
I NEED a Gypsy fix!!

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Mar 29, 2008
Seriously. I need to see a flippant, brilliant, funny, sarcastic wit right now.

Maybe some lawyer bashing...all in good fun of course.

And although this is in the wrong forum, you brides to be could use some non-wedding stress relief.

See how it is, girls? Only Gypsy is flippant, brilliant, funny, sarcastic, and witty enough for Miracles. Hey, at least you have good taste in PSers for entertainment, haha!
Hahaha doodle. See, you knew I didn''t think it was limited to Gypsy. I can always rely on the smart aleck''s in here to provide me with some chuckles, you included. Btw, I was just posting on your topic.
Miracles!! We''ve missed you! Where ya been lady?
Hey Hudson!! Working like a dog. I''ve been nipping and snapping at people the last few weeks, so know the transformation is almost complete.
I miss you too Janice. I''ve been kind of MIA since summer school started, but I still lurk, and you''ve been...NOT AROUND.

You got yourself some ''splaining to do. I know you''re not just watching episodes upon episodes of True Blood...
I''s shameful. It was all downhill when I upgraded my cable and got a DVR.

Do you think they would do an Intervention on me and my DVR?
I need to get me some HBO. Right now I''m joined at the hip to my mailbox waiting for the next Netflix to get here. AND then I have to wait for the freaking second season to come out. GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need an Intervention with my crackberry. It''s BAD.

I can hear Judge JUdy in the background. Maybe I''m not nearly as nippy as I think I am.

I''m writing thank you notes from our engagement party right now. This is the worst task invented. Seriously. And it doesn''t help that I spent 2 weeks after the party all sick and stuff. UGH.

Don''t mind me, I''m just babbling (whining) since Gyps hasn''t made it over here yet.
Aww, Freke, that strinks. Strinks? Yeah, I''m leaving it for entertainment value. I drink because this is what I''m like when I''m sober.
If it makes you feel any better, I STUPIDLY volunteered to address my sister''s wedding invitations. All 100 of them. By myself. I guess it''s fitting--I''ve done more stuff for her wedding than I ever did for my own, haha! So where the heck is Gypsy anyway? I thought she had that whole Jedi mind trick thing down and would psychically know when people were summoning her or something?
Whatever...whining rookies! Now I have to prepare for the grandbaby shower on August 23rd. I told my daughter I was going to make everyone fill out their own envelope when they arrive. If they don''t, they will be lucky to get a mass e-card.

She thinks it''s tacky... But she doesn''t think it''s tacky not to ever get around to doing them. Go figure.
Oh, you wanna talk tacky? Today, I had to convince my little sister that it was generally considered..ahem, uncouth to register ready for this? TOILET PAPER.
Ahahahahaha, and here I thought I was going to be tacky by inventing an all-purpose combined wedding/baby shower thank you card.
Oh no, but if you wanna tacky things up, just use a magic marker, write your thanks on some squares of toilet paper, stick on a rhinestone for class, and AWAAAAAAY WEEEEEEE GOOOOOOOO! Yeah, I''ve definitely mentioned this before on other threads, but "go" is just one word that you cannot emphasize your stretching it out by adding extra o''s, and the mention of "goo" in any sentence involving toilet paper is just disturbing.

ETA: Wait up...isn't that what my daughter is registering for? Oh yeah, a cloth diaper isn't reusable toilet paper...Nah...
Jedi like Gypsy. ROFLMAO.

You guys crack me up.

Hiya Miracles, it's end of quarter at work so you know how it is... everyone is trying to spend EVERYTHING in their budgets cause use it or lose it. And they are definitely intent on making me lose it, so I haven't been on too much.

Registering for toilet paper... ahh the joys. Miracles your going to be a great grandmama. I was around a baby last week. There was one over my mom's and everyone was going ga ga over it, and I guess it had gas after eating and it started crying and crying and crying. And I look at my mom and say, "Don't even think about it, it's NOT happening"... although I am a wee bit concerned. I'm not OVERLY superstitious but my grandma reads coffee grounds. You make some thick as mud turkish coffee drink it and then reverse it down into the saucer let it stay for a while and she reads it. And she saw two peacocks snuggling, you could really see the peacocks clear as day. But in the negative space there was what looked like a baby bird between the two larger birds. So grandma's convinced I'm going to have a baby soon. My ovaries and I have had some serious talks about this, and we're on strike though.

But if I end up preggers, I'm blaming the coffee. I just stared at the guest baby at my parents. No desire to do anything with it. I'm missing a gene. Although I did promise Neatfreak John would babysit for her since she's moved within in a 15 minutes of me. And I said it just like that too. John will be happy to babysit for you. He's much more maternal that I am. I've never even held a baby. I had a chance last week and... nope. Didn't even want to touch it. And didn't. John helped raise his 6 nieces and 1 nephew. Which is why he doesn't want kids either. Walking talking birthconrtrol those kids. Even the good ones.

Actually cloth diapers ARE re-useable... anyway. WHY would anyone want cloth diapers? It took us thousands of years of civilization to invent disposables. Is it an environmental thing? Cause there are a LOT of things I'd give up before I gave up disposable diapers. Seriously.

I'm not sure I'm living up to my (much exagerated) reputation. LOL.

I want a grilled cheese sandwich. DARN YOU FOOD NETWORK. And NO that's not a craving.

Sorry honey, I'm off to bed. It's only 9 pm but I am WIPED out. Plus the cats get uppity if I go straight to sleep and dont' cuddle so I have to allot for 15 minutes of cuddle time for them.

Um... Lucy's still up for grabs. Miracles if you want a kitty let me know. I will drive her down there myself in 5 weeks. Promise.
Phew, that was hysterical Gypsy.!!

Walking talking Birthcontrol. Priceless.

I wonder what my coffee grounds would say. You''re grandmother would probably be yelling at my coffee grounds to "quit shouting"!
When I've got a lot on my mind there is a lot of little crowded images in the cup-- exactly like I'm shouting. When I'm worried about one thing, or there is one main thing on the horizon, the grounds to kinda reflect it too, like I'm yelling about one thing. It's not that I believe in them PER SE, but I respect them. A couple of times she's told me things were going to happen and they have. Although for the last year she's been seeing me with a crown on my head swimming in money and THAT hasn't happened yet. So maybe the baby between the birds was a kitten. I wouldn't mind a kitten, if we rescued it.

I have the most beautiful flowers on my dining room table. FYI Wholefoods 16.99 roses for a dozen are the BOMB. They always open for me and last a long long time. Unlike the roses I get from Safeway, Traderjoes or Costco.

Alright hon, I really am off to bed now.

Does your daughter have some bling in mind for a push present? You KNOW what enablers we are in that department.

I need a vacation. 5 more weeks. 5 more weeks. And I need to decide what I'm doing for vacation. I was going to go visit my BF in TX. But now I'm thinking that plane ticket and expenses = two nights at a spa in Sonoma plus treatments. And that is sounding like heaven.

How are you, other than expectant grandma? How is work with the funky economy?
Work is ridiculous. We thrived in an economic recession. Everyone has to eat, and whenever one comprises a national brand for a private label brand...we cash in. Additionally everyone has to eat and we are in the food business, so we're expanding like crazy. I've been busy securing insurance in Australia and it has been a trip. It should be interesting as we expand into that region. Too bad each state has a different workcover scheme for each jurisdiction. Ugh.

I completely respect ancient rituals like coffee readings. Some people are gifted that way.

I agree, the roses are BOMB!~ You rest up for your busy work. I have had it up to my eyeballs in contracts and hold harmless agreements, drug testing consent forms, and legal "agreements" as opposed to a contract. Whatever...semantics.

p.s. I'll take a cat, but it'd be an outdoor cat within days. That would probably traumatize your cats. Sleep well!
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