
If you knew you only had one year left to live, would you change anything?


Jun 8, 2008
In good health that is. So one year left in good health. Would you change anything about the wya you are living now? Why or why not?

I'll go first
Yes, probably...but not much

First of all my affairs are pretty much in order so wouldn't have to do much there
Everyone I love already knows I love them so not much to add there

I wouldn't finish my DC RT treatment
I would stop seeing doctors (what's the point)
I would ask my DH to quit working because he is only working to keep my health insurance
And then really I have nothing I want to change
Would I travel knowing I only had a year left? Not sure because I really love being here and cycling and hiking which we do all the time so not sure if I had only one year left that would be first on my list. I traveled many places in the past so no burning need to get anywhere though there are countries left I would like to see it is not a dying wish

Would we eat out more? Eh. Not sure. I love my DH's cooking and am a homebody at heart
Thinking about this out loud there is not much I would change
I am content and happy and no burning desire to do anything we are not already doing

I might eat more chocolate and ice cream!!! Hahaha

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During cycling season we eat ice cream daily but in the colder weather when we are not cycling by our fave ice cream place we don't so I would change that and eat more ice cream during non cycling season :lol:

My DH would continue caring for the feral cats outdoors and we would make sure to get someone when he is no longer here to care for them
We already have our kitties taken care of if something should happen to the both of us but we have no back up plans yet for the feral cats

I would take things less seriously
I would laugh more (though I already laugh a lot
I would choose joy and choose happiness and live in the moment over all else (which I try to do now but don't always succeed due to life's pressures)
And that's all I can think of for now

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Asked my DH and he said he would:
Quit work
And get the house cleaned...LOL long story but I have not wanted cleaners in the house since the pandemic because I hate having strangers here and the cats hate it maybe I will allow it now since that seems to be my DH's only wish OMG and LOL :lol:

Men ;)


OK your turn. What if anything would you change if you only had one year left to live?
Nope, I am happy and content with my lot.

I don't deprive myself from anything food and drink wise.

If I lose the ability to enjoy food and drink as I do right now, it would be time to leave this Earth.

1 year is probably not worth the expense in putting in a stair lift in my house. However, I am seriously thinking about putting one in some time in the future if my physical ability to climb up and down stairs declines further.

DK :))
Nope, I am happy and content with my lot.

I don't deprive myself from anything food and drink wise.

If I lose the ability to enjoy food and drink as I do right now, it would be time to leave this Earth.

1 year is probably not worth the expense in putting in a stair lift in my house. However, I am seriously thinking about putting one in some time in the future if my physical ability to climb up and down stairs declines further.

DK :))

It's funny when we bought this house I was concerned when we got older how we would do with the stairs here. Before we lived in this house I never lived anywhere with stairs. My aunt said to me they'll keep you young. LOL I try to remember that every time I am tired and have to climb up the stairs. Especially at night when I am falling asleep. Yeah. Stairs. Will keep you young. :lol:

Good for you not depriving yourself. Life is short. Seize the day. Carpe diem. And all that jazz. Live now not for tomorrow !!!
Good for you not depriving yourself. Life is short. Seize the day. Carpe diem. And all that jazz. Live now not for tomorrow !!!

The subject matter in the film Nomadland is very close to my heart, and I knew I made the decision to sink a big chunk of my pensions/retirement funds into getting a RV, so that I can enjoy going out and about in her with the dog while I am physically and mentally fit to do so.

There are examples in the film from real life campers, who worked hard all their lives, saved up for a RV with plans to travel far and wide when they retired, for retirement that never came due to dying before they reached retirement age for whatever reasons, usually through illness or accident.

I can't take my assets to the grave. I don't have any family/dependents except for the cat and the dog and shall make sure they are being looked after when I am gone.

Definitely one to live for the moment. I just need to make sure I live within my means going forward once I have sorted out my finances.

DK :))
Stop working and just eat and travel for a year.
Likely going to do that anyways in 2026 as a sabbatical because why wait until I’m retired or dying if I can afford to do it now. The future is never guaranteed.

I’d also liquidate my shinies cause my spouse would have no clue how to do that and donate it toward animal rescues
Stop working and just eat and travel for a year.
Likely going to do that anyways in 2026 as a sabbatical because why wait until I’m retired or dying if I can afford to do it now. The future is never guaranteed.

I’d also liquidate my shinies cause my spouse would have no clue how to do that and donate it toward animal rescues

The subject matter in the film Nomadland is very close to my heart, and I knew I made the decision to sink a big chunk of my pensions/retirement funds into getting a RV, so that I can enjoy going out and about in her with the dog while I am physically and mentally fit to do so.

I would still work but I would pick one thing out of the many things I do and give every bit of my professional skill and energy to that one thing for eight hours a day for nine months. The rest of the day would not change too much. Then after nine months I would quit my job, buy an RV, and take my husband and kids on a trip that lasts all summer, stay at campgrounds that have swimming pools, and travel thousands of miles.
I don’t think I’d change much in my life. We already travel a lot, so would carry on until I couldn’t. I’d probably eat more of the things I enjoy but don’t eat often now. I’d give away pieces of my jewellery to friends I know would like them, and sell the rest because DH wouldn’t have a clue.

We already spend every waking minute together, so no change there.

Can’t really think of much else I’d do, wills are already in order.