
Inclusion question


Feb 24, 2014
I know that you can't tell much from an inclusion plot on a diamond cert. But I've been looking at this plot for an SI1 diamond. (The inclusions are listed as clouds and crystals.)

I assume all the long thin lines near the girdle are clouds. Being so close to the girdle, they're obviously near the surface. Is this anything to be concerned about?
Plus of course there are the inclusions right in middle of the table, which look horrible on the plot, but the diamond is listed as Eye Clean by Whiteflash. I guess I just have to take their word for it?

Just link us to the stone. Don't do the blow up the inclusions map thing.
I'll second Gypsy's suggestion that it is easier for us to comment on the characteristics of a diamond if people simply provide us with a link to the diamond.

The inclusions located along the outer edges of the diamond are "clouds" which are simply clusters of pinpoint size diamond crystals, a high resolution clarity photograph would be helpful to further determine the extent and effect they are having upon the diamond, however consulting with the G.G. at WF would be the best approach because he could walk you through the stone...

Likewise, the visibility of the diamond crystals located in the center of the table facet is something that he could ascertain for you, however it sounds like he's already declared the diamond to be eye clean. Thus the only pertinent question you might have is whether the diamond crystals appear to be light or dark when viewed through 10x and higher magnification.

With the realization that as an SI-1 clarity diamond, the inclusions should be "readily and immediately visible using 10x magnification" as that is typical of the SI-1 clarity grade.

With regards to the diamond being "eye clean" that statement generally refers to the inclusions within the diamond not being readily visible to a trained grader as seen from a distance of 9 - 12 inches, however the diamond is not scrutinized at a closer distance, from facet to facet, etc. it is merely looked at to determine whether the inclusions are blatantly obvious. And the call depends on the vision of the person looking at the diamond... this however does not bother me personally because I tend to view the inclusions within the diamond as part of the appeal of a natural diamond, its personality of sorts, and each diamond has one which is unique.
The areas around the outside of the stone are most likely Planer clouds. Often seen like this every 90 degrees or close to that. What I mean by a planer cloud is that they are narrow width clouds that extend toward the bottom of the diamond, not necessarily all the way. They are usually parallel to the bottom surface. The inclusions in the center appear to be crystals.
Thanks for the insightful replies, much appreciated. I didn't include the entire cert because I really didn't want/need a review of the other characteristics of the diamond. I'm pretty satisfied with everything aside from the inclusions. Thanks again.
bzdontpanic|1393606454|3624728 said:
Thanks for the insightful replies, much appreciated. I didn't include the entire cert because I really didn't want/need a review of the other characteristics of the diamond. I'm pretty satisfied with everything aside from the inclusions. Thanks again.

Best thing to do is bring it in and look at it with YOUR eyes. That is the only REAL test of the diamond. If you like it, great. If not, back it goes...

Wink|1393606582|3624730 said:
Best thing to do is bring it in and look at it with YOUR eyes. That is the only REAL test of the diamond. If you like it, great. If not, back it goes...


Right. That's why I'm shopping at Whiteflash -- 30-day returns.