
I inherited a string of pearls... HELP!

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Oct 16, 2003
How in the world do I go about getting this appraised? I received awhile ago and didn''t really do anything with it. I''ve been told that these are high quality Akoya cultured pearls and the pearl clasp is surrounded by real diamonds... but how do I go about learning pearls grade as AA, AA+, AAA, Luster, and blemish, necre informations.

Can someone point me in a direction? I want to sell this piece as I am not a person that wears jewelry much. I would like to have it appraised here in Hawaii. Any ideas? Please help! /idealbb/images/smilies/15.gif


There is no single accepted grading system for pearls. AA vs. AAA vs. AAA+ depends on whom you ask. GIA has a pearl grading system but a lot of pearl dealers don't use it.

Assuming those are genuine Akoyas (and they look natural, though grading by photograph is problematic), that's a nice strand. How long is the necklace? Can you measure the average pearl size (in mm)? I'd say the luster and surface quality are good but not excellent. I can see some blemishes in the big photo. But that's typical with all but the finest pearls. They could be better matched, though it may just be the photo that makes me think that.

By way of comparison, the last I looked, a high-quality 16" strand of 7-7.5mm Japanese Akoyas is worth a few thousand dollars, though that will vary a lot depending on where you get it. Mikimoto pearls will be a lot more; Chinese Akoyas are somewhat less. Pearl prices have been really fluctuating lately, at least at the wholesale level, so it's hard to be exact.

I don't think you should have any problem finding an appraiser who knows pearls in Hawaii. Just call around and ask.
Thanks very much for your input! Any info and suggestions that I receive is very much appreciated.

It is a 6mm, 16" strand. I tried out one of those online appraisal sites and was given a replacement value appraisal of $2995.00. I'm not sure how accurate that appraisal is, so I will go hunting for an appraiser here in Hawaii tomorrow. Its in desperate need of a good cleaning... can that be done professionally as well?

Thanks again for your help!
Cleaning pearls is not difficult--just soaking them in warm, mild soapy water is usually enough (but no more than that--strong chemicals will damage the pearls). However, if they are worn regularly, they also need to be restrung every year or so because the silk thread gets dirty and can start to degrade. If those are heirlooms and as dirty as you say, odds are they need restringing in addition to cleaning. Restringing is not a complicated job for someone who knows how to do it and should not be expensive--I wouldn't pay more than $50 for it.

Replacement value is not retail value. You won't get that much selling a 16" strand of 6-6.5mm pearls, although the clasp might bump up the value a little.
Aloha LawGem!

Thanks again for all of your help last month. I was finally able to track down an appraiser here in Honolulu. She came with very high recommendations.

If you don't mind, i'd like to run the appraisal by you to get your input. I am really new at this appraisal stuff and I guess i'm just looking to get more educated about it.

"One stamped & tested 14KT white gold lady's cast custom made claspwith a bright polish finish. The clasp is attached to a cultered pearl strand which contains 91 pearls. The clasp is peg set with two cultured pearl, and 6 round single cut diamonds. The clasp has a figure eight safety clasp. The clasp was made for two strands. The clasp measures 16mm x 10mm. At the time of the appraisal the strand was re-strung with knots inbetween each pearl. Identified with markings of "14K". Containing: One even single strand pearl necklace 31.5" rope length, knotted, containing 91 cultured saltwater pearls, 8.0mm in size to 7.4 mm in size. The pearls are white rose' in color with high luster, medium nacre, mostly round, spotted with excellent uniformity.

Two cultured saltwater pearls, 6.7mm in size to 6.7 mm in size. The pearls are white rose' in color with high luster, medium nacre, slightly off-round, spotted with good uniformity.

Six prong set single cut diamonds, measuring from 1.65mm to 1.60mm in diameter (dept est.) approximate total weight of 6 stones = 0.09ct.

Clarity: VS

Color: E-F

Cut: Good-Class 2a

Total Weight of Diamonds: 0.09ct

Retail Replacement Value Appraisal: $3044.06"

So if you don't mind, would you give me some input on this? I realize that the appraisal is for $3044, but based on this, in your opinion, what should I expect to get for this when I get around to selling it? Your honest opinion is much appreciated.

Mahalo (thank u
By the way... the appraiser seems to think that the pearls were originally purchased in the late 60's. Pretty interesting huh?
With the understanding that I know only what I can see in the photos, and that grading from long distance is necessarily inexact, I see nothing in the photos that is inconsistent with the appraisal. If indeed the appraiser came well-recommended, I would trust what you got. It sounds legit to me.

Remember that "retail replacement value" is not the same as "estate sale value." You aren't going to get full retail price selling it. What you do get will be highly dependent on how you sell it. Selling by consignment in a jewelry store is the easiest way, but you'll have to split the proceeds with the jeweler. Selling it on ebay ought to net you the most, but it's also the riskiest way of doing it. I'd ask the appraiser for some suggestions, since she presumably knows the local market in Hawaii.
Thanks LawGem! Your input is always appreciated.

If anyone else can add to LawGem's suggestions of how I might go about selling these pearls, I would be truly appreciative as well.


Welcome to Pricescope! I'm also from Hawaii as noted in 69gm's "Hawaii" thread. Great to have you on board.

I'm also a member of DT and Ladyluck who posts there is our very special Pearl Lady. She knows a lot about pearls and I would suggest you contact her. She is a sweetheart too but has been only in and out on the forum due to a series of surgeries she has had recently. Feel free to PM me your email address if you like and I will be happy to put you in touch with her. Hopefully she could give you some info as well. LawGem has been helpful too.

That is a beautiful string of pearls. I wish I could afford to take it off your hands........

Good luck and please keep us posted.

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