
I know this isnt a cut stone but isnt ot beautiful.


Mar 28, 2018
20180609_140318.jpg 20180518_034027.jpg from my research there's only one other blue stone in existence or may be the only stone to emit phorphoesence light under normal light. The first picture shows the reddish orange light on the outside of the stone which only a blue diamond can do. The hope diamond emits a reddish orange light under ultra violet lighting this one however shows it under normal light.
You should send it to GIA for a lab report; they will grade rough.
As per my other post, evidence of phosphorescence occurs in the dark. It’s after you turn all the lights off, and you are in the dark, that it glows, all by itself.
You are just shining a light from behind and the crystal just has some sections of red in it.
The Hope Diamond, due to Boron, when exposed firstly to UV light and then placed in the dark, ie not lights whatsoever, the whole stone glows red all by itself.
That is with ultra violet light does it then glow
Hope_Diamond.jpg here's the hope diamond. Notice how it emits faint green and reddish orange glow. 20180518_034245.jpg here's mine. Almost the exact same. I guarantee you it has the potential to put the hope diamond in the past.
Hiw unbelievable is that?
Remarkably it is real. The true diamond of hope in my book. Hehe No pun intended.
That is with ultra violet light does it then glow
There is two types of reactions to UV light.
There is fluorescence, which is while under a UV light that a diamond glows a colour. Some diamonds glow blue, rarer reactions there are might be an orange, pink or green glow. That is a glow while the UV light is still on.
Phosphorescence, which is “glow in the dark” only happens with natural blue diamonds that are coloured by Boron, so when the light is turned off and it is completely dark, the blue diamonds glow red, all by themselves, in the dark.
No other colour diamond glows in the dark.
5D394762-9CD5-4C37-9384-960246E9CAEB.jpeg Sigh.
No, this is phosphorescence, this is blue diamonds glowing red in the dark.
Under ultra viloet lighting only. Which states that it remains to flow a few after the light is turned off but only under uv lighting cannot flow red. Which is from the phosphorescence. You can see it under white lights but only on the outside of the stone.
That's the trademark of a blue diamond.a deep vivid fancy blue diamond that is.not ever blie dismond emit the reddish orange light under white lights.

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