

Chrono thanks for that explanation.

I saw that on their site too and liked it in their pics-I like the gray/blue color. Too bad the stone didn't turn out to be that way in real life!
Oh what a disappointment for you.

Please don't be put off "native" cut stones. As Chrono has said, even precision cut gems can have half/half extinction - I own one and it drives me nuts. Unfortunately, in gemstone world, getting a beautiful stone each purchase is an incredible feat and not often achieved. Thank goodness for returns policies!

I have to say that the colour in your photos and the Vendor's photos are a million miles away from each other. I do hope you manage to find something more beautiful with your next purchase.
LD was right when she predicted significant bowtie effect. If it is in any way a consolation for you, I have many stones that have a certain degree of extinction. Some of them are precision cut. I have a beautiful Mahenge with significant extinction and the only thing that saves it it its bright color. In your case, it is not a big loss anyhow because in photographs the stone looks steely-grey and in real life, it is muddy pool-grey.

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