This old ring has been sitting in my box for a while. It‘s a lovely stone - with inclusions, but nice colour. It deserves more attention. Any ideas what to do with it? Open to ring, pendant, whatever comes to mind!
Wow, that's a great transformation! Hope you enjoy it, I think the sapphire pops a lot more in that setting!
Wow, what a transformation!! I have a light sapphire too and I'm deliberating on the setting - this is pushing me towards a bezel.
Thank you! The bezel makes the stone look bigger and gives it a „clear“ appearance (I don‘t know how to put it)...
The jeweler really did a great job on it. I can see from your first pic that the stone has a window which would make it look not so great in most off-the-shelf settings, including your previous one, because the light goes right through the stone and stops at your finger, without reflecting back to the eye, making it look "dead" in the middle.
The jeweler has fixed this by setting it up with metal underneath that reflects into the stone and makes that whole center part light up. It also looks like (although I can't tell for sure from the metal pics) he has textured it in some way and/or set up the reflections so that it is reflecting the texture (or possibly reflecting multiple ways off the metal backing), making that center look complex and interesting and the window, which is a negative for most settings, turned into an asset Also the way he's done it, it is not metal right on the back of the stone which makes it much easier to clean, which I really appreciate! (I have a couple of rings with metal backing the stone like this which are right up against the stone, which solves the windowing problem but drives me nuts as they are very difficult to clean.)
I just really admire what your jeweler has done here -- I have a lot of windowed stones so I've thought about this kind of thing a lot (And yet most jewelers don't seem to take these kinds of considerations into account!)