
Hypoallergenic Kitties???

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Oct 22, 2005
Did anyone see this article? I was just searching for cats that are less allergy inducing than others (out of curiosity, FI and I are both allergic to cats, and I have no intention of getting a cat but I was bored and decided to do some googling)


Jan 25, 2005
I didn''t read the article but I have heard about this in development...and something like the cats were going to cost $5K or something? Kinda steep, but if it is your only alternative...

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
My SIL was so excited but they are way too expensive! I know a few people (who are allergic) with "hairless" cats. They actually have a very thin coat and they are very sweet, cuddly cats. I am not sure the cost but I know it is less. Just another option.


Apr 4, 2006
Someone told me that lighter color cats cause less allergies. I have a white cat, 2 red cats, a tortie, and a black cat--can''t tell the diff. I''m usually VERY allergic to other people''s cats, but not to my own. I guess I''ve become desensitized? Anyway, I learned over the years as a habit not to touch my face or have them near my face or pillow--also, I wash my hands after brushing or petting. Somehow we have survived with 5!


Feb 17, 2006
Date: 3/2/2007 2:31:09 PM
Author: justjulia
Someone told me that lighter color cats cause less allergies. I have a white cat, 2 red cats, a tortie, and a black cat--can''t tell the diff. I''m usually VERY allergic to other people''s cats, but not to my own. I guess I''ve become desensitized? Anyway, I learned over the years as a habit not to touch my face or have them near my face or pillow--also, I wash my hands after brushing or petting. Somehow we have survived with 5!

It''s true that you build up immunity to your own cats... that''s how allergy shots work... exposure to your allergen builds resistance. But it''s only good for your cats. And I''ve heard that lighter color cats have less dander. don''t know if it''s true either... we have a rainbow in our house. FI used to be allergic but with zyrtec and constant exposure he has become tolerant of our kitties.


Apr 4, 2006
Date: 3/2/2007 2:37:29 PM
Author: sumbride

Date: 3/2/2007 2:31:09 PM
Author: justjulia
Someone told me that lighter color cats cause less allergies. I have a white cat, 2 red cats, a tortie, and a black cat--can''t tell the diff. I''m usually VERY allergic to other people''s cats, but not to my own. I guess I''ve become desensitized? Anyway, I learned over the years as a habit not to touch my face or have them near my face or pillow--also, I wash my hands after brushing or petting. Somehow we have survived with 5!

It''s true that you build up immunity to your own cats... that''s how allergy shots work... exposure to your allergen builds resistance. But it''s only good for your cats. And I''ve heard that lighter color cats have less dander. don''t know if it''s true either... we have a rainbow in our house. FI used to be allergic but with zyrtec and constant exposure he has become tolerant of our kitties.
Speaking of interesting things about cats, I heard recently that torties hate to be picked up. Something to do with their central nervous sytem that is only exhibited in torties. Pet her all you want, but the minute you pick her up, whoa--she just turns into a pretzel! Must get down!


Aug 8, 2005
"Many cat lovers ignore medical advice and discomfort and choose to keep the animals as pets, or use expensive medications to cope with their allergies."

More expensive than $3,500 for a cat? When there are so many in shelters that millions are put to sleep per year.

I'm sorry, I just think this is frivilous science.

ETA: I'm allergic too. Two of my cats don't bother me at all anymoe, as long as I'm not away for more than a week. One of mine still does however, my grey tabbie Frodo. He's not great about grooming himself though... so that might be why.


Jan 21, 2006
I read about this a few months ago and got really excited. I love cats, but fi is allergic. When the cats are sold for about 1k we will consider getting one, but right now they are too expensive.


Oct 22, 2005
I find this study interesting not only for the fact that they are able to silence a gene that releases the allergen, but the implications for this are great.

Soon similar techniques may be used to cure disease in the future...granted cancer, etc, are much more complex than silencing one single gene, and the ramifications would be different, but I do find it encouraging and exciting from a scientific standpoint as well.


Dec 9, 2006
I love cats but am allergic! My family has had several cats over the years, and my allergy isn't so bad that I can't live with them. I just have to keep them out of my bedroom, and avoid petting them and then rubbing my eyes. I've actually noticed that solid black cats give me NO allergic reactions, no matter how much I touch them and my eyes. I'm not really sure why. I think their fur is a bit thicker (each individual strand is thicker, not the wispy pieces some lighter cats have) and their skin is less prone to flaking. (It seems slightly oily.) A friend of mine has a black cat, and I've slept in the same bed as this cat on several occasions with no problems at all. Meanwhile, my family's calico cat and orange cat give me itchy eyes sometimes, and I most certainly can't sleep in a bed they've slept in. For cat lovers with an allergic family member, I would suggest "testing" the allergy around friends cats of different breeds and colors, or perhaps taking on a foster cat and seeing how that goes. There might just be a type of cat that they don't react to!


Mar 23, 2005
Date: 3/2/2007 2:42:10 PM
Author: justjulia
Speaking of interesting things about cats, I heard recently that torties hate to be picked up. Something to do with their central nervous sytem that is only exhibited in torties. Pet her all you want, but the minute you pick her up, whoa--she just turns into a pretzel! Must get down!
THAT IS SO WEIRD!!! I have two and they are sisters. One is really big-not fat, just big :) and the other is skinny. The skinny one hates to be picked up, but the second you let her down, she wants to be pet and played with. I have always wondered what is up with her!


Feb 5, 2004
Date: 3/2/2007 2:29:22 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
My SIL was so excited but they are way too expensive! I know a few people (who are allergic) with ''hairless'' cats. They actually have a very thin coat and they are very sweet, cuddly cats. I am not sure the cost but I know it is less. Just another option.
I think the hairless cats you are speaking of are called Sphynx. They are very "interesting" looking. But they are supposed to be very sweet.


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 3/2/2007 2:31:09 PM
Author: justjulia
Someone told me that lighter color cats cause less allergies. I have a white cat, 2 red cats, a tortie, and a black cat--can''t tell the diff. I''m usually VERY allergic to other people''s cats, but not to my own. I guess I''ve become desensitized? Anyway, I learned over the years as a habit not to touch my face or have them near my face or pillow--also, I wash my hands after brushing or petting. Somehow we have survived with 5!
I had a white cat and a black cat and was less allergic to the black than the white but their one and only offspring - a tabby - I was VERY allergic to her. I''m not allergic to all cats, and I can tell by touching them right away if I will be. If I pet a cat and I''m allergic I feel a tinly feeling on my hand and I know I have to go wash my hands right away... but other cats I don''t get that and I can snuggle up with them great :) I have been cat-less for almost 6 years and I really miss having a cat


Aug 8, 2005
Excuse the threadjack!

Cehra.. get a KITTY!! Why don''t you guys get one... or two?

No cat lover should be uncatted.


Apr 4, 2006
Two of my cats were kittens in a box in the middle of the road found as we came around a corner in the middle of the night--I ask you, what kind of human being would do such a thing?
One was brought up to me as a kitten by a student, found under a bush in the pouring rain.
Two were my son''s teacher''s kittens.
So, "cats happen" to us! We only chose two out of the 5. I have a feeling we will always have some kind of cat.


Jan 25, 2005
My kitty was a pound cat. She was 1 year old and a coworker adopted her as a friend for her designer cat (she bought a tonkinese). Turned out her designer cat didn't want any friends, so instead of taking Chloe back to the pound (where she was 'cat of the month', had been there the longest, and if not adopted, well, gulp...) she asked me if I would take her. So I did. I would love to have another, but Chloe is an 'only child' and demands it be that way. A special needs kitty if you will. So, maybe years from now I'll get a rescue pair (I prefer adult cats with established personalities), but not till Chloe has finished ruling the roost.
(And I hope that's for many years to come.)

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Date: 3/2/2007 4:24:59 PM
Author: Cind11
Date: 3/2/2007 2:29:22 PM

Author: Tacori E-ring

My SIL was so excited but they are way too expensive! I know a few people (who are allergic) with ''hairless'' cats. They actually have a very thin coat and they are very sweet, cuddly cats. I am not sure the cost but I know it is less. Just another option.
I think the hairless cats you are speaking of are called Sphynx. They are very ''interesting'' looking. But they are supposed to be very sweet.

I have met three different ones and they are SOOO friendly. My brother''s friend had two and they had heated cat beds (like with built in heating pads) b/c they do get colder easier. But BECAUSE of that they love to cuddle. Also I think they fall into that so ugly they are cute category (at least for me).
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