
Ideal Diamond Stud Proportions


Jan 6, 2019
Dear everybody,

I know there is a lot of discussion on what ideal proportions are for MRB. Now I stumbled upon something @yssie wrote into a thread that she preferes low depth, shallow pavilion, thinner girdle, shorter LGF, symmetric faceting in stud diamonds.

Does everybody agree? And are these parameters still possible in the usual ideal proportions - or are we talking about diamonds that wouldn't get the "super ideal" approval?

Thank you for sharing your opinions!
You can always take the branded H&A route and not go wrong. It’s easier and always safe.

For someone who doesn’t want to buy H&A, or who specifically wants stones that specialize as studs and doesn’t mind a search, shallower stones can face up larger, show up bright and bold without the downsides (over-obstruction isn’t a concern with earrings and pendants), and light return will be less impacted by grease/skin oils/hair products. Garry H did a photojournal showing off that last with his wife’s earrings once upon a time.
As @yssie points out, since viewing distance is greater in general for studs than for rings, shallower stones stones do not have the downside of obstruction caused by head shadow of the observer. Thus, many people look for different proportions in diamonds for earrings.
However, a flatter stone also has less of a built up crown. Since earrings do not generally gather as much light from overhead, a full crown can help the diamonds gather light from lower on the angular spectrum.
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