
I’m hopeless - plan B (or is it plan Y by this stage?)

Which sapphire to set into the ring

  • Blue sapphire - it pops

    Votes: 33 86.8%
  • White Sapphire - keep the blues as a pair

    Votes: 5 13.2%

  • Total voters


Jan 22, 2014
A51A8B94-80ED-484A-94BA-781612E0F5C4.jpeg E60BF526-76F7-480A-BA79-B451386BBB08.jpeg Back yet again with ANOTHER idea - yep, she of the mass indecisiveness.
I’m back to thinking “don’t separate the blue sapphire pair” but what to do with the magnificent setting I bought?
Then I remembered the OEC white sapphire (that jewellers trove just keeps on giving).
While it is a big deep gem, it is also just under 9mm round so it will fit in the setting with some modification (apologies it needs some help with of a ball of plastic cling wrap to not fall in - spoils the look somewhat.)
So should I set this white sapphire instead? Interestingly the white diamonds show the faintest of blue tone in the sapphire.FA354919-6C29-43BB-8F96-345053A958DB.jpeg
It’s a very pretty stone but I can’t help but think this it’s like “oh, so you couldn’t afford a diamond so you went with white sapphire”. White sapphire, synthetic, is all over the place. White sapphire, natural and an OEC cut is special.
Hmmmm. Just wish I could make a decision.
@Bron357 - use the sapphire as a ring and use it's mate for a matching pendant. Sorted!

And ignore the fact that you have the pretty white sapphire sitting in your jewellery box for the time being.
@Bron357 - use the sapphire as a ring and use it's mate for a matching pendant. Sorted!

And ignore the fact that you have the pretty white sapphire sitting in your jewellery box for the time being.

What is that in your profile pic? :shock:
I like the white sapphire better lol. But doing the blue in the setting and making a pendant is a great idea too!
What is that in your profile pic? :shock:
That is my Saluki girl - Arya. Salukis are the middle eastern hunting dogs, they hunt game with falcons in the desert. Ancient working breed, very fast, very agile and able to keep on going. Obviously she isn’t allowed to chase and catch “living creatures” so we do lure coursing instead - a plastic bag on a line that zig zags about a mile around a large paddock which she chases!
B916CC46-E2B9-429B-8A0B-360179092543.jpeg Oh, and here’s a photo that best shows the difference between the two sapphires. One has more noticeable colour zoning, a lighter section. It’s not as noticeable face up but with the two side by side, the better one is much more even in colour.
I like the pair in the bangle.
I would keep the blue pair together as earrings and put the white sapphire in a ring. But there really is no wrong answer, both versions look amazing!
Does your treasure chest have a 9mm red stone? I think that setting would be killer w/ a red center. It seems a shame to separate sapphires that would make such well matched earrings but it partly depends on whether you plan to wear vs sell them. So many good options =)2
Does your treasure chest have a 9mm red stone? I think that setting would be killer w/ a red center. It seems a shame to separate sapphires that would make such well matched earrings but it partly depends on whether you plan to wear vs sell them. So many good options =)2
If only I could put wee Dawn on steroids or something, it would be a spectacular ring. Sadly wee Dawn (1,10) is a few carats short of filling the hole :cry2:
I like both options! I am anxious to see one of your blue sapphire set though, so I would pick that option =)2.
The blue definitely pops more, perhaps use the other as a pendant if you’d rather not separate them? And love your Arya! The sight hound in my avatar is an Arya too!
I vote blue. The blue definitely sets off the setting more. To me it seems to get lost with the white stone.
I would either (a) put the nicer sapphire in the current ring setting and keep the other stone for a future project (b) salvage some diamonds out of the setting and see if you can build earnings for a reduced cost (c) sell the setting and save against a future pair of earrings.

I think I may be leaning this way, because the white sapphire is not a good fit for that setting. It doesn't do the setting justice. At the same time I think the setting overwhelms the stone (also you have a large diamond ring anyway. So I would personally wonder if you would wear the white sapphire in place of the diamond, or at the same time as the diamond? If the former then realistically how does the white sapphire stack up against the existing diamond ring, because if it is not as pretty then it may sit in the jewelry box unloved.)
I agree. The setting really pops with the blue. It looks meant to be. With the white stone, the interest of the different melee shapes gets lost with the lack of contrast.

BUT I also understand not wanting to separate the pair. No other colored stones kicking around the collection? ;)2
yup, I love the blue in there! so nice! But GAH Dawn in there would be perfection. She just needs some milkshakes and cookies to fatten her up :)
I really, really like the white sapphire in that setting! I love all of that icy whiteness. It reminds me of a snowflake and it is just so bright & eye catching.

I feel blue looks like a black hole. If anything I like th blue gem with the immediate white halo but with that second outter halo it just looks weird to me. Can’t quite put my finger on it.

I vote white sapphire all the way!
I prefer the blue in that setting. It pops. The white sapphire just sort of melts into it though so if you prefer that look. Depends on the look you desire. Differentiation b/w the stone and the setting where the blue sapphire stands out or one sort of melty pretty and softer look. They are both lovely looks just different.
I love the blue sapphire in that setting. Makes it look very art deco. The white sapphire doesn't look good IMO in that setting.

If you *really* want to keep the pair of blue sapphires together for earrings, could you find a close match for the ring and have a complete set?
That is my Saluki girl - Arya. Salukis are the middle eastern hunting dogs, they hunt game with falcons in the desert. Ancient working breed, very fast, very agile and able to keep on going. Obviously she isn’t allowed to chase and catch “living creatures” so we do lure coursing instead - a plastic bag on a line that zig zags about a mile around a large paddock which she chases!

I used to course with my Standard Poodle when she was younger too - she loved it!Fallon Lure Coursing 2012.jpg
I like how the blue pops. :love:
I don’t want to intrude as I am more of a lurker but I just wanted to add a suggestion if I may;
What about the ruby with a bezel to fill the spare space in a satin finish and maybe a row or two of milgrain?
Not sure if it would work but just a thought. Out of the two options I love the sapphire, all your baubles are gorgeous though, you lucky duck!
Good luck deciding :twirl:
I dislike white sapphires in diamond halos it does nothing for the sapphire than make it look a bit like a CZ.
I like the blue, I would worry that the halo will outshine the stone using the white sapphire.
Do you have a green stone you could use? I would rather you kept the blue sapphires together & the white does nothing for me, as @Niel said.

Any other colours knocking around? Or a moonstone, which would give the ring a really beautiful Art Deco feel?
Hey @Bron357, you are only young once! Keep the good one, sell the not so good one!!

Even better, keep them both!!! =)2

As long as you own them both, they are together. Put Ms fabulous one in your fabulous setting and have the sapphire ring to rule them all!!

Figure out what to do with Mr not quite so fabulous (but quite fabulous enough for us mere mortals) at a later date.
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