
I'm so grateful for...


Apr 2, 2006
friends who put up with me in spite of my foibles and imperfections!
So many things.

But yes, friends that understand and even appreciate my foibles are high up on the list.

The fact that I have a strong support system. A wonderful husband. My health (such as it is), my husband's heath (such as it is), my cats (such as it is).
VRBeauty|1458704983|4009680 said:
friends who put up with me in spite of my foibles and imperfections!
I have no choice since we are neighbors.. :lol:
I'm so grateful for my wonderful husband, my health, my few special friends that consistently provide free therapy when I have issues to deal with. And my beautiful daughter.
In contrast, I am grateful that I have very few friends, by choice. Life is peaceful with just my family and five good friends, only three of whom live in my town. The remaining two live in another state and another country. Having few friends means I am shielded from mean-spirited remarks, sour grapes, competitiveness, betrayals, the slow fade, and from being used. There is a distinct dark side to friendship and for me, blood is thicker than water. Life is calmer than ever before. I learned that you don't need shoals of friends to be happy, and I'm glad. I feel free of societal expectations that we must all have lots of friends, and I feel free from the burdens and disappointments that so often equal or outstrip the positive aspects of friendship. I had lots of friends for much of my life but I've found the roof won't collapse if you question the concept of friendship and the societal wisdom that it's good for you. Turns out I get along fine without lots of friends, for which I'm forever grateful. I do have many light acquaintances and find those very easy and pleasant. Just noticed that my gratitude is for the opposite reason to those stated so I thought it was worth sharing.
Jambalaya, The above was in no way meant to state that I have a lot of friends. I have a decent amount of acquaintances.

But, I really have only two friends, other than my husband, I trust with everything. I have two others I trust with most everything. And one that I believe has the potential to be a very close friend, but I've never met in person.

Also, I really adore one of my cousin's wives, but we live too far away and see each other too infrequently. And she is family so in a different category.

Only one of these friends is here in Nor Cal with me. And the others are in different states and no where near me.

Still and all I am very grateful for them. And they are who they are to me because they do accept my quirks. I can be who I really am with them. And that is precious.

And when I realized that it was 'right' for me to have just a few close friends, and that I was HAPPY with that, I was grateful too for the realization.
I am so grateful for my dh whom I am so in love with and who is always there for me with his unconditional love and support through it all.
The love and support of my dear friends and family including my sweet cats.
And that we are all in relative good health and doing well.

On a lighter note I am grateful for strong black coffee when I am first trying to wake up in the morning right at this very moment in fact.
And I am also grateful for the warm sunshine and the fact that spring is here with summer on the way.

I am also grateful for PS and PSers who are a wonderful bunch of people. You are kind, warm, generous, funny, wise and supportive.
(((Hugs))) to all of you.
My health, my DD, my DH' friends and my job.

2015 included a health scare. I feel so blessed to be hopefully past it...

My daughter and my wonderful husband who are the lights in my life. (DD also source of gray hair)

Great friends I can count on.

I love what I do... I think that truly is a blessing. 30+ years in the same industry with two companies.
The list is long but I'll keep it simple.

My DH is the best dad. Someday my children will look back and realize how fortunate they are to have such a loving father. This man does not mail it in on the dad front. Watching him with them makes my heart skip. About 2 years ago we decided he would stay home with the children temporarily while pursuing a new career path do I'm also grateful that we had the means to live on one income. It's tight but bills are paid on time, we have food on the table and my children are HAPPY. DH is ready to go back to work so the chaos of two working parents will soon begin again but I will always look back at this time fondly (easy for me to say since I was at work :naughty: ).

DD is 21 and has two children under 18 months....not exactly the path we would have chosen. But I'm so grateful they're happy and healthy. She is a great mom and her SO is very supportive and hard working. I'm grateful for him because his support makes me worry less.

I'm grateful for my small group of friends. I can be myself around them. They are all good to my children.

I'm grateful for my brother. I'm not close with my whole family (no bad relationships just not close) but he's my number one. :P We're 15 months apart and agree on almost nothing but it's okay.

I'm grateful for our health. None of us have serious health issues and that is what I feel most grateful for. I used to take that for granted but we have a friend with ALS and never again will I take the health of those I love for granted.
...The sun that shines through the windows
...The beautiful trees that line the streets on my way home
...My DH - his kindness, his generosity, how he can make me laugh
...My kitties - they are just so cute in their own way. I am totally in love with the girl kitty.
...That it has become fairly easy for me to maintain my weight / fitness / tone (where there is tone, which is mostly my upper body). I really wish I had known and followed how much nutrition/diet plays a role in how you look. I looked my best in my 30s but man if I knew then what I know and follow now. But I am grateful that at this age, I have figured it out.
...That I can still have pizza, that I can still have a bagel, that I can still have cookies.
...My one friend that I can totally be myself with. And I think she still likes me. Most of the time anyway. ::)
...Those times when I pull into the store not feeling like going and I get the first parking spot :)
...Friday nights and Saturdays and Sundays. Love the feeling of waking up on a Saturday morning, nothing planned ahead.

ETA. And you guys. Really. I come here for so much.
Gypsy|1458714926|4009719 said:
Jambalaya, The above was in no way meant to state that I have a lot of friends. I have a decent amount of acquaintances.

But, I really have only two friends, other than my husband, I trust with everything. I have two others I trust with most everything. And one that I believe has the potential to be a very close friend, but I've never met in person.

Also, I really adore one of my cousin's wives, but we live too far away and see each other too infrequently. And she is family so in a different category.

Only one of these friends is here in Nor Cal with me. And the others are in different states and no where near me.

Still and all I am very grateful for them. And they are who they are to me because they do accept my quirks. I can be who I really am with them. And that is precious.

And when I realized that it was 'right' for me to have just a few close friends, and that I was HAPPY with that, I was grateful too for the realization.

Thanks, Gypsy! Interesting post. :wavey:
CJ2008|1458742451|4009806 said:
...The sun that shines through the windows
...The beautiful trees that line the streets on my way home
...My DH - his kindness, his generosity, how he can make me laugh
...My kitties - they are just so cute in their own way. I am totally in love with the girl kitty.

ETA. And you guys. Really. I come here for so much.

All these for me too.

I am thankful for you CJ, and for this community. It's my virtual "Cheers" equivalent.
Gypsy|1458880351|4010752 said:
CJ2008|1458742451|4009806 said:
...The sun that shines through the windows
...The beautiful trees that line the streets on my way home
...My DH - his kindness, his generosity, how he can make me laugh
...My kitties - they are just so cute in their own way. I am totally in love with the girl kitty.

ETA. And you guys. Really. I come here for so much.

All these for me too.

I am thankful for you CJ, and for this community. It's my virtual "Cheers" equivalent.


I'm touched. You made my morning. <3
I'm incredibly grateful for my wonderful children, the man in my life, other wonderful people, animals and experiences with which I've been blessed.

I'm also incredibly grateful for:
- having been born in a developed country
- the ability to see, hear and be mobile

I am so thankful for:
- the ability to read (which is key to almost everything) and do math (which is fundamental to making responsible decisions)
- clean drinking water
- being able to walk down the street without being shot at
- having universities and medical facilities available to me

I'm grateful for, and amazed at, the discoveries and creations of brilliant, dedicated people; those currently living and those who have long since passed.

My life would not be what it is today without the scientists, astronomers, mathematicians, doctors, medical researchers, artists, musicians, authors, farmers, etc., who have impacted our lives with their incredible contributions.

Of course, there's more for which I'm thankful. But I'll leave it at that.

I will add, however, that I've often thought I'd never last more than a few days if I could only have and use what I create on my own; food and shelter alone would be a challenge! And no internet or PS! :shock: