
Iran renames Danish Pastries

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Nov 29, 2004
Remember Freedom/Patriot Fries?

news story

As part of the general outrage at the cartoon thing, Iranian bakers have changed the name of Danish pastries to "Rose of Prophet Mohammed pastries".

If all the hoodlums who blow things up in the name of Islam would promise to behave, I''d be quite happy for the rest of the world to compromise and agree to also call Danishes "rose of Mohammed pastries". Maybe the Danes wouldn''t be too thrilled, but that''s what compromises are all about. You have to give a little sometimes.

There''s a popular pastry in France named after nuns'' naughty bits. Respect for religion seems to vary according to the nationality of the pastrychef. I wonder if sweet-toothed French Muslims have a problem asking for such an item, or if they just point?
Probably they would just pernt.

What the........?
Pettiness knows no borders I guess.
Date: 2/16/2006 8:05:35 PM
Pettiness knows no borders I guess.
Sometime during the cold war Russian Wolfhounds became "Borzois...for political reasons.

Maybe we should think up a new name for Persian cats?

Freedom Fries Anyone?
Date: 2/16/2006 8:27:40 PM
Author: MINE!!
Freedom Fries Anyone?
I''m ok with the ROPM pastries, but if they change Legos to "Iranios" I''m gonna be pissed.
Date: 2/16/2006 7:51:30 PM
Remember Freedom/Patriot Fries?

news story

If all the hoodlums who blow things up in the name of Islam would promise to behave, I''d be quite happy for the rest of the world to compromise and agree to also call Danishes ''rose of Mohammed pastries''. Maybe the Danes wouldn''t be too thrilled, but that''s what compromises are all about. You have to give a little sometimes.

Oh, but if we would also follow the same advice. Sadly, the explosions over the past few hundred years have not been coming just from the Islamic side.

Witness the birth of our own nation. The first European to alight on this continent kidnapped a poor native bugger and dragged them back to Europe like a souvenir. Then came wave after wave of others. The term "Indian giver" is quite simple: offer something and then later take it away. It wasn''t the native Americans doing the offering. As J.D. Blackfoot once sang:

"You took his land and you ate his corn
On his grave your land was born

"You took his pride and you fed him dirt
You wished him winter without a shirt
And you called this Red Man "Savage"

"After you crushed him you helped him up
To let him drink from an empty cup

"You gave him the Navy without the fleet
And made him lick your hands and kiss your feet
And you named this mad dog "Savage"

"Well I found a book the other day
So I looked up Red and White to see what it''d say

"One was a savage the other unlearned
Like a look in the mirror the tables were turned
For history has named you "Savage"

Some may wonder what the above has to do with Iran and Islam. Ask yourself, just who is the hoodlum? In 1953, Iran elected a government. The US overthrew it at the behest of British Petroleum, installed a boy puppet (the Shah), and kept him in power.

How many people really believe that the Iranian students took over the US Embassy because of religious differences? And how many believe that the attacks of 9/11 took place because of religious differences?

Now there is talk about invading Iran. Haven''t we seen this cartoon once before? Saddam, we gave him the weapons, then we invaded Iraq because of our own gifts. Now it''s Iran. We started Iran''s nuclear program, under the Shah. Now, once again, we need to invade another nation. Funny, when Israel stole our nuclear weapons technology, not one American politician spoke of invasion.

So just who is the hoodlum? Just who is the "savage?"

"Crazy Horse he was laid to rest
On a creek called Wounded Knee
But there is more buried in his grave
Than the wisest men could see"
Richard, your remarks hit home with a resounding "boom." I couldn''t agree with you more. Unfortunately, whoever created humans also gave us the nature of being territorial, which has proven throughout history to be a negative that we can''t seem to overcome. Sad, isn''t it, that we are equipped not only with the will to survive, but also with the will to crush those who get in the way of our survival when it is threatened.
RH-The term Indian Giver is used out of text alot. The Indians believe that a gift is given and returned. Then it is truly a gift. No one ''owns'' it. It really is not the bad thing it is made out to be.
Amen, precisely my point. Each of us has the power, to do good, to do evil. Nothing to do with ethnicity, nationality, religion. When our leaders attempt to drag us in one direction or another by appealing to those base instincts, let us all stand up and declare that we will not behave as savages.
So true. We are all born with free will. Why some choose one path and others choose the other fork in the road is always been interesting to me. So is the whole ''Nature vs Nurture'' idea. Religion, politics, parenting can all be factors in a persons behavior.
Indian giver. Give, then take away. It was not the Indians giving, then taking back. It was the Europeans.

But by the time I was born, the term had been turned upside down. Suddenly it became a perjorative against Indians, as though somehow they could not be trusted.

And so it has become with Iraq and Iran. Just who is the Indian giver?
Date: 2/16/2006 8:27:40 PM
Author: MINE!!
Freedom Fries Anyone?
What will become of American or Swiss cheese and Spanish Rice?
How do you just decide to change the name of something that already exists?
Well said, Richard. Thank you for your enlightening post/quotes. Call me a dreamer, but I still believe that the good in the human spirit will prevail over the bad, to put it simply. Maybe not in our lifetimes, but someday our flaws will be realized, I hope.
Monarch, I share your ''Pollyanna'' attitude (That''s what I''ve been called my whole life) I think those like us are put on the earth to be the peacemakers of the world.
It''s probably the lack of meat in our diet
Date: 2/17/2006 1:40:35 AM
Author: moon river
Monarch, I share your ''Pollyanna'' attitude (That''s what I''ve been called my whole life) I think those like us are put on the earth to be the peacemakers of the world.
It''s probably the lack of meat in our diet
Yes, the lack of bloodlust can certainly clear one''s head, hee hee. I mean, if it''s ok to kill something to survive, why not take it to the next extreme, and go on from there?
Respect for life in general takes a backseat from that point, IMO.
saw a movie today [surprise surprise!] that i recommend checking out regarding this fight for territory: WHY WE FIGHT.

lots of eisenhower footage, interviews with senator mccain, lots of the pnac people, and lots of US history since WWII:

movie zombie
That is JUST as hysterical to me as Freedom Fries. DUH! Kinda stupid when we did it, kinda stupid that they''re doing it.
Richard, there are only two things wrong with your posts; the style and the content.
Ah, let''s avoid intellect and simply label. Indians = bad, Jews = bad, Arabs = bad, Chinese = bad, Persians = bad. Gays = bad. Foreigners = bad. When we disagree, let''s not discuss where we disagree, but simply paint in knee-jerk prejudice.

The funny thing is, when you follow your logic and mine to its logical conclusion, we both appear to condemn the entire human race.

We all suffer from the condition that has led to countless attrocities.

And we all possess that which can allow us to transcend such behavior. We do not need to support tyrants, we do not need to treat those born on the opposite of an artificial line as somehow deserving of less than what we ourselves desire. Jesus was a foreigner. Find me the passage in the Bible where Jesus said we should make war with others. Find me the place where he discussed preemptive strikes. Find me the passage where he discussed water boarding and extreme rendition as a necessary tactic. Find me the section where he called for the use of dogs to attack prisoners.

I''m ready, please discuss. I believe we can do better. How about you?
while this is a ''jewelry'' forum, it was my understanding that those wishing to ''discuss'' political issues could do so in ''around the world''. perhaps our ''hosts'' would reconfirm this.

rodentman, i think the following was over the line: "You don''t have the common sense to even leave your radical ramblings off your website. I hope your $98 book contains a low of photos and precious little text."

imo, personal attacks on anyone''s professional choices are best left off any thread at pricescope.

movie zombie
Rodentman, please refrain from personal attacks and keep the conversation civil. Your last two posts were deleted.
Date: 2/17/2006 1:10:30 AM
Author: Richard Hughes

Witness the birth of our own nation. The first European to alight on this continent kidnapped a poor native bugger and dragged them back to Europe like a souvenir. Then came wave after wave of others.

Good point, Richard. It would appear that the wheel of fortune is turning against the European immigrants/invaders. Hoist with their own petard:

Poll of British Muslims

''40% of UK Muslims'' want Sharia Law

Four in 10 Muslims in Britain want hard-line Sharia Law introduced in parts of Britain, an ICM poll revealed.

One in five also expressed sympathy with the "feelings and motives" of the July 7 suicide bombers who killed 52 innocent people in London.

However, while British Muslims come over as alienated from mainstream society, 91% said they feel "loyal" to Britain.

The survey, for the Sunday Telegraph, follows a fresh protest in Trafalgar Square by thousands of Muslims against the cartoons of the prophet Mohammed.

Sadiq Khan, the Labour MP appointed to the task force set up after the 7/7 attacks, called the findings "alarming".

"Vast numbers of Muslims feel disengaged and alienated from mainstream British society," the MP told the newspaper.

Sharia Law, which is practised in large parts of the Middle East, specifies stonings and amputations as routine punishments. Religious police are responsible for bringing suspects before special courts.

Sharia should be introduced in "predominantly Muslim" areas of Britain, according to 40% of the 500 Muslims polled. Almost the same number, 41%, opposed the move.

I find this "alarming" too. I would however be interested to know the gender of the 500 Muslims polled. Sharia law seems to me to be inherently anti-female, with gang-rape of his sister deemed a suitable punishment for a male''s crime.
Date: 2/18/2006 10:13:32 PM
Author: cinnabar
Sharia law seems to me to be inherently anti-female, with gang-rape of his sister deemed a suitable punishment for a male''s crime.
female as property and she is now ''damaged goods''?

it is indeed scary that there is that high a percentage that would want sharia law implemented ''within muslim communities''. the disconnect between being a citizen of great britain and yet wanting ''separate'' law is troubling.

movie zombie
I''m as guilty as the Rodent. While I argue against escalation, I push exactly the same buttons. Mea culpa.

Guess this is what I find really wrong with the world today. As the Danish cartoon controversy shows, it''s so easy to make each other even more angry. The trick is to calm the waves of passion.

We can continue the escalation, or we can search for some common ground, shared values. Call me silly, but we all have something to gain from defusing the current BS, much to lose if we don''t.
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