
In a ACA can you tell the difference between a G and H? Facet and culet

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Nov 25, 2008
I hear alot of people claim they will only go to G?SI1(G cut off no H?). Would an H be that difference in a soltaire setting (1 carat)? I figured I could tell if I had my mom''s say D or E beside the H but alone would I see that much yellow (setting is white gold or plat)? I cannot find an ideal cuts here at all...there is no way I can start comparing colours locally. Thank you for all your opinions.

Thin to Medium Faceted? is this ok? I was under the impression that Thin to Slightly Thick Faceted was better?

and Culet? no culet is better? How about a pointed one? Whats the cons to these flaws? The rest of the diamond seems good but not sure about this pointed problem?

thank you as always

#1, don''t worry about the culet.

#2, you want to avoid large variation in a girdle. Other than that, anything other than an extreme is fine.

And as far as the color, **I** can''t tell the difference assuming all else is equal, and I think 90% of the population can''t either. But some people say they can.
Ditto Neatfreak and I can''t tell the difference between a well cut G and H.
I agree with Neatfreak and Skippy. I can''t tell the difference between G and H.
a pointed culet is the same as none. if it is very small, you will not see it, either.

I only see AGS reports have one 0. Is this counting the light performance, poportional factions and finish OR is it just under the cut column of the certificate and the diamond I was looking at only had one 1?
Date: 11/30/2008 10:52:16 PM
Author: Icce

I only see AGS reports have one 0. Is this counting the light performance, poportional factions and finish OR is it just under the cut column of the certificate and the diamond I was looking at only had one 1?

An AGS 0 is an ideal cut that has 0-ideal light performance, 0-ideal proportions, and 0-ideal finish. It is also sometimes called AGS 000.

There briefly was one format of the report that had just 1 zero, with a column of more zeros (or other numbers) on the far right.
Date: 11/30/2008 10:16:33 PM

Thin to Medium Faceted? is this ok? I was under the impression that Thin to Slightly Thick Faceted was better?

and Culet? no culet is better? How about a pointed one? Whats the cons to these flaws? The rest of the diamond seems good but not sure about this pointed problem?

thank you as always

Thin, Med and Stk - or any combination - are all desirable thicknesses. Stk may be more desirable for a tension set mounting.

No culet and pointed culet are the same thing. The culet is a tiny flat facet polished onto the bottom of the pavilion. When a round brilliant has no culet (or pointed) it’s a 57 facet round. When a culet is present it’s a 58 facet round.

I called and its eye clean but should I be concerned about this many types of impurities?

Also I see I can hold diamonds on most of the site but not WF? Do you have to call them for that? Other sites just let me save them.


Date: 11/30/2008 11:20:55 PM
Author: Icce
thanks guy I really wanna make sure I get it right though I know I am a pain :P .

I see white lines in the arrows and I don''t see than in other scopes? Should i be concerned?

Those are tiny inclusions. If the stone is eyeclean you don''t need to worry. But it''s always good to ask.
Thanks neatfreak. The lady at WF told me it was
The interpretation of "triple zero" is all whackadoodle.

Julie is correct in practical terms. If you ask the AGSL they will have a different answer. Icce - this is not important with regard to your situation in any way, but here's a little history trivia for anyone keeping track at home.

> In 1996 the AGS triple zero was defined as a diamond with 0 in cut, 0 in color and 0 in clarity... (Ideal Cut, D, FL/IF)

> In 2000-ish many diamond sellers were promoting AGS triple zero as any AGS diamond with 0 in cut since three zeros can be seen under cut on the report (proportions 0, polish 0, symmetry 0). AGS eventually accepted this definition since it had fallen into the trade lexicon.

> In 2005 the updated light performance report continued to have three zeros under cut (light performance 0, proportions 0, finish 0).

> In 2007 the newest DQD format was introduced. There is now a single 0 listed under cut on the main page. A flap on the right breaks down the components. With the format change the AGS asserts their original position that triple zero = Ideal Cut, D, FL/IF.

0/0 - 1.000 carat. in the american gem society diamond grading standards, this would be known as the famed triple zero™>>

Interesting huh?

With all that said, I think many sellers are unlikely to stop calling all AGS Ideal cut diamonds "triple zero" anytime soon.
The pics look fantastic. If you are worried about eyeclean, just make sure that you understand their definition of eyeclean and compare it to what you find acceptable as far as eyeclean. WF can be very helpful with this.
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