
IPOD vs IPODmini

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Well... most everyone has said everything already, but I'll include my $0.02 since I'm a nut about these things.

iPod vs. iPod mini vs. iPod Shuffle

I love my iPod photo (which my wife got me cause she was tired of watching me mope around the Apple store all the time). With the Apple camera connecter I'm able to download all my digital photos from my camera to the 30GB total space on the iPod. When we were in Italy on our honeymoon, this definitely came in handy.

However, the full sized iPods are kind of bulky and I wound't recommend if you intend to workout with it. I know people that do and say its ok, but I don't think I would. Since its basically just a hard drive (like in your computer), dropping them is generally not good. (It causes the drive heads to crash down on the platters and cause 'potholes'.) Its really best for people who want to put every single song they own on it... like me!

The iPod mini is definitely more friendly to people who workout, but same applies if you drop it. iPod mini is also more purse-friendly, but you take a big hit on the storage. If you get this one, get the 6GB model.

The iPod shuffle is the ultimate workout machine. It's flash memory based which is cheap and has no moving parts. I gave one to my mom with the cassette adapter for her car and it works great. Its also a great companion to an iPod or iPod mini.

The good news is that all the iPods work exactly the same, except for the shuffle which is still pretty darn similar and intuitive.

I think the cassette adapter works great and the FM transmitter (I have the Xtreme Mac version) is ok, but on long road trips you have to scan for new stations more frequently. Alternatively, you can go to an automotive audio store and they'd be able to install a simple line-in port that goes to... say your glove box. It's pretty easy and shouldn't cost that much. I'm thinking of doing it myself. I like Xtreme Mac FM transmitter, b/c you can change the station right on the unit itself, without going through menus like the iTrip.

We used the iPod for the ceremony music, but our operator had to be a last minute pinch-hitter due to the location of the PA and well... he missed his cue, but it all turned out ok.

Also, all iPods (incl shuffle) can be used as portable hard drives to copy regular computer files like documents, spreadsheets, etc. You share the space with the songs or photos you already have on the iPod, but it comes in handy.

I would recommend getting a case for your iPod no matter which one you get. They are like scratch magnets. I babied mine until I got a case (like in 24 hours), but it still managed to get a scratch. I also fashioned an custom iPod cozie. I'm going to make some design changes and maybe start selling them. I'm adding a pocket for the headphones, a bigger port for the plug, and a belt-loop/handle to the back.

B/c I have the photo model, I also have the A/V cables which allows me to display the slideshows set to music on a regular TV. Very cool.
i bought one of those IPod Mini for my daughters lasted for 2 months,it''s in for repair.
Well I just took the plunge with a 30G iPod photo. I was going to get the mini until I went to the Apple store. Didn''t like the feel of the mini, nor the screen of the 4th gen. The 60G was took thick and heavy. Now I just need to figure out itunes.

Can you run itunes on two computers from one library over a wireless LAN?
Date: 5/29/2005 7:22:20 PM
Author: noobie
Well I just took the plunge with a 30G iPod photo. I was going to get the mini until I went to the Apple store. Didn''t like the feel of the mini, nor the screen of the 4th gen. The 60G was took thick and heavy. Now I just need to figure out itunes.

Can you run itunes on two computers from one library over a wireless LAN?
congrats on the purchase noobie!

i have no idea whether or not you can run itunes on two''s a good thought though!! if it worked, i could keep my library on one computer and free up some (lots!) disk space on the other!

let me know how it works out, if you try it.

I just tried it and found out that you can share the library over a lan by selecting the share music feature in options. Look it up in help. The slave PC just needs the itunes program, not the library on the hard drive. I haven''t figured out how to share playlists though. I think those may have to be copied over. Also remember to set the slave to look for shared music. It says you can share with up to five PCs on the LAN.

Let me know if you figure more out!
awesome noobie!! thanks for the info..... i am so glad you brought this up. i will have to go see what i can do with it now.
Hi all..

I''m resurrecting this thread because I bought my DH the JBL On Stage for his ipod mini for our anniversary. It''s basically a way to listen to the ipod without headphones. It go t GREAT reviews by Apple and MacWorld...has anyone had good luck with this thing??? This is what has happened so far...

1) Opened the gift. The box looked new, but 1/2 the pieces inside were missing, so it wouldn''t work properly. Returned it...
2) Exchanged it for a new one. All pieces were in the box. The sound is incredible!! Wouldn''t sync or charge the ipod as the box says it would. Contacted JBL..they said it was probably faulty...
3) Exchanged it for a 3rd one. Same exact results as #2

So now we have to return this one this point, I''m ready just to go directly to an Apple Store and talk to them directly to see what they recommend...GRRRRRR
wow, really? that''s too bad!

i actuallly have 3 of them (for different rooms in the house) and have never had a problem with any of them out of the box.
what generation of ipod do you have?
Date: 7/22/2005 6:45:18 PM
Author: belle
wow, really? that''s too bad!

what generation of ipod do you have?

It''s the 4th generation mini..I gave it to him for Christmas this past December I know it "should" work...yours works? It charges and syncs too?? Do you have a mini??? I''m envious!!!
all of mine work perfectly. i've never had a problem. i started out with one and loved it so much i had to get more! the sound is amazing for the size. and yes, one of the reasons i like it so much is it charges too.
what is it going to sync to when it's docked on the speaker?

i have the 20gb ipod.
For those who haven''t purchased yet, consider the Dell DJ...
I don''t have one because I''d never really use it, but my brother has gone through 3 in the past year and has had problems with every single one of them. He''s been going through Circuit City and they''ve been fabulous.

First was an Ipod mini that he bought in August 04 (I don''t know what generation that makes it). It lasted until December when it just DIED. Battery issues. Circuit City replaced it with the regular Ipod. One month later, it DIED. He upgraded it to the color photo Ipod whatever it is, and with in a week it DIED on him. He finally just took his money and has decided to spend it on something that won''t be as much trouble. I can''t blame him!

I know a couple people who havent had problems, but it seems like you hear more bad than good.
I had to give an update. I used my IPOD mini for wedding music. Our wedding was outdoors and my husband hooked up 1970/80s stereo with enormous stereo speakers to my IPOD mini. We had had created playlists for the pre wedding music, processionals, recesssionals and reception (it was outside too.) We had someone who knew how to work IPODs run it so they could select each playlist as needed and control the volume. My music minded husband was thrilled with the sound. It was pretty amazing to think that my tiny IPOD controlled the music out of those HUGE speakers.

We would have loved to have had live music, but the IPOD/great speaker combo was cheaper and since we used pop music live musicians never would have made it sound as good anyway. Now we have the IPOD hooked up at home and it is awesome. As we are merging households, I think I''m going to box up all our CDs to save space.

Thanks everyone for all your help on this!
Date: 5/24/2005 5:12:04 PM
Author: Dancing Fire
i bought one of those IPod Mini for my daughters lasted for 2 months,it''s in for repair.
Oh DF, you just had to come and spoil the fun.
I was all prepared to put this on my musthavesomeday wishlist.

Seriously though, what kind of trouble did she have with it?

Also, verticalhorizon, you said it also serves as a "portable hard drive." Do you mean like a mini cruzer? Cuz I have one of those and dual purpose, WOW.
Too cool.
Just bumping this up to share info about my new purchase! We got the Bose SoundDock which is basically a speaker system for your ipod and it''s just awesome. My FI has the regular ipod and I have the mini and there are docking cradles for each one that you can pop in and out. It also charges while it''s playing. I''m technologically challenged and it was a breeze for me to figure out!! The sound is really great. It has a remote control too. Very cool--I highly recommend it.
I don''t see a contest between the ipod and ipod mini. When you compare the prices with the GB (how much info they can hold) I can''t believe anyone buys the mini. Also if you hold them up side by side they are not that much smaller. They are colorful so I guess if that is important to you you would hate the white of the ipod. I understand that many of you think you would never have 5,000 to fill the regular one but as a graphic designer I actually use half of my GB as an external hard drive. It is a great way to store information, pictures, programs, anything. I also use mine to transfer files from my imac to my ibook. Its a great way to transfer files from your work computer to your home without having to burn 1,000 CDs.

If anyone is still deciding I would say the ipod is worth a little more money for A LOT more storage.

Just my 2 cents of course!
I just bought an apple ipod for my husband's 40th birthday and he loves it!

If you order it online through apple, you can get it engraved for free. I personalized my husband's with his full name (in case he loses it he has a chance to get it back) and a happy 40th birthday!

Date: 8/22/2005 7:23:29 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
I don''t see a contest between the ipod and ipod mini. When you compare the prices with the GB (how much info they can hold) I can''t believe anyone buys the mini. Also if you hold them up side by side they are not that much smaller. They are colorful so I guess if that is important to you you would hate the white of the ipod. I understand that many of you think you would never have 5,000 to fill the regular one but as a graphic designer I actually use half of my GB as an external hard drive. It is a great way to store information, pictures, programs, anything. I also use mine to transfer files from my imac to my ibook. Its a great way to transfer files from your work computer to your home without having to burn 1,000 CDs.

If anyone is still deciding I would say the ipod is worth a little more money for A LOT more storage.

Just my 2 cents of course!

Tacori...normally I would agree with you whole-heartedly. In fact, I''m looking at getting a 40 or 60 GB for me so I can download pictures on it when we''re traveling. However, my DH (as much as I love him) is not a techno-geek and is very limited as to the depth of what a computer can do. I got him a mini because he can barely download 1000 songs, let alone download other things, such as photos, to an ipod. He''s downloaded most of his music collection and still has more than 50% of free space left...for him, getting a 20 GB ipod would''ve been overkill...

But I''m looking forward to getting an ipod + photo!!! :D
I have been dabating about getting an Ipod Mini. Can someone tell me about battery time and how often a new battery needs to be bought? I thought I heard some bad things about batteries going bad quickly and needing to buy a new one in less than a year.. each battery was 69 or so?
have u seen the ipod nano? also cingular is offering a cell phone with itunes. i think it comes out saturday.
Date: 9/8/2005 1:24:14 PM
Author: MINE!!
I have been dabating about getting an Ipod Mini. Can someone tell me about battery time and how often a new battery needs to be bought? I thought I heard some bad things about batteries going bad quickly and needing to buy a new one in less than a year.. each battery was 69 or so?
battery life isn''t so very great. just like many rechargables, you will get more life out of it if you let the battery fully discharge before recharging it. i have no idea how much the batteries cost. i didn''t even know you could change them!
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