On 10/10/2003 9:23:51 AM Arlington wrote:
WHY CAN'T D.C. GET A BASEBALL TEAM!?!?! We have the infrastructure (Metro), the money and the desire.
I even live within walking distance from one of the potential stadium sites.
On 10/10/2003 4:54:28 PM Iceman wrote:
D.C. use to have one. It was called the Washington SenatorsThat will date me
Speaking of Triva was it in the 1985 back to the furture movie part II that biff goes into the future and gets the list of teams that won games from the last 25 years, brought if back and made millions on bets.
Didnt the kid pick up an artical that said the Cubs won the world seris in 2003 ? If that is true that would be weird, I will check on this.----------------
On 10/10/2003 5:58:57 PM sylvesterii wrote:
yeah, without the senators, there would be no twins. since we stole the team!----------------
On 10/12/2003 2:50:44 AM bluescharm wrote:
OOOOH, I have to say, though, that today I was still mentally exhausted from watching the 4 1/2 hour nailbiter from yesterday I could barely stand it. Natasha----------------
Watch it yourself.----------------
On 10/12/2003 12:25:36 AM DancinGirl wrote:
Hey LawGem watch it, boy...
On 10/13/2003 3:16:40 AM DancinGirl wrote:
LawGem, so sorry babe. Maybe it will happen someday!
On a side note - I have to say I don't blame Martinez at all for taking down the old man - he swung at him!! And I am not saying that just cause I am a Sox fan... that old man has got to be out of his mind for going at him like that. DUH!
On 10/15/2003 12:04:58 PM Denise wrote:
Did anyone watch the game last night ???? They said on the radio this morning that the fan who TRIED to catch that ball should go into the witness protection program. If I were him, I would definintely be scared ----------------