
Impulse purchase - keep ir return?


Jan 9, 2008


OR return - ugh I HATE typos!!!
Oh, I say keep! It's very shiny!

Do you have any close ups?
18K WG btw.

I'll try some closeups after dinner (lemons for veggies)
Keep it, it adds a nice dimension to your stack.
Keep it, keep it, keep it! It looks beautiful with your rings!
I like it but then you are on a site full of enablers :naughty:
Thanks for the feedback bonylevy, umm I mean everybody!!!!!!
It's beautiful and ads an extra oomph. I would say: keep it pleassssse.
I'm just now recalling those Etsy bands someone bought last year (set of 3). I think they're same price for full eternity. Just popped into my head, oh dear.....
Motownmama, it looks great with your other rings. I'd keep it but then again I never met something sparkly I didn't like. :bigsmile:
Haha. That's my problem too, Marcy!
Hmm... what to do.. it's a nice dilemma. I think that if you keep it you won't be sorry and if you return it you won't be sorry..
How is that for a non committal answer? :lol:
I vote for returning it and waiting for something that truly takes your breath away!
Rubies-R-Me|1423227850|3828234 said:
Hmm... what to do.. it's a nice dilemma. I think that if you keep it you won't be sorry and if you return it you won't be sorry..
How is that for a non committal answer? :lol:
I vote for returning it and waiting for something that truly takes your breath away!

I think it pretty as can be, and it looks really nice with your stack. But I vote with Rubies- my rule is to avoid buying anything I can not live without, ya know? Obviously a weird rule to apply to luxury purchases like clothes and jewelry... but I try to only have things I adore and no doubts. :wavey:
I like it. And returning can be so inconvenient. I say keep it ;))
arkieb1|1423189883|3828084 said:
I like it but then you are on a site full of enablers :naughty:

Haha so true. I like it also if that means anything. What do you think? Will you wear it? PPW is what I always take into account.
marcy|1423200768|3828161 said:
Motownmama, it looks great with your other rings. I'd keep it but then again I never met something sparkly I didn't like. :bigsmile:

Just another reason I love you Marcy. We have so much in common. :cheeky:
If you can buy it again at the same price, I would return it and think about it. If your not completely sold on it, then it's not a great purchase for you. If it was a killer deal that you can't get again, I would keep it. I think later you would be glad you did. It looks great with your stack and it looks like a ring you could pair with a lot of different rings.
Pretty ring! If you love how it looks and are sure you'll wear it often, I would say keep it. It looks lovely with your other rings!
Everyone's made such excellent points. Thanks for thinking about it and responding. Yes - that's the ring, Pregcurious! I tried it on at Nordstroms,but ended up ordering it online. The smallest sz in store was 5, ($795),but I saw the sz 4 ($595) online;I guess it's designed to be worn above ones knuckle - cute in the pics, but so NOTme - I'm a bit too old to pull that off, and my teen daughter would be more than happy to reinforced that sentiment!

I took the tag off, IS Nordstrom and it only arrived last evening. I have a feeling I could insist they take it back if I wanted to...if........
I'm an enabler, I vote keep! I love the way it looks with your other rings


Thanks guys - everyone of you is an enabler - haha! It's probably not the best buy ever - kinda wish it were an eternity, but .....
good for you- I love it! The new photos are great. Enjoy it and wear it in good health- it looks super sparkly!