
$*#&, I missed a meeting!


Apr 28, 2008
What do you do when you've done that?

I called in and I'm writing an email to follow up. BOO!! :wacko: Big meeting, 20 people waiting for me. ;(

Any suggestions?
Oh, so sorry you missed a meeting. That has happened to a friend of mine and she just told the truth. She forgot all about it and apologized and took responsibility. I mean, we are all human, you know?

I don't know why you missed it but perhaps if you tell the truth (or a version of the truth LOL) people will be more understanding than you think. Of course, only you know the people you work with and how they might react so I wouldn't do anything that you think could backfire but I find the truth is generally the best way to go.

Sorry, I'm not any help at all but best of luck and I hope it goes smoothly!


ps I would also reschedule as soon as it was convenient for everyone involved.
I've done the same thing, and I've also sent an e-mail, apologizing profusely. Other than apologizing in person when you see your colleagues again, I'm not sure what you can really do. I'm sure others have done the same thing. Oh, and offer to bring doughnuts and a box of joe to the next meeting. :bigsmile:
Well, I haven't done this (yet) but I was one of the people waiting for a meeting that got forgotten about a couple of weeks ago.

Really, it was no biggie. These things happen and the person who forgot emailed a very polite apology. I really didn't give it a second thought, because if I'd got uptight about it, you could pretty much guarantee that karma would get me and I'd do it myself next week. ;)) Even the most efficient people are only human, right? Honestly, you're probably going to think about it for way longer than any of the people who attended, so try not to fret.

Thank you Missy and Zoe!

Missy- The truth is, I thought it was tomorrow. I was completely prepared for this meeting, wrote down all the details, etc. Who knows what came over me that made me think it was tomorrow instead of today. Thank you for your post! I'm starting to feel better.

Zoe- Bringing coffee and donuts next time is a great idea! I will do that.

Jen- Thank you! I've been fretting over this, though it doesn't change anything. I'm going to make myself a cup of tea, after which I'll go out to the bookstore for a large, large calender to put above my desk so that it doesn't happen again.
I miss my own meetings more frequently than I should admit. Though they're small - only 2 people waiting for me to show up. I just apologize and move on. The same people stand me up for meetings too, so I don't feel bad.

I've never missed one where 20 people were waiting though - you must've felt awful! I'm sure everyone will understand though - it happens to the best of us.
IndyLady said:
Missy- The truth is, I thought it was tomorrow. I was completely prepared for this meeting, wrote down all the details, etc. Who knows what came over me that made me think it was tomorrow instead of today.

I'd just write this in the email, apologize once, reschedule and move on. It's going to be a bigger deal if you make it a big deal, kwim?
It depends - I would probably lie. But I am a good liar so it depends if you can keep it going or not.
Also depends if you 'care' about the people in that meeting - if not just ignore it and send a e-mail rescheduling due to circumstances beyond your control. Who are they to know if you were caught in an airport or at the manicurist?
Thank you Elrohwen, Zipzap, and Steal!

I'm just going to take deep breaths and bring a lot of doughnuts when it comes to the real thing. Maybe a few of them were glad they could go home an hour early?
Ouch-I'm sorry to hear this, IndyLady, but I totally understand the misinterpretation. Hopefully everyone else involved will, too.

Doughnuts are a great idea, and I'm glad you emailed and texted as well. I hope that your damage control was taken into consideration. Everyone makes mistakes, and as young as you are (no offense intended) I think that people might realize that you have lots on your plate, don't have an assistant, and are trying your best to get to everyplace you need to be.

Best of luck to you!!! Let us know how things turn out. I'm thinking positive thoughts for ya! :appl: :wavey:
Thank you Monnie! I appreciate the thoughts! I'm also living/working in a foreign country, which makes everything just a little harder (a lot harder sometimes). It was just so royally embarrassing to drop the ball this way.

The meeting hasn't been rescheduled yet, but I'll call in tomorrow to see if there are any updates.
Missing a meeting is right up there with sleeping through an alarm clock on the horribleness scale :knockout: :knockout: It's certainly a lousy way to begin the day!

FWIW: Your remorse over missing this meeting is quite evident, such that I don't think ANYONE will be annoyed with you. This clearly is not a case of Indy blowing off a meeting- it's an honest mistake! You're following the right missed-meeting protocol.