
I'm mad at UPS


Apr 30, 2005
UPS is delivering some very exciting new camera equipment today, signature required.
The tracking system only tells me it will be delivered sometime today.
It doesn't even narrow it down with a beginning or an ending time.
In the past I've called UPS to get a window, even fat sloppy window of 6 AM to 8 PM would be better than what amounts to a 24-hour window; to no avail.
Uhm, UPS, we have lives and can't be expected to wait in our homes all day and night especially if you already KNOW a more-narrow delivery window.

Well, you'll never guess what.
UPS saw a marketing opportunity.

Now, if you 'register' they can give you a time window.
I have no idea how narrow this window is since I FK-YOUD out of their sign up process sometime during the second screen of data collection.
They also require you to read and agree to a LENGTHY contract of legaleze mumbo jumbo that allows them to do heavens knows what ... but undoubtedly somehow make more money off the personal data they are collecting.

FRIGGING WHY? :angryfire:
With this new trick they just revealed that they DO know a time window.
So why not just tell anyone with the tracking number?
Why do they have to reach further into our wallets?
Where is this going? … Not revealing the delivery DAY without collecting a DNA sample? :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:

This age of companies using technology to parlay people's personal information into profits really pisses me off almost as much as customers just rolling over and taking it.
I hate the "sometime today".... Unless it gets delayed... UPS thing too.

Wasted more hours waiting than I care to remember :nono:

Not sure if it is the same in your area, but the guy who delivers to us isn't allowed to deliver after 7pm so that narrows it down some...
In our area, UPS drivers deliver until their trucks are empty. So waiting for a package can be an all day proposition. And they refuse to narrow it down for you. When you ask, they just tell you to come pick it up yourself. But with UPS, be glad it is signature confirmation. You would not believe the crazy places they leave packages. I have had them thrown in the back yard when the dogs were out. Near a drain spount after heavy rain. On top of our curbside mailbox, where it promptly fell in the street. And one time, in side our barbeque grill. I cringe when I know a package is coming from them.

If I cannot be home all day, I just wait for the little note telling me they tried to deliver it, call the number on the card, and arrange the next day to pick it up myself.
TooPatient|1394136100|3628793 said:
I hate the "sometime today".... Unless it gets delayed... UPS thing too.

Wasted more hours waiting than I care to remember :nono:

Not sure if it is the same in your area, but the guy who delivers to us isn't allowed to deliver after 7pm so that narrows it down some...


Their 'sometime today' was bad enough.
This register-with-gobs-of-personal-info-that-UPS-doesn't-need-in-order-to-reveal-the-delivery-time-window-thing just adds insult to injury and is 100 times worse than the past where they only told us, "sometime today".

Now they are admitting they already KNOW a more-narrow window, but won't tell you unless you drop your drawers.

They know we are busy, can't stay home all day, and are dying to just know when our precious is arriving.
They are manipulating us to drive up their profits. :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:
All of my deliveries from UPS have never given me a window of time for deliveries. I do quite a bit of online shopping too, and much of it is delivered utilizing UPS. The tracking information typically displays an "out for delivery" message, which could be any time of day. I have come to lean that my delivery driver usually delivers to my neck of the woods in the late afternoons/early evenings. The latest they've ever delivered was almost 10pm.
Sorry about your frustration, Kenny. It sucks to wait around for things :(
Thanks Momhappy.

BTW, I just noticed this story about Staples closing 12% of its stores because nearly half of its sales are now online.

Online sales mean more delivery business for UPS and explains why UPS wants more of my personal data.
More deliveries means more precious data for UPS to sell to vendors.
UPS knows I buy a lot of camera equipment expensive enough to require signatures.
I'll bet lots of camera sellers would pay for my personal info to spam me.

Follow the money.
I just noticed that last week when I was tracking an order! I immediately thought, "what a racket." I don't receive many packages via UPS, maybe 2-3 a month?
UPS does the same thing in Australia for things that come from the US to here. FedEx, DHL and pretty well everyone else you can ring and get them to tell you if it is going out in the morning or the afternoon and a rough approx. time. UPS/USPS suck.

Why does buying new crap that we don't need feel so good?

This is weird.

Suddenly, I'm not mad at UPS any more. :lol:
Ooooohhhh! The Nikkon D800 - VERY nice :P The last camera I got for my DH was the Nikkon D7000, but he's probably due for an upgrade. Enjoy your new equipment, Kenny!
momhappy|1394152430|3628972 said:
Ooooohhhh! The Nikkon D800 - VERY nice :P The last camera I got for my DH was the Nikkon D7000, but he's probably due for an upgrade. Enjoy your new equipment, Kenny!

Thanks Mom.
Mind if I call you Mom?

Nikon's D7000 is a very fine camera and IMO an exceptional value.
I had one and maybe 40% of the pics I've posted on PS were shot on a D7000, 20% on a D200 and 20% on a D600.

Nikon and Canon make DSLRs with two sizes of sensors.
If you want to upgrade to the larger sensor you have to buy all new lenses that can project the required larger circle of light onto the larger sensor … considerably more money, size and weight. ;(
Did you get the d800 or d800e?
Karl_K|1394168525|3629112 said:
Did you get the d800 or d800e?

The D800.

These two bodies came out about 2 years ago and I have struggled with this decision ever since.
The D800e's list price is $300 more but it has resolution that is slightly higher, but it has susceptibility to moire patterns, but moire can be corrected in Photoshop.
This has always been a toss up in my mind.
That may be why I waited so long to pick one.

Also in two years there have been zillions of written and Youtube reviews comparing these two bodies.
There is no consensus.
Some say the moire problem is very rarely encountered, but others say if you shoot lots of man made things like cloth and buildings, moire will be a problem and the time spent correcting it in post is a pain in the rear if you must do it a lot.

Frankly Nikon's current $200 off incentive on the D800, but not the D800e, increased the price difference to $500 and for that price I just couldn't justify the e.

There may be an upgraded model on the horizon, D810?, D900?, which often happens after Nikon starts discounting aging models.
kenny|1394169840|3629130 said:
Frankly Nikon's current $200 off incentive on the D800, but not the D800e, increased the price difference to $500 and for that price I just couldn't justify the e.
That makes a lot of sense no way is it worth $500 more.
Which new lens did you get?