
I measured my finger length.

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Aug 31, 2005
I think I have freakishly small hands. Not small in the delicate, size 3 finger way, I'm talking the "average" finger size, "stumpy" finger length way. My husband can hold both of my wrists together with one hand (though that shouldn't count, as he has freakishly LARGE hands).

Everyone tells me I'm crazy, and while that's obvious, today, I got out the ruler. And I measured my fingers.

Am I a total freak? How do my measurements compare to yours, if you've ever measured yours?

(Left hand)
Ring size: 6
Ring finger length: 2.5 inches
Middle finger length: 2.75 inches

I envy those of you with long fingers.
That's actually a good idea, I have never thought to measure my finger length!

I measured palm side up from the first crease (basically where my finger meets my palm)

I have large hands--"athletic" hands is the term jewelers always use, haha.

My left ring finger is a size 8
my ring finger length is 3.25 inches
the middle finger is just shy of 3.5 inches--I guess it's 3 7/16ths

What's funny is that my right ring finger is a 6.5 and 3 inches...and I'm right handed.

I wonder if there is some sort of length to width ratio you're supposed to have for fingers, like the "golden ratio" haha.

ETA: I envy your size 6, 2.5" inch ring finger, Ebree!!
ETA (again): I think that women are the opposite of men, we envy SMALLER hands!
I have very short fingers. Remember when you''d hold up your hand to a friends when you were little. My fingers were always the smallest. Like a kindergartners. I''ll have to get out a ruler tomorrow. Mine aren''t slim either, I wish I could get finger extensions, LOL.
How fun!

(left hand)

Ring size: 4.75
Ring finger length: Just shy of 3 inches
Middle finger length: Just over 3 inches

My fingers are very long and slender, though I don''t know if they just look longer because they are slender.
left hand:
ring finger 2.5 inches
middle finger 3 inches
ring size 4
Haha, EBree, the weird things I do because of PS - I just measured mine - ring is 2.75 and middle is 3, I wear a size 8, and I''m 5''5" - not petite. As weird as this sounds, I think my diamond looks bigger BECAUSE of the short fingers, so thing of it as a good thing!
I''m 5'' 8" and have fairly big hands (ladies gloves don''t fit. The fingers are always too short and I''m broad across the palm. I wear either a men''s small or medium). Anyhow, my middle finger is 3" and ring finger is 2 7/8". Ring size is 7 1/4, mostly due to enlarged knuckles.

This is awesome! I'm right handed.

Left hand:
Ring finger: a little over 2.75 inches.
Size: 6, 6.25 when swollen
Middle finger: just under 3.25 inches
Size: 7.5

Right hand:
Ring finger: just under 3 inches
size 6.5
Middle finger: Just under 3.25 inches
Size: 8

That is so weird...

ETA: BF thinks I'm weird for measuring my fingers now. And I'm 5'2.
Hi EBree...I remember you saying you''re petite. I''m 5''0". And I had measured my fingers even before your thread. I''m crazy too.

Left hand ring finger...2.75"
middle finger...just a tiny bit over 3"

My ring size is 4.5
OMG, I'm so happy to see all the responses! I checked the thread a while ago, and it had 20 views and 0 responses. I felt like a freak.

Kaleigh, my hands are ALWAYS the smallest when held up to anyone else's hands! I don't have those slim fingers like you do, though!

Looks like I have the shortest fingers of the group so far. vslover is close, but she wears a size 4, so it makes a little more sense, I think.
Hahaha-I went immediately to find a tape measure and see how I measured up! Oh my...this could/will be the PS ladies equivalent know.

I am 5''8" and I wear a size 5.25 on my left ring finger

left ring finger: 3.25" long
left middle finger: 3.75" long
left pinky finger: 2.5" long

Ebree, I think your teensy finger probably helps your diamond look BIG! Your lil'' finger is the same length as my pinkie! Awww!
I am petite, so my fingers are as well. I actually just posted a pic of my ering and got the comment that I had the world''s longest pinkies.
Left hand
Ring Size-3.5
Middle finger:just under 3.5
Ring finger: Just over 3
Pinky: 2.5 inches
Now you guys made me curious as to how long my pinkies are-and both are just over 2 inches. Barely.

And in case you''re interested my thumbs are about 2.5 inches.

My pinky is just a smidgen over 2.5 inches...I''d love to have Thing2of2''s size 5.25 or BIH''s teeny 3.5 ring sizes, though!
I'll play! I'm right-handed and 5' 9 1/2" tall.

Left Hand
Ring size: 5.75
Ring finger length: 3 in
Middle finger length: 3 1/4 in

Right Hand
Ring size: 5.75
Ring finger length: 2 3/4 in
Middle finger length: 3 1/8 in

Why is my right ring finger shorter? Odd!
I''ll bite.

Left hand
Ring finger size 4.5
Ring finger length 2.5 inches
Middle finger length 3 inches
Pinky length 1 3/4 inches

Right hand pinky length just under 1 3/4 inches.

I always had freakishly small pinky.
I'm right handed

Left hand
Ring size 5 3/8
Ring finger just a smidge shy of 3"
Middle finger 3 1/4"

Right hand
Don't know my ring size
Ring finger just shy of 3" (left ring finger is a nudge longer!!?!)
Middle finger 3 1/4"

Pinkies are both 2 1/4"

My hands look real funny cos my thumb is set waaaaay back on my hand. Can you picture a monkey's hands? My Dad and I have monkey hands! Came in real handy back when I was playing piano seriously
I''m right handed, and 5''6"

Left Hand
Size 6 (maybe a smidge smaller)
Ring finger 2.75
Middle finger 3

Right Hand
Size 6.5
Ring Finger 3
Middle Finger 3.25

Pinkies are about 2

I can''t believe I''ve never noticed that my right hand fingers are longer than my left!
It seems rather normal as everyone here has about the same length fingers.

(Left hand AND right hand)
Ring size: 4.25 and 4.5
Ring finger length: 2.5 inches
Middle finger length: 2.75 inches
EBree, I'm right there with you too, on finger length.

Left Hand:
Ring size: 4.5 [but need 5.0 with sizer to get over knuckle]
Ring Finger Length: 2.5"
Middle Finger Length: 2.75"

Right Hand:
Ring Size: 5.0 [but need 5.5 to get over knuckle]
Ring finger Length: 2.50"
Middle Finger Length: 2.75"

ETA: Now let's talk about arm length. I have freakishly short arms. I can't buy anything long sleeved without having to roll up the arms.
It matters, if you''re using a straight edge ruler, on your ring finger whether your measuring from the web between your pinky and between your middle finger. Which may explain why you''re getting two different measurements for each hand.

Ring 3"
Middle 3.25
Ring Size 5.75

I''m left handed and my lengths are the same.

Left hand:
Ring size 4.5
Ring finger length 2.6"
Middle finger length 2.9"

Right hand:
Ring size 5.75 - 6
Ring finger length 2.7"
Middle finger length 2.9"

I''m 5''1".
I hate my big hands! I''d love to have smaller!

Ring finger-size 7.5-8.
Ring finger length - 2.8"
Middle finger-3.6"
I don''t have a measuring device around right now, but I can reach over an octave on the piano!
Date: 4/22/2008 10:42:31 AM
Author: monarch64
I don't have a measuring device around right now, but I can reach over an octave on the piano!
Me too - a 10th! Sooooooo close to an 11th but not quite there
Date: 4/21/2008 9:29:42 PM

Am I a total freak? How do my measurements compare to yours, if you''ve ever measured yours?

(Left hand)

Ring size: 6

Ring finger length: 2.5 inches

Middle finger length: 2.75 inches

I envy those of you with long fingers.

If you''re a freak, then I''m one too! That''s exactly what my left hand measures.
hahaha, pricescope finger obsession has reached new heights!

I''ll join the luny club too

Left hand:
Ring finger: 2.75 inches.
Size: 3.5
Middle finger: 3.125
Date: 4/22/2008 10:47:27 AM
Author: mercoledi

Date: 4/21/2008 9:29:42 PM

Am I a total freak? How do my measurements compare to yours, if you''ve ever measured yours?

(Left hand)

Ring size: 6

Ring finger length: 2.5 inches

Middle finger length: 2.75 inches

I envy those of you with long fingers.

If you''re a freak, then I''m one too! That''s exactly what my left hand measures.
Omg Ebree, I am almost the exact same as you guys, and I am left handed.
I wear a 4 1/4 or so- big knuckles though and my rings spin all day- My ring finger is 2 1/2 inches and my middle finger is like a smidge bigger- 2 5/8 I think. I have always thought my fingers are sooooo stubby looking so I know how you feel. But we probably get better finger coverage with our jewels, no?
Date: 4/22/2008 10:45:35 AM
Author: Delster

Date: 4/22/2008 10:42:31 AM
Author: monarch64
I don''t have a measuring device around right now, but I can reach over an octave on the piano!
Me too - a 10th! Sooooooo close to an 11th but not quite there
An octave is fine but anything else is a struggle for me. That''s some long fingers if you can reach so many keys.
Date: 4/22/2008 11:50:56 AM
Author: Chrono

An octave is fine but anything else is a struggle for me. That's some long fingers if you can reach so many keys.
Nope, not so much! I think they're fairly average. I did a quick count and 8 people on this thread so far (out of 21 replies) have middle fingers that are the same length or longer than mine.

I just have bizarre hand anatomy. Like a monkey. My hands look petite in real life, I constantly get told I have 'delicate' hands. It's shocked more than one piano teacher that my 'little' hands could reach a 10th!

ETA - I just realised you can kind of see the monkey hand in my avatar. The very tip of my thumb is exactly level with the base of my index finger, that's how far back my thumb is. It's hard to explain
I like my monkey hands though! Monkeys are cute!
And I got 'em from my Daddy
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