
I cheated and I'm proud of it...bless my heart!


Aug 18, 2013
So as some of you might have read, I bought a 2.51 ct cushion cut blue sapphire online and when it came it was...not all that. In almost all lighting, it blacked out completely. And it had a window. And it was going to be my only sapphire ring (my DH's birth stone). And it ended up being rather disappointing - from pretty much every direction.

I went to the colored gems forum and talked/thought about recutting. Or heating. Or painting it with blue nail polish (ok - not really, but...almost...). And the response was mostly - don't do it. Taking the word of members more knowledgable and more experienced than me, I sent it off to David Klass Jewelry, into the hands of Amy Phillips, who I am fairly convinced at this point is a wizard. My expectations were low, but she asked me what my parameters were and what methods I wanted to employ. No matter what we did, that window needed to go, and anything we could do to help the color on this ring, which was going to be my "one and only", was fair game for me. So Amy suggested enameling the inside of parts of the setting a bright blue, and closing out the base with a tiny cup. So that's what we did.

I sent her off what was essentially a black stone, and today I got back...this. Keep in mind it was a VERY grey overcast day today when I sat outside and took these photos. I absolutely 100% stand by my decision to enamel the cup and the basket rim of this setting. This ring exists for one reason and one reason only; for my enjoyment. So if this is what works for me - that's what I'm gonna do! Cheaters unite - we're out and proud!

When I get a sunny day I'll post some more photos which, I suspect, will be even more beautiful. Yay!





And when I opened the box - I also found *this*: a beautiful diamond heart that started with a smaller diamond heart I bought on Loupe Troop from a previous PS member. The piece I bought was *not* as advertised - the diamonds were sold to me as 10 pointers and were, in fact, 4.7 points on average. But they were, indeed, nice and white and clean, so I asked DKJ to source me 10 more and reset the whole lot into something more classic (it had previously been a somewhat funky setting) in a prettier heart shape (it started out being one of those overly long, skinny hearts). I wasn't expecting this to be ready for some time, but it was with my ring today, so I got a wonderful two-fer! It's 1.5ctw and has the presence I was looking for. Love it!



I apologize for the enormous size of these photos - I have no idea why they're coming out like this. But I do love them and I'm so happy with both pieces!
What a happy outcome!!!! I loooooove the blue and the setting
Wizard indeed, possibly Elvi’ish at this point (think Lord of the Rings here)!!!! What a transformation…. Happy happy ending!!!!

All good--I mean great!!!! Wonderful additions to your FABU collection!

These are both spectacular! Amy IS a wizard! The sapphire looks terrific on you!
The color of the sapphire turned out to be beautiful with a bit of TomFoolery! As long as it worked and makes you happy who cares! Enjoy!
Oooh I love how the sapphire looks! Could you post a “before” pic of the sapphire unset in similar lighting conditions so we can see how that looked before the enamelling?

I also don’t see how enamelling the setting is “cheating” - people use colour enhancement cups on coloured diamonds all the time! I think it’s super clever actually!
Oooh I love how the sapphire looks! Could you post a “before” pic of the sapphire unset in similar lighting conditions so we can see how that looked before the enamelling?

I also don’t see how enamelling the setting is “cheating” - people use colour enhancement cups on coloured diamonds all the time! I think it’s super clever actually!

I was saying to Amy this morning that I really regret not taking photos of it before it was set. I received it, was pretty horrified, and sort of as a knee jerk reaction, sent it off to Amy first thing the next morning. The one afternoon I had it, tho, I took it outside, tried it under all sorts of electric light, tried ambient lighting, shade, direct sunshine - everything. The ONLY thing that worked was indoors, direct overhead lighting, straight under a skylight that had an anti UV skylight cover, while the stone was slightly tilted towards me. Then it lit up like a Christmas tree. If Christmas trees were bright light purple. So bizarre.
Both of those are very pretty!
Way to go Amy!!!! She knocked this one out of the park.

@mrs-b I’m so happy this worked out perfectly. The ring is gorgeous! Your joy with this ring came shining thru in the post as you were telling us how she came to be. Is it really cheating that this stone needed a little help? She got a little boost and took off running LOL. Happy Belated Birthday!
It’s not really cheating unless it’s omitted and denied. Lol.

I love what you’ve done with it. :love:
(The pendant is very pretty, too!)

If there’s pictures of it set without the enamel /cup - that would be an awesome comparison to the finished piece.
Educational :love:
I love happy endings! @mrs-b
And I love a classic cluster ring too! Beautiful!
This ain't cheating—this is straight-up creativity! :D The blue color is beautiful!
Sometimes a bit of cheating is needed! Like when we contour our faces with makeup or wear dresses with black panelling down the underarm & hip area. It just WORKS.

I love how this has turned out & it has a really glowy presence on your hand. And yay that you are home to receive these beautiful sparklies! Lots of love, my beautiful hearted friend x
Love it!! Can we see the cup? I’m so curious now!

I am also glad the heart worked out! Did you at first try to explain to the seller that the item was misrepresented?!
Amazing!!!! I love this ring
This is really fabulous!
Love it!! Can we see the cup? I’m so curious now!

I am also glad the heart worked out! Did you at first try to explain to the seller that the item was misrepresented?!

I'll do my best, but it just looks like a very small donut. The donut is closed in at the bottom, tho, and the inside of *that* is enameled. You can't see it, tho. Happy to take some more photos tomorrow when I have better light and, hopefully, sunshine!

And - oh yes! I told her. She was very aggressive and rude about it and ultimately said she'd take it back if I insisted on complaining about it. Given that it was less than half the ctw she said it was, I felt I had a pretty valid complaint. But given how outrageously she'd lied once, there was -zero- chance I was going to send her the piece back and trust her to give me back my money. So I kept it to make sure I came away from the exchange with at least something.
I love a happy ending x 2! Congrats on the beautiful ring and pendant. A sapphire/ diamond cluster is on my list!
Oh @mrs-b I love it! And I so enjoyed your dramatic confessional post! Thank you for making me smile today! It looks amazing and I think it’s just perfect for you!! What’s a little avowal among friends… :lol:
Enjoy that lovely blue-icious ring!!
Your diamond heart is a nice staple piece to add to your suite! Bless your heart! ❤️
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So as some of you might have read, I bought a 2.51 ct cushion cut blue sapphire online and when it came it was...not all that. In almost all lighting, it blacked out completely. And it had a window. And it was going to be my only sapphire ring (my DH's birth stone). And it ended up being rather disappointing - from pretty much every direction.

I went to the colored gems forum and talked/thought about recutting. Or heating. Or painting it with blue nail polish (ok - not really, but...almost...). And the response was mostly - don't do it. Taking the word of members more knowledgable and more experienced than me, I sent it off to David Klass Jewelry, into the hands of Amy Phillips, who I am fairly convinced at this point is a wizard. My expectations were low, but she asked me what my parameters were and what methods I wanted to employ. No matter what we did, that window needed to go, and anything we could do to help the color on this ring, which was going to be my "one and only", was fair game for me. So Amy suggested enameling the inside of parts of the setting a bright blue, and closing out the base with a tiny cup. So that's what we did.

I sent her off what was essentially a black stone, and today I got back...this. Keep in mind it was a VERY grey overcast day today when I sat outside and took these photos. I absolutely 100% stand by my decision to enamel the cup and the basket rim of this setting. This ring exists for one reason and one reason only; for my enjoyment. So if this is what works for me - that's what I'm gonna do! Cheaters unite - we're out and proud!

When I get a sunny day I'll post some more photos which, I suspect, will be even more beautiful. Yay!





And when I opened the box - I also found *this*: a beautiful diamond heart that started with a smaller diamond heart I bought on Loupe Troop from a previous PS member. The piece I bought was *not* as advertised - the diamonds were sold to me as 10 pointers and were, in fact, 4.7 points on average. But they were, indeed, nice and white and clean, so I asked DKJ to source me 10 more and reset the whole lot into something more classic (it had previously been a somewhat funky setting) in a prettier heart shape (it started out being one of those overly long, skinny hearts). I wasn't expecting this to be ready for some time, but it was with my ring today, so I got a wonderful two-fer! It's 1.5ctw and has the presence I was looking for. Love it!



I apologize for the enormous size of these photos - I have no idea why they're coming out like this. But I do love them and I'm so happy with both pieces!

That sapphire ring is gorgeous! I can't believe it's the same dark stone you talked about earlier. And the pendant is very pretty. Congratulations!
So I am REALLY kicking myself now that I didn't take photos of it before it was set! I was reacting, not thinking.

And just to be clear - I can see that all the photos make the setting look skewed. This is the Apple iPhone Max Pro with its three lenses. Everything looks somewhat twisted. This stone is 7.55 x 7.55mm *exactly* - but in at least one or two of the photos it looks positively rectangular. As soon as I get some sunlight, I'll take some photos with my husband's Samsung Galaxy. *Why* I swapped to an iPhone can only have been an act of lunacy on my part - I've hated this phone since the day I got it and the photos it takes are rubbish.

We're forecast for more rain tomorrow and thunderstorms on Monday, but on Tuesday we're meant to get some sun, so I'll definitely take some better photos then. I probably should have waited, to be honest, but I was just so relieved when I saw it, I couldn't wait!
It turned out so lovely!
Wow, you definitely made the right call! Even in the still shots one can tell it is a shimmery and seductive shade of blue now!
@Autumn in New England - thank you for all your help and encouragement in my other thread on the colored gems forum. You were a huge help and so encouraging when I was ready to throw my hands in the air and just "sell her on". I'm very happy with where I landed and I really appreciated your input.

Thank you! <3
@lovedogs - thank you so much! I was ready to settle for something I didn't out and out dislike - so this was a *very* happy surprise!

Thank you, @lavenderdragonfly23! I love a little elven! The folks at DKJ know all the tricks and are well versed in making the proverbial silk purse out of...well, you know. :bigsmile:

@canuk-gal - thank you, Sharon! Hoping the vacation is wonderful! :wavey:
Not cheating at all in my book. Just doing something to bring out the best. I love the tone of blue it is now, so who cares what it was before it got a little boost. Enjoy both pieces and I'm glad you were able to make something good come out of the bad experiences with both the stone and the heart.
Thank you, @springerspaniel - and thank you for your encouragement! ox

@MissGotRocks - "Tomfoolery" - I love it! And I agree - there are no rules here, just what hits the spot for each of us individually.

@AllAboardTheBlingTrain - it never occurred to me that people might use color enhancement in the setting of colored diamonds! I thought I was being very cheat-y! Maybe...not so much? ::)
Thank you so much, @oncrutchesrightnow! :wavey:

@Calliecake - I LOVE your choice of words - "she got a little boost and took off running"! She really did! And thank you for the birthday wishes. <3

@Rfisher - I would never omit and deny...well...not about jewelry, anyway! :mrgreen: And thank you for your advice on the other thread - I appreciated it a great deal. <3
Thank you so much, @iluvcarats! Because of the tri-lens on the iPhone, the ring keeps coming out looking skewed. One lens is always dominant, so you get a slight fish-eye effect. To say nothing of how it makes my fingers look! I'll take some better photos this week, and hopefully they'll show how perfect the workmanship is; it's a lovely ring!

Awwww @SparklieBug! "Creativity"! I love it! :bigsmile: Thank you!

Thank you, @Ally T . <3 <3 <3 I ended up back in hospital yesterday, too, so I am VERY pleased to be out and home and receiving jewelry! I try to skip lightly over the sucky bits, and land fair and square on the jewelry parts! In fact, so many of the happy parts of my life are like a winding path of stepping stones made from jewelry events. Life could be worse! Hugs to you, my friend! ox