
Introducing myself


Dec 26, 2010
So ive been lurking this forum for months and i finally decided to post. Im 20 years old and currently living with my 25 year old boyfriend of 4 years and have a 16 month old daughter. He works for the FDNY and l'm a full-time nursing student. Me and my boyfriend speak about marriage often and we have been ring shopping and i have already decided on a ring. Although this is great because i know he is considering it I hate the waiting game. My boyfriend has such patience and even though he has taken me ring shopping i know a possible engagement is far away.

So my dream ring is a Tiffany Novo, i'm somewhat Tiffany obsessed thanks to him and although i know i can get something bigger for less im sort of set on it. We've been to Kays, Zales, Macys, and jared but have come to the mutual agreement that there is something special about the NOVO. How do you ladies deal with the waiting game? i know i have alot of waiting ahead of me and it bums me out but i know the intent is there from his part. hopefully this is my year!
Welcome! :wavey:

The Tiffany Novo is actually my dream ring, too. I don't want to pay the price of the Tiffany label but I am in love with that setting. Thanks to PS, I've found very similar settings from online vendors. There are a number of Novo fans on PS who have purchased similar rings from other vendors. Check out this post for some more info on Novo replicas.

Hope your stay here is shorter than you expect!
Welcome Caguilera,

Ooooh, advice for the wait. I wish i knew :p.

One thing I'm trying to do is expecting the furthest possible date. For example if you think / hope it will happen in 2011, aim for December 31, 2011. That way you're not disappointed when other days pass by. This is just what I'm doing at least :s.
Definately check out the thread about the "Novo" inspired rings! I love the look of the Novo but you can get similar quality (or better!) from another vendor. It might even make your wait shorter. :)

Now that's all turned on it's head if you just must have a TIffany. Then more power to you. But if you just love the style make sure to look into other options (That aren't Zales/Kays/Macy's, but vendors that know what they are doing)

The way I've managed waiting? By telling myself time flies and it'll be here sooner than I think. Welcome!!
Welcome! I hope this year is your year. I'm also a nursing student I'm in my third semester and finally graduating this year. It's hard work but it's worth it good luck.
Welcome!! :wavey: :wavey:
Welcome! :wavey: I hope your stay is short and sweet.

I agree with the other girls, if it's just the look you love I would look into getting a replica because you can get a much bigger diamond for the same price or cheaper and often they'll look even nicer! If it's the brand that's important than that's a different story.
Thanks ladies, can anyone link me to this threads! being new im not sure how to get around! Right now my boyfriends budget is 6k max! for the price we looked at a .61 tiffany novo.
I think you may find this thread really useful..

If you are going to go for a custom ring I suggest considering a square hearts and arrows stone from good old gold. You can email them and ask them what stones they have available . I worked with good old gold when selecting my diamond for my engagement ring and they were patient and extremely informative. The square H&A is a branded cut so it might be more expensive so also ask about modern cushion brilliants with a 1:1 ratio. As far as settings I have heard good things about Brian Gavin. . I used Steven Kirsch for my engagement ring and he does amazing pave work. I would also def post a thread on Rocktalky with your budget, your preference in color, clarity and the fact that you are looking for a tiffany novo inspired ring. Everyone is really helpful and will def link you some stones and settings to consider. Hope that helps and good luck in your search ! :)
Welcome! Tiffany Novo is beautiful. I agree that if you're not hung up on the Tiffany name and associated price, you can get a great replica setting with a better quality diamond.