
Is it crazy to buy more of the same CS in a different size?


May 17, 2014
Don’t laugh but I have a bit of a dilemma.

I have my holy grail ring in this stone and colour already but lately I’ve come to realise that perhaps a smaller version would be very useful for everyday wear. The holy grail version is a tad on the very large size scale and can be unwieldy on casual trips out.

Is that foolish? I’m very much about wearability and lately I have been finding that some of the smaller rings are very useful to wear out with the kid to more casual places, say to eat fried chicken etc
I would say of course it's not crazy.. do it.. what's the worst that could happen? Your sister would claim it haha. It's never a loss if it stays in the family lol.
Well, if no one bats an eye at someone having multiple diamond rings in different sizes or shapes; why should CS be different? Get the smaller stone!! But perhaps in a different shape.

Only thing I’d do would be to get the ring set differently though. I wouldn’t want a Mama Ring and Baby Ring pair, if you know what I mean!
Don’t laugh but I have a bit of a dilemma.

I have my holy grail ring in this stone and colour already but lately I’ve come to realise that perhaps a smaller version would be very useful for everyday wear. The holy grail version is a tad on the very large size scale and can be unwieldy on casual trips out.

Is that foolish? I’m very much about wearability and lately I have been finding that some of the smaller rings are very useful to wear out with the kid to more casual places, say to eat fried chicken etc

Not at all! Makes sense, but I have a feeling your ‘smaller’ ring won’t be that small.
Anyway I think it is nice to have different sizes of the same kind of gem so you admire it in different cuts and shapes.
I have many CS pieces that are on the smaller, less blingy side that I wear when going out to stores, etc. Not crazy, lol.
I'll go against the grain here and say no. I think when we truly find a HG piece it's such a special experience to find something so exquisite, and then to purchase and own it. It'll always be special in its own right. I think the temptation can be to want to buy a double of the item, or something similar, to get that same "high" that came from finding the one-of-a-kind treasure. But the second piece is never going to live up to the first, and to have two very similar items in your jewelry box is less fun than you'd think. Plus, every time you look at it, you'll know it's not "the one."

I'd re-imagine what you're looking for. If you do want a smaller piece that's more wearable, I'd think through what that could be in its own right. If your HG is a 5ct ruby, what else could you be delighted by that's small and practical? A small pink spinel? A tsavorite? A gyspy-set diamond? There is so much charm and beautiful pieces out there. Seek color, verve, excitement!!!
I just had my little tiny spinel set in a snake ring. I think it would be very reasonable to someday have another spinel in a similar color in a totally different ring. Like there's no universe where one of the two rings below is the Mama and the other is the Baby, they're just way too different! So if you want an everyday ring (which as mentioned won't be small, who are we kidding!), just have it be so different that the only similarity is the gemstone and color.

My new little Cheyenne Weil snake:

Super blingy IVY New York:
Don’t laugh but I have a bit of a dilemma.

I have my holy grail ring in this stone and colour already but lately I’ve come to realise that perhaps a smaller version would be very useful for everyday wear. The holy grail version is a tad on the very large size scale and can be unwieldy on casual trips out.

Is that foolish? I’m very much about wearability and lately I have been finding that some of the smaller rings are very useful to wear out with the kid to more casual places, say to eat fried chicken etc

Not laughing, just concerned that you could be wasting money on smaller CSs and have them set, to find you prefer to wear the larger existing pieces instead, based on what I know from your posts on PS.

I have jewellery wardrobes for casual, business formal and formal evening occasions, just like I do with clothes and accessories.

The rings in the causal wordrobes are less blingy and I don't have to "baby" them, if you know what I mean.

I built my jewellery collection over the years starting with smaller pieces with cheaper CSs, some of which I no longer wear as I prefer my better ones.

Perhaps getting a costume piece in a smaller size to try for size to see if you like it first before spending more money on the real thing would be my suggestion.

DK :))
Thanks everyone. I’m so torn!!! It’s only one particular CS that I’m after, definitely not a smaller version of everything.

I think it’s because my rummage ring strategy has worked out very well, so it’s not all bad to add a rummage ring to the collection.

I’m cracking up at you ladies saying it won’t be small! Hehe let’s see where I land, if I take off at all!
No and good idea!

Can I come with you for the fried chicken?
Not laughing, just concerned that you could be wasting money on smaller CSs and have them set, to find you prefer to wear the larger existing pieces instead, based on what I know from your posts on PS.

This was my initial thought as well. @mellowyellowgirl with a small stone on her finger? Has the sun risen in the west and set in the east?

I remember you had a small-ish (on your scale) blue sapphire ring that you used to wear before going ka-boom on blue sapphires as well, what happened to it? Do you still wear it? Did you enjoy wearing it before even though it was "small" (sorry, I can't bring myself to use that word for a ~3ct sapphire without quotation marks)?

Cause I'm thinking, if that one did end up feeling too small for you... I mean, the next two blues are chonkers... Then what's the point of getting a smaller version of a ring you already love?

On the other hand, you did discover you liked blue despite expectations, so maybe you discover you like smaller stones?

...I'll be honest, I wrote that last sentence, and then I read it, and I'll believe it when it happens, but until then... :lol:
Have you thought about getting one of those ring holder pendants so that you could take off your ring and keep it safe while you need to use your hands for dirty/rough work?

How to use a ring holder pendant

DK :))
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I like to have a variety of rings to wear for various levels of dress. Sometimes small and snot sized is right for the occasion. Plus, I am able to rotate the wear and tear by having multiples of my favorites. No blue is exactly the same, and rings take a lot of abuse, no matter how careful we are, so I share the love!
@mellowyellowgirl we know you’re a size queen, lol. But I will never discourage someone from buying another CS, esp one that has a practical purpose as a “rummage ring” :lol:

Which color is it??? I can’t wait to see what you consider “small” hahaha
I have my holy grail ring in this stone and colour already but lately I’ve come to realise that perhaps a smaller version would be very useful for everyday wear...smaller rings are very useful to wear out with the kid to more casual places, say to eat fried chicken etc...

Nope. Never been done. Just crazy-talk.

Of course! I assumed we all do this?! The alternative is buying different gems every time -- and there is a very finite number of durable, beautiful gems!

I dream of a Hemmerle-style ring ("NSFW," as the kids say) but what I wear all the time is a tiny sapphire. Spouse has a killer sapphire that never leaves the safe-deposit box. And even wearing her "B" sapphire ring, she has an even lesser one that she keeps in rotation to halve the wear on that one.

I think rings are like shoes -- you can never have too many and you may find that the very best ones never get worn...

All that said, I do not have a designated fried-chicken ring but I am seriously considering one now. To go with my killer baby-back ribs ring. Oh, and my hotdog-eating-contest ring.

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