
I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies. xox


Dec 11, 2010
Hi ladies, thank you for all your help through the last few years.
This might sound really stupid but when I was younger I made a reasonable personal timeline of how long I would like to be dating someone before the question is asked, anything longer than that maybe he's not the one (you have a lot of time to figure that out, or he thinks you're not), or he should have stepped up to the plate by then if it is love. So I have a mental time when I check out. The bf knows this, I made it very clear shortly after we started dating. One of my last relationships I moved in with the guy after uprooting my entire life to relocate for his career... I moved without a ring, gave up my life for what I thought was our life.. and when the relationship didn't work out I promised myself I would never do that again... honestly I feel that you should be engaged before moving in... but I haven't followed through with that. Idiot! Seriously why don't we listen to ourselves more often? We really do have a great sense of what's going on around us for the most part. ARGH!

So the bf constantly says how he wants to spend the rest of his life with me, I'm the one BLAH BLAH BLAH... He's been singing the same song for a LONG time... but he hasnt really done more then just talk. He suggested he had a ring, but I am realizing it was just talk. He has never asked me what I like, in fact I wouldn't even care to get a ring. I really had the wool over my eyes when we were in Paris and got caught up in the romantic bliss that was going on, I bought his "I want to spend the rest of my life with you shit, I want to marry you"... but nothing.. just talk...3 years of what I'm realizing is just mind games and false promises. So I move to a new city with him for work him knowing how I feel about living together without being engaged. He implied that he would once he got settled into his new job in the fall or before March at the latest. Ok so I buy into the he's committed, he's doing this for us... I convince myself going against my values is ok cause technically we'll be soon enough. Hmm, this sounds strangely familiar. I seriously thought this was different because of the ... "Before March 2012". So I stupidly give up my financial security by leaving my old job so he can work in this city, I am taking classes but because the school is so far away I have no extra time for a job...I'm in debt up to my eyeballs, completely dependent on him (Which I hate! I have always carried my own weight for everything)...

Here we are no real sign of commitment and now last night we had another big talk because we found out his friend got engaged last night. He tells me he has no plan in the near future to......excuse me? That's not what you told me in Europe. Him: "At LEAST another year... maybe, I want to get you a ring that you can show off".

"WTF, seriously ?!
You obviously don't know me... I am not the type to show off anything... EVER and that is not what I want! I want you to show me you're committed to me like I am to you AND respect my morals and values. I have been more than accommodating. You are getting all the perks of being married but without the next step. To you there is no reason to go to the next step because you are comfortable, you have everything you want... because I have given it to you."

Seriously ladies I'm sick of these excuses, if he wants to be with me step up.. if not let me get on with my life because he's not respecting me.
Life is short and I can't wait around while you make your life perfect for you just for you to decide if me not being Jewish is ok for you... which I can almost guarantee won't be if I don't convert... another commitment you want me to make without you showing me anything from the other side.

It's always his timeline, his wants, (from the decision when I was pregnant 9 months into our relationship-I thought about adoption as an option and he would not stand for it, to traveling, to the city where he works..) and yesterday I said this is not fair and I'm not going to take it anymore... it's all about me sacrificing and contributing to this relationship and he hasn't. I don't get it... I really don't. And now I'm heart broken because this was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with... but then I realize that person wouldn't do this to me... and would understand that I don't want a $10000 ring...I want what that ring says and it can be a $100 ring from a mall store for all I care.. I just want the respect of the commitment... I would just elope, but clearly that's not on his agenda.

I think I'm done. Please take me off the list I won't be getting engaged anytime soon: it looks like a breakup is in the future. You ladies have been awesome, congrats to all who've found their love. Time for a sabbatical from love! Going to have to work 3 jobs while in school to pay for rent in this city... grossly expensive for a bachelor. Who knows maybe I'll see you again in a few years ;))

Cheers, xox
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

All I can say is good for you! Is there any way you could contact your previous employer and get your job back?
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

Goo luck inflorescence! I know this will be really hard right now and in the immediate future, but i think ultimately it will be for the best, and when you look back years from now you will be so glad you did it. Based on what you've said about him he sounds awful. And it sounds like if you DID stick it out with him, your life would always be harder than it has to be. He seems to be making everything much harder and more complicated than necessary. So I also say good for you, and I wish you the very best.
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

You are showing AMAZING courage and strong convictions - I applaud you and your strength! I hope it goes well for you. What a woman you are! Giving giving giving and then being able to walk away because you want more for yourself. I am in AWE of you ---- you go girl!!! :appl:

I wish you a lifetime of happiness ahead and the help of whoever your higher power is, to help get you thru this next few months. All the best, inflorescence, I hope we see you here again!

One day at a time - you've made this decision, the next days will be rough, but I have the utmost faith in you.
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

I'm so sorry that you were mislead and your heart has been broken but I have to say that it's SO refreshing to see a post where a woman stands up for what she believes, has the courage to make the best decision for HERSELF and move on. Big hugs, lots of luck and please come chat with all of us on PS. I've always liked lurking around here and seeing how you're doing.
Sport to hear this- but good for you for standing up for yourself!!
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

Go get 'em girl. :appl:
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

I am so sorry to hear this, this must be an incredibly difficult time for you. I can only imagine how much bravery it took to be able to tell yourself that you can't compromise anymore.

Well done for realizing what you you want, and taking the steps you need to live true to yourself.
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

You are SO worth having all that you want in life. Don't forget that :wink2:
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

Good luck, lady. You deserve better. Just keep telling yourself that.

Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

I was in your position 5 years ago... It all happens for a reason. With your attitude, and the lessons you've learned you've got it made!! Best wishes :)
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

inflorescence|1332358768|3153654 said:
I think I'm done. Please take me off the list I won't be getting engaged anytime soon: it looks like a breakup is in the future.

In the future, huh? It needs to be in the PAST! Get outta there!!!!!
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

Good for you!

I'm glad you are seeing this now and not in another year or two. You are strong and smart and you WILL be okay.
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

Oh sweetie. I know what this feels like. It's so hard to walk away. But I promise you it gets better. Make the right decision for yourself and don't look back. You'll be happier, stronger, and better for it in the end. We're here if you need to talk. *hugs*
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

So sorry you are going through this. I know that you will be okay and everything will turn out for the best!
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

I am SO HAPPY to hear you decided to not let him string you along any longer. When I read your Paris story, I was so upset for you. What a relief to hear that you're moving past it.

As evidenced by a few girls around here (AdanaEsq, audball, etc) when you kick the wrong guy to the curb, the right guy is often just around the corner :)
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

Best wishes to you as you turn a new leaf in your sound like you have the right attitude and a great head on your shoulders so I feel that you deserve someone who is also on your level!!! Good luck to you!
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

Good for you! That's a very difficult decision to make. Hope everything works out and you find all that you're looking for :))
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

So sorry that this has happened to you. You are incredibly strong and brave for your decision. Good luck with everything.
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

I'm sorry it didn't work out like you hoped for, but I am so happy for you to be making this decision NOW rather than be unhappily strung along for much longer. All your threads broke my heart. I hope you find your voice again, soon, after all of his and his mother's ridiculous requirements for you. You will find YOUR guy. And he won't require you to convert religions, and string you along and hurt you as he makes empty promises. He will love you for YOU, and stand up for you. I hope you come back soon with more updates for us, and with your own happy ending!
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

This very sad (and very strong) post from you kinda hit home. Though I've never been caught in LIW limbo, I have been stuck in what seems like a rut with an SO in my past. It seems from your past (I'm sorry, I stalked a little bit), you two were on a high that seemed to peak around paris. Since then your posts seem more... unhappy. I know what it's like to remember only the good parts of a relationship and always strive for them, but to make this easier for yourself I have two pieces of very strong advice to give you to help reflect on what is currently going on.

1. Look at the man you are currently with (not who he was before), look at how he treats you, and look how happy you are - is this how you see your future?
- if yes, what difference is a ring going to make? If you believe you will get married (which I don't think you do), a ring and a ceremony sooner rather than later shouldn't make a difference
- if no, why are you with him? Promises of marriage? Stability? the man he USED to be? these are things you should look into deeply.

2. Give yourself a deadline to be happy.
- up until your deadline you are allowed to do everything in your power without being ashamed to get what you want. I've always believed you don't lose the one you love to pride, but you can lose your pride for the one you love. Give it your all, pour your heart out, warn him you're thinking of leaving and why, give him the chance to change.
- When your deadline comes, if you're not happy or have the goal you put your mind at, leave. And I don't mean leave and come back in a week with mixed messages, I. MEAN. LEAVE. Phone off (number changed), facebook deleted, email blocked, LEAVE, and let him think about life without you.
- After a couple months you can re-visit with him if you wish, but in all honesty if you have given it your all and you never made it work, it likely, honestly, and unfortunately was never meant to be.

The two above pieces of advice have helped me out of 3 very toxic relationships. I was a serial monogamist and ended up dating mr. wrong for way too long x 3. These are meant to help you be at peace with your decision - you, and you alone. You seem to be very strong and have your head on straight - but no one can stick to their guns when the man they love is telling them everything they want to hear and not acting on it.

I wish you the best in this difficult time, and hope everything works out how it should be in the end.

novel over ;), enjoy
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

Thinking of you! :) Hope you're doing ok.
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

Not sure if you are checking this, but the cliche, that which does not kill you makes you stronger comes to mind. Please trust me. I was married for almost seven years after dating for five years and the whole time before we got married there was a voice saying, but what about this, what about that. Ok maybe not the whole time, but long enough. I created a life that looked great from the outside but even then I was unhappy. But it was still hard to give up the security, the sense of at least having "a place, a person, a purpose" and start over. But it was worth every tough minute and this will be for you too. Good luck!!!
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

Thank you for all your love and support! You ladies helped more than you could imagine. xox
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

inflorescence|1341424337|3228570 said:
Thank you for all your love and support! You ladies helped more than you could imagine. xox

You're around! :) how have you been? I was just thinking about you the other day.. And wondering what path life took you on :) I hope you stay around regardless of whatever has happened. I always loved hearing your opinions in your posts :)
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

inflorescence|1341424337|3228570 said:
Thank you for all your love and support! You ladies helped more than you could imagine. xox

So good to hear from you! What's up? What is happening in your world now? Glad to hear you are coming thru the fire and (hopefully!) at the end of a troubling journey! Welcome BACK!!! (for however long you stay!)
Welcome back! I'm hoping you are in a happier and healthier place now:)
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

I hope you're doing well sweetie! Let us know what's up when you have a moment.
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

You are all the sweetest ladies ever! Thank you for your thoughts and support. As for me nothing too exciting on the male front, lots of men interested but honestly not looking. It's funny how they come out of the woodwork when you don't want them... To be honest I am focusing on school and getting into the dental program, and looking after my puppy who is almost 5 months now. I have also poured a lot of energy into sports. I actually reconnected with a teenage crush from 12 years ago because of our love for running, and it doesn't hurt our cities are close. We're both in odd spots in life and not looking for serious right now, we did have a picnic and a trail run and some great laughs together. Maybe I'll sweep a man off his feet in dental school.;) haha. I do have to admit all of my friends are engaged/married/pregnant/ just had or having children.. I feel out of place. *shrugs* I still look young so I won't worry yet. Someone will come along and love me for me... doh, now I have that song in my head. I'll keep you informed if anything exciting happens! xox
Re: I'll be MIA for awhile, thank you for everything ladies.

It's SO good to hear from you! I'm so glad to hear that you're doing well. Please keep us updated to how your'e doing!