
#JOTW Introducing my new Marquis-licious 4.31 carat ring!


Jul 8, 2011
Hello everyone!
I have been looking for a new ring for about a year now. First I was looking at warm old cut stones to set in a yellow gold Dahlia. I saw many that I liked but nothing that was the perfect combination of shape, price and size. Then a month or two ago @RedHairDontCare's thread caught my attention and I started looking at marquise rings again. I have always loved marquise stones.. there is something just so classic and mid-century about them when set in platinum with 2 baguettes. I saw one or two on Ebay that I liked from high volume sellers I have bought from in the past but neither was right either. One was a size 6.5 and the deck of the ring would hang over my smaller (size 4.5) finger.
Then THIS pretty much just dropped into my lap from a large auction house. I happened to notice it the day before the sale and couldn't get to see it in the flesh but the lovely person who helped me sent me a ton of pix and video and really described the stone in great detail. Making it even a little more complicated to buy sight unseen was the fact that it was an I1 stone. She did say (and it was 100% true) that the imperfections were really not noticeable to the naked/untrained eye. So I took a chance.. bid and won the auction!
I just received it and it's absolutely perfect.
And it's exactly my size too!!
Without further blabbing.. here it is.
Not certified.. Guesstimated by them at I/J color with medium blue fluorescence and 4.31 carats. The stone was weighed so the 4.31 is "certified."
I can't stop staring at my finger. It's so white and sparkles like crazy.
I'm not sure where I am going to actually wear this monster but even if I wear it back and forth from my kitchen to my living room and then to one fancy party a year I will be happy just to own it.
I will post more pix tomorrow with a matching wedding band that I am going to borrow from another set and some pix comparing my emerald cut M with this whiter I/J.
Thanks for sharing the shine and the smiles!FE9061B4-DAF9-4276-884F-8EB19230E8F8.jpeg69C61CF7-FDA4-4301-BBFF-DA010FD0DAA3.jpegE70F7F19-C8B6-4A21-B68D-8959DE633737.jpegsmileB9E0FAA9-98B5-4DCB-884B-B1B06BFC6F75.jpegEF719F1D-42A9-4705-B08C-656B4A8C03EF.jpegs
Oh wow it’s perfect!!!!!
Where on earth did you find it?? It’s just glorious. Looks amazing on you!
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Oh wow it’s perfect!!!!!
Where on earth did you find it?? It’s just glorious. Looks amazing on you!

Oh thank you so very much diamondyes!
It was from a large auction house in New York. :wavey:
Looks like a gorgeous marquise! Should be a head turner!!
What a gorgeous ring @Rubies-R-Me!
It looks like it belongs on your finger.:kiss2:
SHUT...UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg thats beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You’re a style icon around here so I don’t know why I’m remotely surprised. But. Wow.

That ring is phenomenal and it’s phenomenal on YOU. It *fits* so perfectly with everything that I know about you and your jewellery tastes :love: Classic, but to me… Erring more high fashion model than girl next door 8-)

And, um, the size sure doesn’t hurt either!! :bigsmile: I would NEVER have guessed this to be an I1 - what a find!! :appl: :love:
Wow. A ring after my own loves. I think it is BEAUTIFUL. Congratulations on a STUNNER!

WE NEED MORE pictures!!!
O.M.G....I am in love with this ring! Marquis is my jam, thought it might not get as much live as they deserve. I recently read that a French king or prince (can't remember which) decided to have a diamond cut like the lips of his fiancé. This was the origin of this cut. So romantic!
Wowzers! Goals! Gorgeousness! I sooo Iove the elongated look! So elegant and classic but also Blingalicious!
Wowzers, @Rubies-R-Me !!! It’s such an elegantly styled ring and looks so at home on your slender finger. i especially love the 3rd picture. Congrats on a great find❤️
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:kiss2: What a stonker! It’s gorgeous, I love marquise stones, although my Marilyn is only a modest 1.13 cts

I have a real soft spot for Marquise diamonds. Ultra feminine and unique. This is QUITE an incredible example!

id proudly wear her anytime, anywhere! :mrgreen:
That’s beautiful on you!! And it doesn’t look like an I/J or a I1 at all! Congrats on your new ring!
Stunning. Simply stunning & absolutely made to be on your gorgeous hand :kiss2:

I second @yssie in that this is classically you & you will wear it perfectly.

More pictures! Gallery, profile, close up - EVERY DETAIL!
It is indeed Marquiselicious! Wear in good health and marquiselicious blingy joy dear @Rubies-R-Me. :appl:
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I am not usually a fan of Marquise being an EC lover myself, however, this ring is gorgeous, thanks for sharing!

DK :kiss2:
OH MY!!! I just woke up to the most incredible string of sweet comments!!
I must address each one individually as I'm blown away.
You guys are the best!!!:love:
What a gorgeous ring @Rubies-R-Me!
It looks like it belongs on your finger.:kiss2:

Oh thanks so much iluvcarats! I love your pieces too.. and your avatar of course!

SHUT...UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg thats beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhhaaaaaaa blingmeupscotty! SHUT... UP!!
I laughed out loud!! :lol:
Thanks so much.


You’re a style icon around here so I don’t know why I’m remotely surprised. But. Wow.

That ring is phenomenal and it’s phenomenal on YOU. It *fits* so perfectly with everything that I know about you and your jewellery tastes :love: Classic, but to me… Erring more high fashion model than girl next door 8-)

And, um, the size sure doesn’t hurt either!! :bigsmile: I would NEVER have guessed this to be an I1 - what a find!! :appl: :love:

Hi yssie!
I'm so honored to be called a style icon by a true PS icon!
Thanks so much.:love:
It was a true leap of faith buying an I1 sight unseen but it all worked out so I'm thrilled! Thank you again for your sweet compliments.
Wow. A ring after my own loves. I think it is BEAUTIFUL. Congratulations on a STUNNER!

WE NEED MORE pictures!!!

:love:Thanks so much tkyasx78! Today is finally sunny again and I'm going to take some more with my band and my other ring to compare colors which I always think is so interesting.

O.M.G....I am in love with this ring! Marquis is my jam, thought it might not get as much live as they deserve. I recently read that a French king or prince (can't remember which) decided to have a diamond cut like the lips of his fiancé. This was the origin of this cut. So romantic!

:DOh thanks so much Mrs-Strizzle!!
I wonder if marquise are making a comeback.. I have always loved them too.
What an interesting history on them.. I bet that is true! I love that story.
Thanks so much posting that!
This is a beautiful Marquis!! Congrats on a great find!! The 'fall in your lap' diamonds that turn out to be above our expectations, are the best!! It looks perfect on your hand!! Congrats and enjoy!!!
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What a find! She looks stunning on your hand!
Wowzers! Goals! Gorgeousness! I sooo Iove the elongated look! So elegant and classic but also Blingalicious!

:love:Oh thanks so much for your sweet complients Nala! I love all your pieces too!!!

Wowzers, @Rubies-R-Me !!! It’s such an elegantly styled ring and looks so at home on your slender finger. i especially love the 3rd picture. Congrats on a great find❤️

:love:Oh thanks so much maita13!! Your words are so sweet and complimentary. I was very lucky that the day I got it was sunny and gorgeous. It really played up the

:kiss2: What a stonker! It’s gorgeous, I love marquise stones, although my Marilyn is only a modest 1.13 cts

:love:Oh Austina! Another marquise lover! Yay!! We are rather few and far between these days but I think maybe our numbers will grow. Thank you so much for your compliments.
Congratulations on that beauty:appl: Love the proportions.
It. Is. Stunning. Looks fabulous on you! Love the setting and truly enjoy seeing this once popular cut from my younger, engaging days!! Enjoy!!
That looks like 4.31 tons of fun :mrgreen2:

Haahaaaa! Yes.. what a great way to put it. Thanks so much Begonia! :love:


I have a real soft spot for Marquise diamonds. Ultra feminine and unique. This is QUITE an incredible example!

id proudly wear her anytime, anywhere! :mrgreen:

:love:Ahh.. Cerulean.. another Marquise aficionado! Thank you so much for your sweet compliments!

That’s beautiful on you!! And it doesn’t look like an I/J or a I1 at all! Congrats on your new ring!

:love:Oh thanks so much Nymf! It was a very lucky find as far as being an I1. With a loupe I was able to easily find a black line but it truly is hidden in a facet.:D

Stunning. Simply stunning & absolutely made to be on your gorgeous hand :kiss2:

I second @yssie in that this is classically you & you will wear it perfectly.

More pictures! Gallery, profile, close up - EVERY DETAIL!

Thank you so much Ally T for your very kind words and compliments. I would love to post more pix. It's a sunny day here so I will take them and post them soon.
Thank you again.:love:
It is indeed Marquiselicious! Wear in good health and marquiselicious blingy joy dear @Rubies-R-Me. :appl:

:love:Haahaaa! Thank you so much Missy! I love love love your collection and your posts.
I hope to wear it on many a marqtastic occasions! :lol:

I am not usually a fan of Marquise being an EC lover myself, however, this ring is gorgeous, thanks for sharing!

DK :kiss2:

:love:Thank you so much dk168. I'm an emerald cut fan too!! This is so opposite as far as the look of the stone (flat vs sparkly) but it just tickled my fancy. Thank you so much for your sweet compliments!

This is a beautiful Marquis!! Congrats on a great find!! The 'fall in your lap' diamonds that turn out to be above our expectations, are the best!! It looks perfect on your hand!! Congrats and enjoy!!!

:love:Thanks so much ZestfullyBling! Your screen name always makes me smile.
Yes! I do agree totally that sometimes the right stone just appears out of nowhere and turns out to be exactly what you're looking for.
Happens in life too I suppose.:D
What a find! She looks stunning on your hand!

:love:Oh thank you so much for the lovely stone and hand compliments lulu_ma!
Congratulations on that beauty:appl: Love the proportions.

:love:Thank you so much Madam Bijoux!! I appreciate your kind words!

It. Is. Stunning. Looks fabulous on you! Love the setting and truly enjoy seeing this once popular cut from my younger, engaging days!! Enjoy!!

:love:Oh thanks so much for your sweet compliments slick1! I agree that it's so nice to see a throwback to many years ago when I got engaged in 1989. Marquise stones were so popular then. I always say that things are cyclical so maybe they are poised for a comeback.:D