
IPOD vs IPODmini

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Nov 19, 2004
Well, I guess I''m going to show my age here, but my fiance and I have been looking into getting an IPOD to use for our wedding music. We''re thinking we could make playlists of processional/recessional/reception music and play them via a link to our portable stereo. But we know next to nothing about IPODs (where were they when I was a teen and would have LOVED them!). I''ve been doing some research and to me the main difference between the IPOD and the IPODmini is storage capacity. I''m not sure I even have 5000 songs worth so the smaller mini at 1500 songs seems like it would work just fine. Does anyone have any opinions/suggestions for someone who owns a portable CD player. Does the mini do everything the regular IPOD does except just store fewer songs?
I have an IPod Mini, and a Shuffle. I love them both, and personally I find that the Mini is perfectly adequate, storage wise. IPods are AWESOME!!!
I bought my DH a iPod Minin this past Xmas and he loves it!! It holds about 2500 songs and he''s nowhere NEAR filling this thing up yet!! The sound quality is great as well! The iPod Shuffle, I believe holds about 150 songs, but it''s only $99....the iPod Mini is $199...
hey islanddreams,
i have the 20gb ipod. i don''t know whether or not the mini has the same features as the regular ipod. i can tell you that with the regular ipod, you can import your calendar, contacts and memos (as well as 5000 songs!) which is pretty handy. there are also some extras and games already loaded on it.
i was surprised, but i hit the 1500 song mark easily. i am glad i went with the 20gb, i looove it and don''t go anywhere without it. make sure you get a car adapter! it makes life so much easier not carrying around cd''s all the time!
btw...if you want to set up playlists, don''t get the only plays in shuffle mode!
We bought the 40gb iPod for Christmas and we love, love, love it! We use it all the time! I actually spent about a week downloading every single CD we own (about 600 of ''em) onto our hard drive and then downloaded them into the iPod. All of our CD''s are put away in boxes now and every piece of music we own is on the pod and backed up on our hard drive.

I''m debating getting the iPod mini too, so hubby and I don''t have to fight over who gets the pod for the day!
Plus, I want something somewhat smaller. I get lost in all of those songs!
If you have more songs than the mini will hold can you pick and choose from ITunes which ones to transfer to the mini?
i would assume so with the mini, yes. i can do that with mine.
I just got a iPod mini and I LOVE it!! I think they have increased the memory so it holds more GB than the first mini models. I like the mini because of the cool colors and the small size. But I know folks who have the 40GB size ipod and are extremely happy.
Date: 4/28/2005 4:34
1 PM
Author: IslandDreams
If you have more songs than the mini will hold can you pick and choose from ITunes which ones to transfer to the mini?

Yep. In iTunes there are those checkboxes along the left side. If you uncheck the box, it won''t download on your iPod. So you can pick and choose each time you sync the iPod with your computer.
Ok..thanks everyone. Next it better to get a cassette or FM adapter for my car?
Definatly FM adaptor! I used to have the cassette thing with my old car before i had a CD player... I hated all the wires going everywhere and the tape always seemed to get messed up and i would have to buy a new one.

With the FM adaptor, its all wireless. Not only does it play in your car, but any home stereo. Worth the money in my book!
fm for sure. it is worth the $$, you''ll love it!
2.gif I know..FM adapter. There are a lot of choices. Any suggestions on which ones actually work?
i have the monster digital fm transmitter & charger. it works perfectly!
I have the Griffin transmitter and adaptor. They work great. I wanted to get the Belkins stuff, but FI, who is the gadget/computer/audio freak-geek, said that he didnt know it would be worth the lower cost ie might need to be replaced, but i dont know that its true. The only weird thing was i had to get a little connector piece so that the adaptor would go into the iPod (adaptor ended in a FireWire and the iPod was a big wide thing).

Do you have an Apple store near you? I would go in there and tell them what you are really planning on doing with it, and see what their suggestions are. Everyone at the store here in VA are very helpful and friendly. And no matter where you go (best buy, target, etc), the price will be the same. The Apple stores will have both the PC and Mac versions... only place i know to get the Mac version.
if you don't have an apple store near you, you can purchase everything you need (and so much more
) at the apple store online. i found their customer service very helpful when i called. if you buy your ipod online, they will engrave it for free

btw...don't forget to get a case. i like the ones that leave the click wheel accessible.
Does the FM adaptor work well? DH has been considering one, but we haven''t heard much about the sound quality....
I have an Ipod mini and a 40 gig Ipod. (Both were gifts...)They are basically the same. As for the FM adaptor it really depends on your you have bluetooth? (IE can you just have your phone in your car and the car recognizes it and you just talk with out doing anything but hitting a button on the steering whell?) For somereason the FM things eesm to disagree with these things and dont work. The cassestte adaptor works great in my Lexuas just make sure you get one that loads the same way your players does, length vs width. The only thing i would say if you were to buy one and not both, is would you want to use it for jogging and such? If so go for the mini the arm strap is way more comfy and the larger one just wont stay up since my arm is big enough. we don''t have bluetooth in either of our cars. Will the FM adaptor work better then? (I guess less radiowave interference?). My DH doesn''t have a tape cassette in his car, so that wouldn''t be an option for us. I, on the other hand do, but it''s his iPod and he uses it for the most part..
Id go with the FM adaptor, ive had no problems at all. I've played it in my car around town, on trips (although occasionally you'll have to change the stations, but that takes all of 45 sec), in other peoples cars and even taken it inside and played it through my home stereo. The tapes on the cassette adaptors always seems to go bad on me... love the nice clean wireless-ness!
Well, my fiance got me the IPOD mini for my birthday today. Unfortunately I''m having trouble setting it up. I assume it should be quick and easy. But when I connect it to my PC it says the IPOD needs to be format. So, I click the format button and it goes into an endless cycle that says "waiting for IPOD." I''m assuming 1 of 3 things: bad IPOD, bad USB port or bad USB cable. Has anyone else had anything like this happen? We''re going to try to load it on a different PC to rule out the USB port. After that we''ll probably exchange the IPOD at Best Buy. Unfortunately there is no IPOD store close to me.
hmmm....did you try formatting it before connecting it to your computer? format, then connect. if you didn''t format before connecting, you may even want to uninstall the software, then reinstall it again. then, after you''ve formatted, try connecting the ipod.
(did i make any sense?
Thanks for the advice. I did uninstall the software and reinstall a couple of times and that didn''t work. How do I format without connecting it? Is there a menu option directly on the IPOD?
actually, i don''t remember having to format mine. i wonder if the mini is different? try going to menu>settings>reset all settings on the ipod. maybe that will get you out of the loop.
It ought to pop up when you first plug it in and you tpe in your serial number. If it doesnt work call the 800 number and get their help. My 40gig had to be sent back becuase the folder icon never went away and i could not hear anything. However they are great about such things and will ship you a box, to mail it to them in and within a week you have your ipod back or a new one. Good Luck!
Oh and I am not sure why the bluetooth messes these things up with the FM since they dont work on a FM frequency but they just dont function as well.
Well, I finally got the IPOD to work. After much searching on the IPOD website I found the error message I was getting. Turns out that items in the startup of my PC were interferring with the IPOD. So, I turned off everything but the IPOD helper and downloaded the music. Unfortunately the things that have to be turned off in order for IPOD to work are things like the backup.exe for work so I can''t live without those (MIS would notice for sure!). So, my end solution is to change the configsys everytime I want to update IPOD. It''s kind of a pain, but at least it''s a work around!

Now, that I have this working...does anyone know anything about the GriffinMiniTrip for fm transmitting?
My co-worker has the Griffin mini i-trip and i have the regular griffen i-trip. We both love it and havent had any problems.

See my previous post with more detail (~12 up) from you asking this before.
hey island,
i''m so glad to hear that you got your ipod working!
what a pain!
so do you just love it, or what? i mean, other than the work around for updating it, isn''t it great? i just love having all of my music together in one place.

sorry, i don''t know anything about the griffin transmitter. i have the monster cable. i like it because it charges too, which is handy considering how quickly the battery starts to run down.
did you try looking up some reviews for the griffin?
Belle, Yes I think I will love it. I will love it even more when I get it connected to my car and home stereo. Even Itunes on my PC is fun because now I can play all my CDs without having to change them.

NJC--I did read your notes on the fm transmitter...just didn''t realize you had the minitrip. Thanks!

And yes, I did try to read the reviews...everything seems to be all over the they are with most of the IPOD accessories.
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