
Is it normal for sapphire melee in a new jewelry piece to have abrasions/small chips/scratches?

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
I can feel most of them with my fingernail. Here's one example.

Noooo not at all. Unless it's vintage or second hand and then it could come with wear and tear.
Noooo not at all. Unless it's vintage or second hand and then it could come with wear and tear.

Ah, got it! I thought because sapphires were softer than diamonds that this might be typical. It's a new custom piece, so I will talk to the jeweler.
Ah, got it! I thought because sapphires were softer than diamonds that this might be typical. It's a new custom piece, so I will talk to the jeweler.

They should be checking the melee before they pop it in and it shouldn't be scratched!!!!
They should be checking the melee before they pop it in and it shouldn't be scratched!!!!

I thought so too but I can be OCD, so thanks for confirming what I thought!
Good luck! They better fix it for you!!!

I hope we can see the ring when it's sorted!!!
I would certainly hope that that’s not normal!
Oh no, it is not normal. Was the bench that set them experienced with colored stones or even experienced in general?

When I had my pink spinel recut, the jeweler that reset it back into the ring made an abrasion on one of the facet junctions on the table. Luckly its barely noticeable, I didn't feel like sending it back for another recut/polish and reset, and it was set slightly crooked too. I learned how important using an experienced and reliable bench is... Should be an easy fix in the future though.

The jeweler should definitely fix that for you.
No, I don't think so....especially in a new piece of jewelry...I hope they fix it for you!
I can feel most of them with my fingernail. Here's one example.

I'm cross-posting here to see if anyone has advice on what to do when a jeweler disagrees with what you see. The online jeweler now has the piece back and says they aren't seeing what I'm seeing, other than on the most obvious stones.
Can you tell us what they are agreeing they see and what they are disagreeing with what you see?
Can you tell us what they are agreeing they see and what they are disagreeing with what you see?

Hi 2Neezers, they are agreeing that two stones are damaged. They are disagreeing that any other stones are damaged. I had sent photos circling all the damaged ones.
Hi 2Neezers, they are agreeing that two stones are damaged. They are disagreeing that any other stones are damaged. I had sent photos circling all the damaged ones.

Thanks for breaking it down for me!
I’m assuming they have agreed to replace the two damaged stones they see.
What would you like to have happen if they don’t agree to fix the other issues you see?
Do you have payment protection as an option, since you have pictures of the damaged stones they aren’t agreeing to switch out?
Thanks for breaking it down for me!
I’m assuming they have agreed to replace the two damaged stones they see.

Yes, they've agreed to that at least.

What would you like to have happen if they don’t agree to fix the other issues you see?

I honestly don't know what the right answer is. I want the piece, but of course I want it with undamaged stones, so I'm really not sure. Can I ask what you would do, in my place?

Do you have payment protection as an option, since you have pictures of the damaged stones they aren’t agreeing to switch out?

I partially paid by credit card, but I wouldn't want to use cc protection as an option. They are a small business. I guess I still feel a sense of loyalty for having been a customer with them for a while.
Yes, they've agreed to that at least.

I honestly don't know what the right answer is. I want the piece, but of course I want it with undamaged stones, so I'm really not sure. Can I ask what you would do, in my place?

I partially paid by credit card, but I wouldn't want to use cc protection as an option. They are a small business. I guess I still feel a sense of loyalty for having been a customer with them for a while.

I have been following your threads and hope you get this worked out, I know it would bother me. You have been very diplomatic in the way you've spoken about it but I am hoping that once you have a resolution you will post a review of the vendor so the rest of us can be careful going forward.
Yes, they've agreed to that at least.

I honestly don't know what the right answer is. I want the piece, but of course I want it with undamaged stones, so I'm really not sure. Can I ask what you would do, in my place?

I partially paid by credit card, but I wouldn't want to use cc protection as an option. They are a small business. I guess I still feel a sense of loyalty for having been a customer with them for a while.

This is a tough situation. You’ve been a loyal customer and I think they would like to see you happy. If they’re not seeing what you’re seeing, that makes me wonder if they consider the amount of damage to the stones they haven’t agreed to replace as acceptable.

It‘s a little hard to say what I would do if I were in your place, since I don’t know all of the details, so this might not be the best advice in your case!

In your RT thread you mentioned you brought the piece to your local jeweler. I think it might be worth mentioning what the local jeweler saw under their loupe to your online jeweler, as the opinion of another set of eyes in the same profession.

When you said above, “I want the piece, but of course I want it with undamaged stones”, that would be a good thing to tell to the online jeweler. It sounds like you don’t want to dispute the charge and you want the piece, so I would ask your online jeweler to look the piece over closely with a loupe and replace any damaged stones they see before sending it back to you.

I’m not sure what else you could do at this point without a dispute or asking for a refund, but others here might have better ideas.
I hope you get a piece you are happy with in the end!
I’m having a hard time understanding how they could not see what you see unless maybe one of the flaws is a tiny ‘natural’ inclusion that doesn’t cause any visual or structural issues. If that’s the case and you can live with that then maybe all is well. If you think there are more major flaws like cracks that they aren’t admitting to then I would definitely point out that you are a long time customer who has given them lots of business and that this is the first time there has been any problem but you aren’t feeling like they are treating you like a loyal customer. Tell them you want to keep doing business with them but you are disappointed in the quality of this piece and feel strongly that they should replace all stones in question.

I hope that helps.

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